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Topics - trinitis

Pages: [1]
General / I need ideas for a gaming throne. Show me your gaming seat.
« on: December 08, 2012, 05:17:28 am »
Title says it all.  I need ideas for a chair for my gaming space I'm setting up in my bedroom.  Show me your gaming spot!

Classic Video Games / NES system - Best place to buy?
« on: December 01, 2012, 04:30:01 am »
I'm trying to get ahold of an NES system for my collection.  I'm not sure if I should get a classic one or a top loader yet, but at this point I need to find one that is not insainly priced.

Any ideas?

General / What kind of game collector are you?
« on: November 29, 2012, 07:25:12 am »
Just curious, as I can see a lot of your game collection totals on your posts.  I see a lot of people over 1000 games, and I can't imagion getting that high.

I, personally, only collect the games I enjoy and want to play/replay.  So everything in my wishlist is games I actually want to play and keep (from past experience and/or sequals to a series I liked).

So are you a get one of every game person?  Or just games you like?

Off Topic / Proper TV for gaming?
« on: November 28, 2012, 11:58:00 pm »
I'm looking at getting a TV for my room, as I wish to have all my game systems set up there (I share a 5 bedroom house with 5 roomies).  I'm having a hard time sorting through all the BS that is spread over the web about needing X or Y for it to be a decent gaming TV.  Any imput?  If at all possible, I'd like to find something in the 32-ish inch range that could play my PS3 and 360, but still give a decent picture for my SNES and N64.

General / Wish List addition
« on: November 28, 2012, 11:39:21 am »

As a new user to the website and a new collector, I would like to request an addition to the site.  I saw this was mentioned before when I searched the boards, but it was an old topic so I figured I'd bring it up again.  I'd like to see the option to bulk add games to my wish list.  As a new collector, my wish list has much more additions then my collection and this point and it would greatly speed up my sorting and such.



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