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Topics - leira

Pages: [1]
Need new fields to add youtube trailer, and links to some big site's review, like IGN, GameTrailers. Besides, we need to rate our own games too, and comment on it. And game lists can be sorted by rating, collected counts. If it takes too much effort to maintain a trustable rating system, simply refer to one of the trustworthy big site's rate is also acceptable.

Site Feedback / Search feature sucks
« on: September 10, 2013, 01:53:09 pm »
I have to complain, the search of vgcollect sucks. Like I tried to search batman: arkham asylum, I have to type in precisely "Batman: arkham asylum", not "Batman Arkham", "Batman Arkham Asylum" even worse! And if you search simply "Batman", you are screwed, thousands of ancient games pop up to hunt you, you will never find your game in the first half list.

Please, use a decent search engine, not just simply student string match. And, a filter based on platform will solve a lot of problem too.

3 provide easy to use API to query games info. Rather than to force user to add games info time to time, it's much easier to allow user to import from, or sync the database from, or even better, use the game data from directly.

Site Feedback / Suggest to add a finished game list
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:57:35 pm »
Some games we finished might be borrowed, or have been sold, they might not in the collection list. And even they are in the collection list, it also good to track which game I have finished.

With a finished game list, also easy to generate an unfinished game list, which is the the collection set minus the finished set, so we can have an idea that these games are the ones we need to pick up and play.

And thanks for the great website, I like it, great job!

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