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Topics - Syarmakh

Pages: [1]
Site Feedback / Limiting adding games by users?
« on: January 30, 2014, 05:05:23 pm »
I don't mean to offend anyone (as every contributor has done an awesome job by making this site to what it is today), but maybe you should only let more experienced users add games.

If every new member is able to add games, I'm afraid that there will be a lot of inaccurate/double pages, causing a total chaos in the database. For example: I almost added "GB Aladdin", while "GB Disney's Aladdin" (same thing) is already in the database.

Also, with all the different categories, it is probably impossible to check if all games on all platforms are correct. To have moderators checking out every submission will take a lot of time and will slow down the growth, but it will give an accurate representation of the database.

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