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Messages - pordox

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General / Re: Intro thread
« on: July 24, 2014, 11:48:44 am »
Welcome to VGC!  ;D


How many languages do you know?

Only german (and the local dialects) and english. In europe you get along with english, most of the time. In SNES times many of the games had english texts. This is where we've learned our first english words xD

Oh yeah...beware of the poster directly above your Intro. post  :o

The almighty "soera"? I've read about him, urban legends... or not.

Klaatu barada nikto!

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: July 24, 2014, 09:31:11 am »
Ahoy VCG! I’m prox - Liechtenstein-born - living, working (designing and developing games and stuff), rocking, drinking and collecting in Zürich (Switzerland).

I used to collect everything for every game console. But due to the limited space in my appartement, I recently sold a lot of the random games that I've never played or never would have played. The focus lays now on the (CIB, "good and playable" ;)) SNES games - THE console of my childhood before I completely switched to PC gaming in the mid 90s (damn you id Software).

Since switzerland is a multilingual place, surrounded by countries like Germany, France and Italy and where Spain and Netherlands is basically around the corner -
we got all sorts of different language version from all around the PAL region. For that, a lot, if not most, of the games in my collection aren’t in the VGC database. But that’s ok, I probably will submitting new entries for quite a while then ::)

I was always looking for a good looking platform (and most importantly with a nice community ;)) to keep track of my collection. Beside that, posting in the forum is a good way to practice some english xD (corrections are appreciated)

Well, my bugdet for this (and probably also the next) month is gone.

Classic Video Games / Re: Games everyone loves but you hate?
« on: July 23, 2014, 04:07:23 pm »
Everything with Pokémons ;D
and all (J)RPGs with sooo sooo bruuutal slooowww *zzz-chrrr* stooory telling and ultra-yeah-hip-cool-styler-characters where I can't tell if it's a girl, dude or an alien 8) (16-Bit JRPGs not included, I love those :D)

and DOTA

Classic Video Games / Re: Your number 1 game of all time?
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:24:59 pm »
DOOM (I (& II) on PC)

This game will always be my number 1 game of all time, because it simply blew me away back then.
I'm still playing the first two games all the time. It's simple and raw, perfect for what it is and does.

The graphics and audio is burned into my eyes and ears. Moving through the game is just muscle memory ;)

General / Re: Greatest Non-Mario Platformer
« on: July 23, 2014, 12:42:14 pm »
In the times of (very late) NES and SNES I played a lot more action-platformers other than the classic Jump'n Run stuff. Like the glorious Batmans, Megamans, Contras and Castlevanias. The only "traditional" platformer that I loved was Super Mario World (for me the very best in the series).

But before that time, I remember playing two of my all-time favorites in the platforming genre
Prince of Persia (the first one on GameBoy was amazing) and
Nebulus on the Atari 1040ST (was, and still is, a beautiful and extremely challenging game)

Classic Video Games / Re: super mario 64 vs banjo kazooie
« on: July 22, 2014, 01:47:27 pm »
Mario 64, because collecting all that crap in Banjo, from puzzle pieces to notes and whatnot, made me mad ;)

Off Topic / Re: MetalJesus makes video of game cataloging...
« on: July 22, 2014, 01:41:35 pm »
I found this site through him. :)

Same here. Always looked for a useful and good looking website/database - aaand with a nice community ;D
The database doesn't really contains all the games that I primarily collect (all sorts of mid europe pal games) but since the submission of new entries is so easy to use, that not really a problem.
Nice website and forums - thanks for the hint MetalJesus 8)

Mine is from a game prototype that I've developed some years ago at the uni. Never hat the time to finish it, but that damn "demon" enemy sprite always hunts me in the forums across the www ;D

Quote from: foxhack
Don't feel bad
Thanks, I don't 8)... anymore

Quote from: foxhack
but you just have to be more careful. [...]
Adding the codes to the game titles was a good idea.
That's the plan. As I said, from now on I will always take a second look at the pictures/spots ;)

Just to explain how I think about this when I submit one of the pal games. For example, here's this, and here is my submission
Seems to be exactly the same version. But since the first entry has no details about the region code, it's absolutely not clear what version that is. Four people have that game in their collection and for that I think I should not edit something. I really don't want to mess up the database or the collection of someone else. So I decided to create a new entry with more detailed informations.
If this procedure is approved by an admin I will submit a few more ;D

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Recent Additions to Database
« on: July 20, 2014, 08:40:21 pm »
Added Saturn PAL Games - one trash one rare ^^

Okay pordox, hold on. You're adding tons of dupes without saying what is different about them. o_O

I edited some of your entries - I added "(PAL Version)" due to their cover artwork. I also merged the older Super Return of the Jedi listing with your own since the old version had bad artwork and changed it to say (JVC) because there's a THQ version too.

Your Mortal Kombat entry - - has exactly the same cover as the one we already have - - so what's different?art area. :(

That's why I asked before I submit practically the same game with another version code. As you can see, the MK entry has a slightly different cover (white border around the picture) and the region code is different. Same with all the three SNES Super Star Wars games, my copies have different codes. I added the region codes in "[xxx]" to the titles, so that everybody can see it.

I really don't think that I've added duplicates  :-[ sry, I will stop submitting if this is going to far. I thought this will help completing the list.

And all items must have their artwork in the right spots - all those games that you added with a cart scan as the front cover will have to be edited. The cart goes in the cart area. :(
Excuse me, I'll put more attention to that, won't happen again.

Dont forget to put it in the title, or people will post them as double's.

Alright, I'll do that. Hm, lots of scanning to do... ;)

Also such items, for example
I have an older version, but the only difference is the item number (SNSP-MH-FRG / -NOE (newer release))
Adding a new entry seems to be correct but also such an overkill  ;D

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