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Messages - pizzasafari

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Off Topic / Re: Learning new skills!
« on: July 05, 2018, 06:01:26 pm »
Sa?runa!  ??rinasai! still got a ways to go xD

"Don't skip your studies! Do your best!"  ;)

General / Re: The most wanted for your collection
« on: July 05, 2018, 05:57:44 pm »
I'm kinda shocked that an extra large pepperoni pizza isn't your first priority  :o
Who are you and have you done to pizzasafari


Off Topic / Re: Learning new skills!
« on: July 05, 2018, 05:43:17 pm »
I'm actually learning japanese as well! Though I've been slacking off a bit the past few weeks v___v;
It'd be my third language, english is my second and french is my main.

サボるな!頑張りなさい! ;)

Off Topic / Re: Learning new skills!
« on: July 05, 2018, 03:04:39 pm »
I have like fifty billion instruments I'd love to learn to play. I've been trying to teach myself piano/keyboard but it isn't going very well. My brain and my fingers do not get along. I've been learning Japanese for a while too so that's another thing, then if I ever finally become fluent I'll probably start learning another language for fun. Maybe either Chinese since I'll have a head start with the characters or Russian because it'd be fun. Or maybe even something weird like Old English or Old Norse just because it'd be an awesome party trick.

General / Re: The most wanted for your collection
« on: July 05, 2018, 10:02:18 am »
They're not games but still something I'd LOVE to have in my collection at this point, Grimoire NieR and the Art of Splatoon. I'm a sucker for those kinds of things.

In terms of games I've mostly bought up the things I really want but once I finally get an American SNES Chrono Trigger and EarthBound will be at the top of my agenda. I also really want a physical Vita copy of The House in Fata Morgana, but since it's getting a western rerelease/remaster on both Vita and PS4 next year that version has dropped on my priorities a bit.

We'll have to work out a system to get you my Pizza Hut email coupons. Right now I have one for 35% off... that'd give you a nice start towards your bail.

Or if that won't work, I have a lot of cake recipes- how big a file do you need?

Sweet, thanks. That means I'll be able to order 35% more pizza. I've had to start giving slices to the big shower man for protection so this'll be great.

I'm fine for cake thanks.

A couple of years ago I had a library in my house. It had been something of a family project for a very long time, when the library was passed from its original owner to his son the son added one book to it before passing away a few years later, his own son added two books, his son added three, and it's been customary ever since for the matriarch of the family to add one more book to it than their predecessor. The library was my family's pride and joy, and I remember my parents always trying to imagine how huge it would be a hundred or so years from now. They'd spend whole days locked up in there going through all the old volumes. They couldn't read some of them because they were written in Middle English, but something about having something written in a version of your language that doesn't exist feels so mystical. But to get back on track for the question it was my dad's turn to add books to the collection, he had to add 17 books but he sadly passed away after only adding 16 (not looking for sympathy so no replies please), and left the house and its library to me. On his deathbed he cussed up a storm over his failure and had me promise that I would add the last book to the collection in his stead. He had one picked out, he'd been buying the Song of Ice and Fire books in one by one and he only had Dance with Dragons left to go before he'd completed the set. The next day though I was hungry so I sold the whole collection on ebay and had a month's supply of pizza delivered to the house instead, which I suppose might strike you as selfish but I fucking love pizza. This experience taught me that replacing physical collections with digital downloads would never work, because if in the future I over-spend on pizza I can sell my possessions to get the money I need for more. I haven't valued my game collection yet though so I should probably get on that soon. But to answer your question in fewer words, no.

I'm currently in prison because I couldn't pay a fine I earned for mass homicide. I was surprised at how lenient the judge was but here I am. I haven't told my work what happened to me yet and I've hired my identical twin brother to go to work in my stead for me (he's bald so I had to make him a wig, I thought it looked pretty fake but apparently it's enough to fool my boss) so that I can save up my monthly wages to get the money I need to pay off my fine and get out of prison. I've had to reset the clock several times though because I keep giving into temptation and using my wage packet to have a month's supply of pizza delivered to my cell instead, but on the flipside eating pizza is all I'd be doing on the outside anyway so I might just wait out the rest of my sentence and hope I get let out for good behaviour. I've tried offering pizza to the guards for a lighter sentence but they don't seem interested.

Edit: *moolah

Off Topic / Re: Do you like your job?
« on: July 01, 2018, 11:06:51 pm »
That's a complicated question. I'm a coal miner by trade. Before I got into it I was always really flabby, and since starting I've built a lot of muscle so I liked it at first, but a few months ago we got a new foreman and he's been on a bit of a power spree. There's a chamber deep in the mine that we've taken to calling the party room, it's like this big open chamber where with a pit dug out into the floor and it's barely lit. Every Tuesday and Thursday (he has a fascination with the letter T) he calls an assembly in the party room where pairs us all up at random and forces each pair to take turns fighting each other to the death in the pit with pickaxes. He plans to keep it going until only one miner survives, and the reward is going to be a month's supply of pizza, which I'm rather looking forward to as I really like pizza, so I've acclimatised to the change pretty well. Though I'm starting to get a bit worried about the foreman, I'm sure it's normal for bosses but every now and then he sprouts wings and horns and tells us that if we ever try to leave the mine he'll send our souls to the underworld, which definitely strikes me as a violation of my employment contract but I really want that pizza. Overall I'd say the job has its ups and downs but my feelings lean more towards the positive. I'm starting to miss my family though.

General / Re: Your In Game Names Or High Score Names
« on: June 29, 2018, 08:57:59 pm »
In standard RPGs and stuff I'll just use my own name for projection purposes, but in games like TES where I make lots of different characters I just try to think of a fitting name for the character I'm going for. In MMOs it'll just be whatever comes to mind that isn't taken, I don't really have a set name for them anymore.

With high scores if I'm playing my own games on my own I'll just use the first three letters of my name, if it's at an arcade or I'm with friends then I'll try and leave something behind that'll make people double-take. Kind of hard with just three letters though.

General / Re: I have a PS4, XB1, Switch and PC - but ...
« on: June 29, 2018, 08:51:11 pm »

General / Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« on: June 28, 2018, 02:48:52 pm »
90% of the time story is my favourite part of a game, so I'll never ever skip.

General / Re: Do you plan your purchases at all?
« on: June 26, 2018, 10:58:38 pm »
What happens if in the process of flying the plane explodes along with all the paper resulting in ashes upon ashes of paper that can affected the air quality in the surrounding area?

I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Surviving on this desert island with no pizza and no plane with only a cardboard ball for company is higher on my priorities right now.

Update: I have now eaten the cardboard ball.

General / Re: Do you plan your purchases at all?
« on: June 26, 2018, 04:30:36 pm »
What happens when zero pieces of paper show up? Also the waiting game, what are your personal limits as far as time goes if your ritual takes allot longer than usual?

I stay forever and ever. I'm actually still on my first attempt. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever make it out alive. I've run out of pizza so now I'm having to eat the plane.

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