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Messages - pizzasafari

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Off Topic / Re: Anybody else use spotify?
« on: July 18, 2018, 09:57:01 am »
I have it but I'm not a huge fan, hipster as it sounds a lot of the stuff I listen to is a bit obscure and isn't in Spotify so I have to keep switching between it and MusicBee. And I don't like listening to music that isn't actually on my PC, feels somehow unreliable. It's great for finding playlists and stuff though, or listening to albums you've heard of and are curious about, Those are the main things I use it for.

I hate team coop. It feels like so much pressure. Either I mess up and drag the team down and feel like everyone's mad at me or someone else on the team messes up and despite me playing perfectly we'll lose because of one tard on the team. It makes it really hard to love Splatoon as much as I want to when someone on our team disconnects at the start of the game, at that point we may as well just stand in the corner and do nothing because once that happens you've lost.

I mostly play single player too but if I do play multiplayer it's solo deathmatches and the like, those I have a lot of fun with. I usually do really well in them too, back in the day I used to come first place in every deathmatch in BioShock 2's multiplayer and I had similar success with Unreal Tournament 3. Flak cannon = victory.

Edit: Actually team deathmatch I don't mind as much, thinking about it, since I just have fun killing shit and everyone else is the same. But with team games that need strategy I nope right out of there.

General / Re: What the hell happened to Konami
« on: July 18, 2018, 09:45:19 am »
Supposedly, from what I've heard, Konami's management has always been like this, and it's only because they got cockier as time went on that it started to stifle the games they were making and the public started to see it. What we're seeing is pure, unfiltered Konami as it's always been. But it's all good, we've got Kojima Productions and Iga still doing their thing independent of Konami, that's really all we needed from Konami to begin with. Aside from Silent Hill I guess, but that's been dead in the water for over a decade.

I'm just salty about Castlevania, and I hope one day IGA can obtain the rights.

I miss Castlevania, but Curse of the Moon was quite lovely.

Don't despair just yet, Bloodstained is looking awesome. I've played the demo and it really did feel just like the Castlevania we love minus the 2D graphics. The very start is a bit slow and boggy but once you get to the castle it's pure joy.

Classic Video Games / Re: SONY PSP, or Nintendo DS or Both For You?
« on: July 18, 2018, 09:39:14 am »
As hardware, neither for me. Really not a fan of the things. PSP is clunky and noisy and hard to use, DS is similarly clunky and uncomfortable, the stylus controls are an annoying gimmick that ruined nearly every game they were shoehorned into and the dual screens I find distracting. I feel pretty much the same way about the 3DS though it at least has bigger screens.

In terms of games, DS by a landslide. Mainly because of 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors.

General / Re: Just cleared 1000 Items in Collection!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: July 17, 2018, 06:03:43 pm »
Congrats on even having a room that can fit that many games in! My bedroom is practically bulging at this point  ;)

I have to win. I don't think I'd ever be able to forgive myself if I was beaten at a game by a kid.
I'll go easier on them if it's a game I'm good at though.

Cheesecake Sex sounds like a fascinating topic that I'd love to delve more into, especially with the foreshadowing of a meteor-related plot twist on the very cover, but I can't read kanji so the language barrier means I would have to settle with Jason and Michael Meyers Disturbing the Peace Simulator 2018. I've heard some of the plot leaks and I have to say I'm particularly looking forward to the scene where Jason and Michael finally kiss. I probably shouldn't spoil it for the rest of you but what comes after is the real plot twist, believe me. Let's just say we'll be expecting sequels very soon. One of those rare games that can truly be considered art.

General / Re: Your Mistakes In Collecting Or Gaming
« on: July 13, 2018, 11:49:38 pm »
- My Saturn shelves are near the door to my bathroom, upon which is my copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga, and as a result the steam condensation from my shower has worn the outer box down a bit. Fuck.

- When I was little I sold a lot of my games in a car boot sale, some of which have hiked up in price a little since. Nothing dramatic but still games I wish I still had.

- The gamer rage I'd get as a kid was unprecedented and I always took out my anger by hitting my console with the controller (I was young guys don't judge me) and it's caused both physical and internal damage to some of my consoles, my PS1 barely works anymore and my original Xbox is covered in scuffmarks.

- I also used to leave my discs lying around as a kid because I was dumb, so most of my PS1 games that I've had since I was a kid no longer work.

- My bedroom gets incredibly dusty and I don't have any storage space left to put things in cause I've got so much shit everywhere so I've had to leave my handheld consoles lying around on my shelf, I have a FF2 edition WonderSwan and the screen got really dusty, I tried to wipe it off one day and the dust left masses of scratchmarks on the screen that are now always always visible because the screen is so reflective, so I've basically ruined it.

- Not really a mistake but a huge regret, I didn't realise at the time but when I originally bought Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 on PS2 it was right after a reprint run so there were sealed copies going on Amazon for about £20, I thought that was the usual price, I bought them and naturally opened them, and then a few months later the price shot back up to £60+ for used copies of each, and I really wish I bought an extra copy of both and kept them sealed.

- I spent literally years working up my card collection on Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories on PS1, one day I lent my game and memory card to my next door neighbour, got them back, and a while later I booted up my save to discover that all of my best and rarest cards were gone from my save. It has a trading feature where you can trade cards between saves on two memory cards. Hm.

- My biggest gaming regret/mistake, when I was about 2 or 3 years old we had some kind of game console in our house that probably belonged to my brother or sister, I don't remember what it was (my gaming illiterate mum says she thinks it was 'an Atari' but I vaguely remember minor details of the appearance of the console and I don't think it matches any Atari consoles) but one day my mum fed me cold medicine or something and because I was a kid and kids are little shits instead of swallowing the medicine I ran into the room with the console and specifically spat the medicine out on the console, thereby breaking it, and I remember my mum going mad at me and then throwing it in the bin. Literally why would I do that. Goddamn I wish we still had the thing. I mean my mum probably would've sold it on the car boot or something eventually but even if she did at least if it was when I was older I'd be able to remember what the console was.

General / Re: What is better between retro games or modern games?
« on: July 13, 2018, 08:08:26 pm »
Caveman-era retro, with sticks and rocks. My personal favourite is "Urg murg", it's a game where you take it in turns to beat each other with sticks and the first one to die loses. It's fun but I'm running out of friends to play it with.

How many friends are you down to? You must be really good at this game if they are all dying and you still stand.

That's the trick, I don't have any friends. Apparently no-one wants to play with a homicidal sociopath mentally stuck in the stone ages. Wrong generation, let me tell you.

General / Re: What is better between retro games or modern games?
« on: July 11, 2018, 06:38:42 pm »
Caveman-era retro, with sticks and rocks. My personal favourite is "Urg murg", it's a game where you take it in turns to beat each other with sticks and the first one to die loses. It's fun but I'm running out of friends to play it with.

Video Showcase / Re:
« on: July 09, 2018, 09:41:18 pm »
Man, I'd love to have a site like that to write freeform reviews of games on. Totally get what you mean about writing about it being cathartic. Hope it goes well for you. Looks like you've got a lot of good content already.

NoI would buy a VectrexBet you didn't see That ComingUh oh

General / Re: Games so bad they bankrupted a company?
« on: July 08, 2018, 07:29:13 pm »
Not really a game but Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within was basically the reason Square had to merge with Enix. The film costed so much to make and did so badly that it almost killed them and the merge was the only way they could survive.
It was also the reason Square took a completely different approach to making games from FFX onwards, as the powers that be started taking creative control from the artists working on it and basically became dictators of the development team/s. I once saw an article that said Uematsu was told exactly what songs to make with FF10 and he hated it, I think it was the reason he left Square. But it was all to try and make the money back that they lost.

General / Re: Most BS thing in video games
« on: July 07, 2018, 09:41:12 pm »
More specific to a single game than a general problem with games, but the enemy spawners from Rune Factory: Oceans are easily the most bullshit thing I've ever had to deal with in a game.

You'll be in many situations where you'll be trapped in a room in a dungeon and in order to progress you need to clear the room. There will be monster spawners in that room, normally more than one, and as long as they're there enemies will endlessly spawn. So fighting the enemies is entirely pointless, you should be focusing all of your attacks on the spawners.
Problem is, every time an enemy attacks you you're knocked down for a few seconds which interrupts your attacks. As well as that, the game has no dodge, so essentially if an enemy within melee range tries to hit you, it will. As well as that using healing items (food, potions etc) takes a few seconds while you go through the eating/drinking animation, and if you're hit/knocked down while using it, it's interrupted. As well as that, enemy spawners take a lot of hits to destroy.

So what does all this add up to? You'll be standing in front of an enemy spawner and smashing square because that's all you can feasibly do. Within a few seconds you'll have dozens of enemies in a big crowd around you continuously knocking you down, knocking you down, knocking you down. You'll be able to get one or two hits inbetween each knockdown where you can hit the monster spawner before enemies hit you again. Now you've been hit so much that you're low on health and about to die, and because you're surrounded by enemies you can't run away to use a health item elsewhere, so you have to use it and pray to the gods above that no enemies hit you while you're trying to use it. If they do, you have to wait a few seconds for your dude to stand up then try again, and repeat this process until either you successfully use this healing item or you die.

Repeat this several times per floor per dungeon and you basically have the entire mid-to-endgame experience of Rune Factory: Oceans in a nutshell. It is not a fun game. And to add insult to injury when you finally get through all that shit and beat the game and get to the postgame which if you're into that sort of game is where everything you're playing the damn game for is, the game's localisation just melts into shit and the voice lines are full of editing errors where you can hear the voice actors talking to the director, the text is full of typos, the voice lines and text often don't match, notes the localisation team left for themselves in the dialogue boxes to come back to later are left in, and other things I can't remember.
In postgame I finally got to marry the character I'd been going for since the start of the game and if you marry that character their voice line that they use every time you greet them becomes one where the sound byte begins with the voice actress talking to the director in her normal voice and preparing for her line. "Okay. *mhm* (pause) "Hello, what is it?""
This game came out 7 years ago and there has not been a single patch addressing any of this since. It's like they knew how bullshit the game was and assumed no-one would get that far so they didn't bother finishing the localisation.

This has been a tangent but I'm mad. Game sucks. Don't buy it.

Off Topic / Re: Why would anybody buy a cactus? They are arrogant.
« on: July 05, 2018, 06:04:19 pm »
They're great for bludgeoning my enemies.

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