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Topics - sessiz

Pages: [1]
Classic Video Games / APF M1000
« on: June 28, 2012, 09:54:35 am »
I posted a pic of my apf m1000 in this thread ...,1418.0.html

... and it seems that a couple of people are interested in it so I decided to make a new thread about it.

When I first got the console from my friend Vic I plugged it in to test and found that it booted up and read the carts but the controllers were unresponsive. I took the console apart and gave it a good cleaning and then tested it again, no change. There it sat until today. I decided that I would give it another try before I go taking it apart. I plug in the system, put in a cart and fire it up. I get a game selection screen (breakout clone with a few different game modes) so I move the joystick up down, nothing. I press the corresponding number button to the numbered selection .... game starts. I move the joystick and the onscreen "breakout paddle" moves ....  :o
Next I choose a 2 player mode and check the second player controller and it fires ...... but now the first player controller has no response. I reset the system and now there's no game selection screen, just starts up into one of the game modes and the first player joystick moves the onscreen paddle.....  :-\

What I'm figuring is that one of the joysticks or both have a stuck button or two or three. I'll have to take those joysticks apart and see if a good cleaning will do the trick. I'll be taking some high res pics as requested and posting them here. Here's keeping my fingers crossed.

Marketplace / WTB SMS games + TG16 games
« on: June 15, 2012, 07:56:58 pm »
I'm looking to beef up my sega master system and turbo graphx 16 libraries.
Money is tight so I'm looking for "cheap" carts and cards.
Condition isn't really an issue as long as the games play.

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