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Topics - oshaboy

Pages: [1]
General / any game developers on this site
« on: September 25, 2013, 07:37:09 am »
if anyone here is a game developer i would like to get development tips
i am a newbie in game development and i am working on an indie project of 2 people and i want tips
and maybe that can be a forum on vgcollect about game developing tips

thanks to any replies

Site Feedback / you are one of the most underrated sites on the internet
« on: August 17, 2013, 06:47:43 am »
don't know why people don't use you more
you need more people on the site

just read the title
<a href = ""><img src = "" alt="My Video Game Collection" /></a>

Modern Video Games / team foretress 2 RETAIL???
« on: June 24, 2013, 10:49:11 am »
i understand people who bought it retail before the download version came out, but why buy the retail version THESE DAYS
the download version is absolutely free and no discount can get you to pay less than a cds weight in aluminium + box weight in plastic and manual weight in shiny paper + 0.01$
so i am just asking how can you justify buying the retail version
maybe there is some secret reason i don't know about

Site Feedback / when do free games count
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:03:31 am »
free games do not have collector value
but some are in vgcollect and some arn't
when do they count
becuase some games such as
team foretress 2
super crate box
and realm of the mad god all are in the site
but games like
narbacular drop
spelunky (PC)
and mighty jill off arn't
i think non should be in the site becuase of so much of them and that everyone can have them

if you go to browse and click magnavox odyssey [NA] you will see there are no games
but plenty of boxed games which included new overlays game aids and instuction manuals (and even new carts) have been made
so if you want you can complete the magnavox odyssey boxed game section
just so the site will be awesome
but it is hard to find pictures

so if you want you can complete the boxed game section

Site Feedback / erasing games
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:47:02 am »
why won't you add an erase feature
the notification will be sent to the programmer of the site
for example to erase this thing 43422
and if it is in people's collection
send them a replacement to add to collection
like item 36320
seems like a good idea
-a random guy-

Site Feedback / 3DS virtual console and more stuff
« on: April 21, 2013, 09:11:53 am »
i have a few problems with the database
1. there is a category for 3DS virtual console games and a category for 3DS e shop games, but some 3DS VC games say they are e shop games and i know it doesn't sound like a problem but i like my games categorized
2. there is no category for smartphone games, well i don't really like smartphone games, but i still think these games should be here, i know smartphones aren't gaming systems, but neither are personal computers
3. there are wrong virtual console pictures, well i don't like NES boxart on VC games, i have a tip, go to search for the game name and there are pictures ready to copy, hope i helped increase the database's reliability
anyway i think that is it don't hate the site, it is just stuff that should be improved, hope someone will help

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