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Messages - darko

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General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:15:01 am »
I've beaten Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us over the past 2-3 weeks. Both are GOTY contenders in my book. I don't really know which one I prefer over the other as they are both so stark in contrast. However, I can safely say that I doubt I'll find something as amazing this year.

General / Retro Gamers Society Update
« on: June 25, 2013, 11:00:19 pm »
Hey everyone! I'm sure most of you are aware that I run a group named RGS. We have recently expanded into Kansas and New York (literally NY today). If you're so inclined, feel free to check them out! Also, feel free to join one of our other groups if you're close by or just interested in what's going on. We have a website, groups on FB, a YouTube account, etc. We currently have over 1000 members and are growing strong. We're going to continue to grow so if you're interested in helping out in anyway feel free to shoot me a PM.

Okay, back to games :)




General / Re: Minecraft ...
« on: June 25, 2013, 02:25:32 pm »
It's absolutely Legos. It's appealing because you can basically do whatever you want. You want a treehouse on top of a 300 story mushroom surrounded by lava? You can do that.

General / Re: ScrewAttack Gaming Con
« on: June 24, 2013, 05:02:50 pm »
Ha, yeah. I've heard from a TON of people that they expect more at Super! BitCon next year from us as far as vendors go. Rest assured, there will be more vendors at our event. SGC was a ton of fun though!

Sorry if anyone was wanting to hangout. We were really busy running around and meeting people!

After talking with Adam Sessler this weekend, I can tell you that you can safely omit the Ubisoft claim in my post. Basically, it was more than likely all EA. Also, I pretty much believe that the real reason EA told Nintendo to screw off was because they don't see their releases on the WiiU benefiting them much. I can see that.

My slightly informed idea as to what really happened:

EA and Ubisoft struck a deal with MS several years ago after seeing the total outrage that their DRM heavy software created. They likely approached Sony and Nintendo as well. When Nintendo told them to screw off, EA decided to try and bigdog them by announcing that they will not be creating software for the which the entire WiiU fanbase simply shrugged their shoulders and played a Mario game. Sony likey said, "we'll see" knowing that MS had already struck a deal with them. They simply waited until MS announced their new hardware and the policies to go along with it. After seeing the crazy amount of backlash, they told EA and Ubisoft to essentially f-off. All of the negative press surrounding the XBone gave them enough leverage (along with the fact that they are a much more mature console maker who understands their demographic) to do so. At this point, MS likely decided to break contracts with EA and Ubisoft concerning DRM and informs them that the DRM business is their problem. I'm sure there were financial ramifications to this, but after seeing Sony totally dominate them in console pre-orders, they likely had very little choice.

I have absolutely zero doubt that MS is ONLY doing this because they saw their projected sales figures drop. I love the 360, but I have never trusted them. They are ONLY in the console market to turn a profit and have very little insight into their demographic. I'm going back to Sony for the PS4 (PS2 was my console of choice in the prior round). It's not so much the fact that they want to make tons of money, so would I. It's about where I think MS is trying to go, where they want to be, and how very little they truly care about the industry, the gamer in general, or the individuals that pay for their products.

It's not like it matters which system you buy anyway. Unless you really need to play the new Halo game, I think you'll find that almost all of the big titles are going to be cross platform (to an even greater extent than is currently seen). There is very little difference in the two systems' hardware and architecture. This was done for a reason.

Despite this attempt at redemption, MS has already lost the race in this upcoming generation.

General / Re: ScrewAttack Gaming Con
« on: June 21, 2013, 09:59:17 am »
I'm going for sure. Also, if you are going, we're going to have a little RGS gathering at Barcadia tomorrow evening. If anyone wants to join us there just let me know (or just show up and find me).

Also, feel free to come say hi at the con. We're not doing a booth but we'll be there.

Modern Video Games / Re: E3 2013 Hype Thread!
« on: June 11, 2013, 10:50:57 am »
Watching some of the trailers, I'm more pumped for the PS4 than the One anyway. I mean, MGS5? Yes please.

I truly believe that MS has already lost this generation. People are already making up their minds now - and anything MS does at this point will most likely be too little too late. Even IF they came out and did damage control at this point, I don't think it would make a huge difference.

Marketplace / Re: What handheld should I buy?
« on: June 06, 2013, 01:20:55 pm »
Pros & Cons:

Pros: nice screen, some good games, great e-shop downloads, plays DS games, good online multiplayer
Cons: need the circle pad pro for some of those good games, battery life

Pros: good battery life, solid library of DS games, plays GBA games, inexpensive
Cons: wifi sucks

Pros: nice screen, vast library of slightly more mature themed games, PS2-esq graphics
Con: loading times, some good games are getting difficult to find in the wild, battery life

Other thoughts: you can easily mod a PSP to play NES, PS1 and Genesis games and you can easily get a card for the DSLite. I'm not condoning piracy, but to be fair I think it should be mentioned :)

User Feedback / Re: justin8301
« on: June 06, 2013, 12:04:29 am »
Bought a few games and everything was perfect! Thanks again for the games!

I just sent you a PM as well. Hope you're okay!

I picked up Wild Guns (SNES) and TMNT The Hyper Stone Heist (GEN) yesterday.

General / Re: My first time on YouTube!
« on: June 01, 2013, 01:26:43 am »
I'm gonna fail at shmup knowledge for a second here and ask, what the game at the end of the video is?

It's Biometal.

Also, that whole 2/5 thing is for real. I was very fortunate to receive one. The only other person I'm sure of that has one is the guy who runs the Cover Project.

Classic Video Games / Re: VGConnect June 2013: Earthworm Jim
« on: May 31, 2013, 01:03:03 pm »
I think everyone should post a pic when they beat it :)

I used to play it a LOT when I was young. I'm pretty sure I can still beat it.

Marketplace / Re: Looking to pay some bills....
« on: May 31, 2013, 12:59:47 pm »
Incoming PM.

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