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Topics - mchaso

Pages: [1]
General / Most expensive game developed
« on: September 07, 2013, 05:31:26 pm »
So I heard GTA IV is the most expensive game developed with a cost of 100$ million. Do you guys think this was reflected in the game itself? I mean, this game is the highest rated game of all time (98/100 on but I do not thinks it deserved a score this high. I like this game but it's a bit too realistic in terms of gameplay (the way the character moves etc.). I'd give this game an 85 or so (mainly because I played it on pc and it's a very poor console port). What do you guys think?

Also, does anyone know any other games with such high development costs?

Site Feedback / Alphabetical order in wish list & collection
« on: August 03, 2013, 06:23:08 pm »
So basically I want to be able to browse through my wish list & collection by letters instead of numbers, and when the beta first launched, this briefly appeared and then quickly reverted back to numbers. I assume this was intentional and will be implemented in the new site layout when the beta ends, or am I wrong?

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