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Topics - andrew

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Site Feedback / Bug - Deleting a game
« on: January 28, 2012, 03:30:29 am »
I separately deleted a NES [NA] & GB [NA] game from my Collection. After clicking delete neither game immediately disappeared from my Collection. Because of this you can click delete multiple times, and doing so reduces your item count by one for each click. After refreshing, everything returns normal.

Someone needs to see if they can get into negative numbers... Maybe the site will blow up.

It's been quite annoying moving games from Wish List to Collection. Right now, if I'm on Collection, then I have to click Wish List -> Platform (I have a large list, so this is the quickest way to find a game) -> Move to Collection -> Yes -> Collection -> Platform (hopefully it's on page 1) -> Edit -> Submit. Now times this by 4, or 50.

Can we save all the clicking and search for a game and move it with details directly?

Classic Video Games / How is Final Fantasy XI packaged?
« on: November 30, 2011, 05:21:26 pm »
I just found a copy at a local thrift store, but I'm unsure how to add it to My Collection. I took this pic off ebay:

I have the game and manual which slide into a slipcover. In the game are 2 disks and the Quick Start Guide. I don't the the PS Underground card. The game says Not For Resale across the front and there is no barcode on it. There is no barcode on the slipcover.

Is this how Final Fantasy XI came? Where was the barcode? Was this part of the HDD bundle? If this is part of the bundle, how did the single release come? For the single release all I can find is the Not For Resale box art with no barcode.

Site Feedback / List SNES cart styles as variations?
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:10:58 pm »
Here is picture of the two different styles.

Site Feedback / Recycled Box Variation
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:05:39 pm »
Since this post was deleted, I thought it would be good to bring it back.

Basically there is a variation in the percentage of recycled material used in the box. We agreed to add these as separated entries in the database. @scott would you mind adding the entry again as a template to keep the listings style guide friendly.

The first box says 78% Total Recovered Fiber / 73% Post Consumer Content, and the second one is 100% / 55%. All of my boxed N64 games are one of these two percentages, 3/4ths are of the latter variety.

Be on the lookout for other boxed games, such as Game Boy and SNES. (All of my boxed Game Boy games have the same percentages listed. However, they are different numbers than the ones listed above.)

Site Feedback / Slip Covers
« on: October 29, 2011, 08:44:29 pm »
Some games are released both with and without slip covers. For example, I ordered Deus Ex: Human Revolution from amazon and it came with a slip cover, but I just seen it sitting on a store shelf being sold without the cover. For some older games it might be hard to know if a game was released both with and without a slip cover. How should we handle this? Separate entries? A check box under the barcode in the game description indicating that there is a slip cover, but maybe not for each release? Something else?

Classic Video Games / Shin Megami Tensei
« on: September 08, 2011, 01:20:17 am »
I have never played any games in this series, and I'm looking at getting into it. The Wikipedia page had a lot of Shin Megami Tensei games listed, so I'm wondering where to begin? What are your favorites?

Also, I'm thinking about getting Devil Survivor Overclocked for the 3DS, but I'm not sure if it follows the story line form any previous games. Advice?

Site Feedback / Game Contents Text Field
« on: September 08, 2011, 12:24:00 am »
For every listing (games, hardware, accessories, etc.) I think we should include a new text field that would be used to list all pack-in contents (manuals, inserts, maps, dust covers, artwork, etc.). I know we use the Description field to do this now, but I think both are needed to provide the best overall descriptions. Here is a pretty well known list for NES games: .

Be sure to check out the hardware listings at the end. I think it would be great if we could do this for all of our items and list it in a newly created contents text field. The author created this list by opening sealed games and cataloging his findings. (Can we trust him for sure? Maybe he should have video taped himself opening the sealed games....) For accuracy reasons, this is definitely the best approach. If this sounds like a good idea, and we want to start with the list above, then we may need to author's permission.


Site Feedback / PlayStation Long Boxes
« on: September 07, 2011, 12:52:58 am »
I bought my first PS1 long boxed game (Twisted Metal), so I had to research it a little. Evidently, there are 3 different box styles and some game variations. Here is a comprehensive list: .

How to properly add all of the variations? See @scott and the Style Guide.

Site Feedback / Recently added to collection/wishlist for users
« on: September 01, 2011, 08:18:03 pm »
I kinda mentioned this idea randomly in another thread, but I would like to get it out there again. Not only would it be fun to have, but also it will help identify any accidental additions.

Edit: Removed text from partially deleted sentence.

General / Nintendo Power Subscriber Editions
« on: September 01, 2011, 01:18:50 pm »
I was adding some images for a couple Nintendo Power entries when I noticed that there were some cover variations for one of the issues. After investigating, I found that Nintendo Power is printed with two covers each month, one for newsstands and the other for their subscribers. Can someone confirm this before I start adding new entries to the database? I mean this website ( ) has complete listings, but I wasn't sure whether or not they were for different regions.

If this is correct, then style wise how should I add the new entries. Yeah, I calling for @scott....

p.s. I still haven't figured out how to hyperlink.

Site Feedback / spacing issue between text on individual item page
« on: September 01, 2011, 12:03:38 pm »
Between "how many users have an item in their collection" and "how many users have an item in their wishlist" there various amounts of spacing between different items. So far, I have found 4 levels of spacing:
i) Normal spacing: ;
ii) Hmmm: ;
iii) (@_@): ;
iv) WTF: .

I'm sure there are other spacing differences, and four examples was probably too much. Oh yeah, I'm browsing with Chrome.

Site Feedback / Majesco
« on: August 31, 2011, 11:57:36 pm »
You know that company that makes those shitty re-released games? Should we add them as separate entries?

Honestly, I don't know much about Majesco, but they manufactured low quality SNES and Genesis games and re-released them for all of us to buy! There are usually some obvious differences that distinguish them from the original releases. In my collection, my Majesco SNES games all appear to be Made in Mexico (vs. Made in Japan), have black-and-white manuals, different labels on the back of the carts, and the Majesco name on the box. It's easy to tell that they are made from cheap plastic. In one case, the back label in imprinted into the cart, so really there is no label at all.  They also manufactured the Genesis Model 3, and I believe they re-released the Game Gear.

Avoid them! You don't want to buy the Majesco Super Castelvania IV with nice black-and-white manual do you?

General / Zelda 3DS demo cart
« on: August 25, 2011, 11:33:00 pm »
I was in Target today and they had a Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS demo cart. The title included the word demo, and there were three playable sections you could jump to. I only remember that you could jump to the first boss, and you had two bottles in your possession, one filled with red potion.

Who wants to give me one?!

is not the official box art that should be submitted. I have corrected a few cases of this, and all of them so far have been the wrong box art. I'm assuming they use the RP rating while the game is in development for promotional purposes. However, that box art is certainty better than none and obviously needed if the official box art hasn't been released.

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