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Messages - ko1ru

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Modern Video Games / Re: Gears of War Judgment
« on: March 26, 2013, 07:19:09 pm »
I thought Gears 3 was pretty weak, so I have a feeling I'll be skipping this one... or at least waiting until it's way cheap.

I agree.  3 is definitely my least favourite.  Being a huge fan of 1 and 2, I was massively disappointed with what 3 had to offer.  I hear Judgment is more of the same.  I'll definitely wait until the price is less than $20.

Video Game Deals, Sales and Promotions / B2G1 Wii & DS GameStop Sale
« on: March 26, 2013, 07:03:47 pm »
GameStop is running a Buy 2 Get 1 Sale on all their pre-owned Wii (excludes Wii U) and DS (excludes 3DS) games.  Sale runs from March 25th to April 7th.  I would assume the sale is also valid online, as they're also running a deal where online orders over $25 include free shipping.

Video Game Deals, Sales and Promotions / XBL Spring Sale
« on: March 26, 2013, 06:29:44 pm »
There are quite a few games and DLC for sale on XBL for their "Spring Sale".  Lots of random stuff.  Sale panel is up on the home page of the dashboard. 

Just got the Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim, both for 800 MS Points ($10.00) each.  Hearthfire is also on sale for 200 Points ($2.50).

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: March 26, 2013, 06:12:08 pm »
Hello again guys!  Back after a brief absence.  I do that, though: I'm active for a bit and then disappear for short periods of time.  Not to worry, I always wander back at some point.  :)

Off Topic / Re: Favorite Fast Food
« on: March 06, 2013, 11:08:57 am »
4. Long John Silver's - I'm also a sucker for seafood. And there's just something about Long John's Silver's batter.

You're right, there is something about that batter...  It's so good (especially with malt vinegar), but boy do you feel like dying after eating anything there.  *sick face*

I'd rather order a pizza than go for fast food.
even that has turned Fast food Little Ceasers "Hot and Ready Pizza" Walk in order and walk out no wait they have them ready to go.

Ewww, Little Caesars is nasty.  I do tend to go with Pizza Hut for "fast" pizza, even though it's packed with sodium...  I'd rather go to a cozy, sit-down "Mom and Pop" kind of pizza place.   :)

Marketplace / Re: Looking For / Help Me Find Thread
« on: March 06, 2013, 11:04:26 am »
Okay, I decided to make a Google Doc to send to a friend who has been selling games that had been traded in/sold to a local music shop.  All the trades from the area come to one shop, and he has a connection with the store and has been getting stuff to sell for pretty cheap.

I've been working on my list, but I thought I'd open it up for everyone to edit and add stuff to in case we ever come across these items in the wild.

Let me know if you have any questions!

This sounds awesome!  But just to clarify, this is open to any and all VGCers to add to?  What kind of stuff does this guy normally seem to have pass through his hands on a regular basis?

General / Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:54:18 am »
At least misanthropy is equal-opportunity. :)

Amen!   ;)

General / Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:53:16 am »
Living in the middle of nowhere does have its advantages though:  everything's so stinkin' cheap!   :D

Off Topic / Re: Favorite Fast Food
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:49:58 am »
4. Long John Silver's - I'm also a sucker for seafood. And there's just something about Long John's Silver's batter.

You're right, there is something about that batter...  It's so good (especially with malt vinegar), but boy do you feel like dying after eating anything there.  *sick face*

I'd rather order a pizza than go for fast food.

Pick up Valkyria Chronicles for PS3 while you're at it :)

Yeah, I need to.  There are several other PS3 games I've been eying, but haven't gotten around to adding them to the wish list yet.  :P

General / Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:19:28 am »
Back the truck up.  You're in Missouri.  Where at?  If you don't mind.

I would rather live here in isolation versus the rat race that is the more populated places.  Then again I have a rather large disdain for people in general.

I live in Rolla, smack in-between St. Louis and Springfield.  I'm originally from Columbia.  :)

After living in many populated (and non-populated) places across the nation, I can say for certain that I'm drawn more to a metropolis.  Don't get me wrong, I have a strong dislike for most people as well, but there's something about the sounds of gunshots and back-to-back traffic in the morning that makes me feel at home.  :)

General / Re: Isolated for being a gamer?
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:12:17 am »
I would think the 1.) aspect would have played through by now as their are tons of gamer females out there? An it seems alot of them have their own youtube /chat channels, and even taken over the xbox360 clan..

Not a chance. At the moment female gamers are classed as either -

1) "Fake" gamers - they play Farmville, Angry Birds, etc and very occasionally a little something on their boyfriend's 360 (badly, no doubt).
2) Attention seekers. All women with a Youtube channel who game fall into this category automatically. They probably only like <game you like> to try to look cool.
3) Real gamers, but ugly. Any woman who has proven she really does play "proper" games and doesn't have a Youtube channel must be ugly, because if she wasn't she'd have a Youtube channel.

So true, Kimimi.  It's all so very black and white to most, when in fact shades of gray exist.  ;)

This whole talk about female gamers is a bit amusing because I never really got why there's any kind of separation in the medium between male and female gamers... it's just senseless. I mean, any "classing" like in Kimimi's post... are all things that exist regardless of sex (I mean, you've seen at least one Angry Joe video, right? can't get more "attention seeking" than that). I've known a lot of female gamers, and never once did I feel the need to insult them solely for being girls, that's just stupid.

But this is kinda analogous to another splitting of the gaming fanbase, that being the "Hardcore vs Casual" thing that just about no one arguing has no idea what those terms mean and even that other categories exist, and will insult each other at every moment because they're not hardcore enough (even though most of them aren't hardcore in the first place).

To me, in regards to gaming, it's either you're a gamer or you're not. Categories exist, but don't matter. And different genders shouldn't mean anything.

I'm glad you view it that way, Jobocan.  It's an unfortunate fact that most people don't share your opinion.

We need 3DS friend codes, so we can multi some code of princess!

I'm gonna sound like an rtard here... I don't have a 3DS to play my new 3DS games on!  :o  ... Yet.  :P

*laughs* Ah well, I don't have a PS3 for my PS3 games, so I know how that goes.  Let us know when you get a 3DS though - would be awesome to get back into COP.

I'm almost ashamed of it!  For the longest time I made myself abide by a sort of self-governing rule that I not buy games for consoles/handhelds I don't own.  I've only recently begun to throw that one out the window.  I have one PS3 game (Ar Tonelico Qoga Premium LE) and no PS3, and a good handful of PSP games and no PSP...  I guess there's no turning back now!

I will definitely give out my 3DS friend code when I get one.  :)

We need 3DS friend codes, so we can multi some code of princess!

I'm gonna sound like an rtard here... I don't have a 3DS to play my new 3DS games on!  :o  ... Yet.  :P

Just got back from picking up my Mirror of Fate pre-order, and walked out with more than I expected (as usual)...

Code of Princess (New)
Etrian Odyssey IV (New) and
The Last Story (New)

My wallet hurts a little, but my happiness exceeds my pain.   ;D

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