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Messages - killerchameleon

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9
What about Sega's Dreamcast Seaman that has to be on the weird list.

General / Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« on: July 01, 2012, 10:22:27 pm »
I like all gaming systems, even the bad ones.

Modern Video Games / Re: Xbox SmartGlass
« on: June 11, 2012, 11:19:39 pm »
Thanks for pulling the thread back on topic ha. I am actually really curious to see what all they do with SmartGlass. The E3 presser didn't really impress me but some of the hands on demos they showed off after did. When I get into a game, I really like to get into it. All the companion material that devs can make for a game could be really cool. I also like the idea of using my smart phone as a mouse and text entry for surfing and controller media on my 360.

After looking at a few more videos on the SmartGlass I think your right, there's more to it than I thought.

Modern Video Games / Re: Xbox SmartGlass
« on: June 11, 2012, 07:17:34 pm »
Onlive has been doing this for the last two years.  Xbox SmartGlass technology has already been done, there behind and need to catch up.

Hardware and Tech / Wii U has changed my mind
« on: June 06, 2012, 01:28:25 pm »
After looking at the E3 coverage of the Wii U I’m hooked, I want it.  I take back what I said about Cloud gaming killing off all new consoles, as long as company’s like Nintendo keep integrating new idea’s into the consoles I believe there will still be a future for them but I still think game distribution will still move to the cloud.

General / Re: Future Consoles and Banning Used Games
« on: June 01, 2012, 08:53:46 pm »
Amauriel I agree with you, I didn’t start collecting games to play them.  I played games for the experience and my collecting grew, so the experience of the game is the most important part collecting is just the by product from collecting.  If you all love video games like I do and I think most of you do, that s why you’re here you will buy into the next great thing.  I told myself after I bought a PSP and really didn’t play it that I would never buy another handheld.  Well ended up getting a 3DS on for my birthday and I’m hooked on it love the thing never leave it home and my opinion has changed.  The fact is most of us here love video games and always will, we may resist and want to keep our old ways but we will cave in sooner or later.  I didn’t care for the whole cloud gaming idea at first basically because I wanted something to hold but now that I have the Onlive mini console and experienced the games I realized that the experience is the important part although having maps and guide books sometimes enhance the experience, hopefully they will still make strategy guides with that stuff. 

Amauriel, I bet you didn’t buy the CD-I system for the Zelda games did you.   ;D

I agree so many new games to play it’s hard for me to go back and play a game that I’ve already beaten even if the graphics were enhanced some.  Unless I’ve never played or beaten it I rarely pick up re-releases, they would have to add a lot of extra content for me to justify buying it again.

General / Re: Future Consoles and Banning Used Games
« on: June 01, 2012, 11:41:53 am »
LOL………..listen to your selves………..LOL, we are all here because we love and always will love video games old and new but it’s the new games that keep up excided about video games.  Now I know you will always love the old stuff and love the challenge of hunting them down but there is no way any of us will be able to not embrace the next greatest game out there or pickup the newest version of your favorite franchise being it Mario, Zelda or Metroid.  If they make it you will come regardless of how they distribute it.  If the industry moves to cloud gaming, you will be there… you will be there.

Classic Video Games / Re: what got you into collecting video games
« on: June 01, 2012, 11:24:18 am »
Video game collecting never really started for me I just never got rid of any of it, its true I am a hoarder. :o

I still have the original box set with the two expansions Genestealers and Deathwing I missed out on the second release but I did get the newest one when it first came out and boy is it hard to find now.

Hardware and Tech / Re: how difficult is this mod to do
« on: June 01, 2012, 11:05:27 am »
Very easy mod to do a no brainer, I have converted most of my vintage console over.  My last attempt to was on a Atari 2600 jr and while testing it I dropped the board, landed on the metal heat shield and ended up burning out the video.  Nice thing is that their cheap I just picked up another one do it again.  Hopefully I wont fumble the board and drop it again.

I got into Warhammer stuff 15 years ago, decided that it was too expensive and just stuck with the Space Hulk box sets.

General / Re: Future Consoles and Banning Used Games
« on: June 01, 2012, 10:46:02 am »
You know, how many Record or CD stores do you see anymore?  The music industry is still alive and well.

General / Re: Future Consoles and Banning Used Games
« on: June 01, 2012, 10:43:36 am »
I know scary thought isn’t it?

General / Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« on: June 01, 2012, 10:38:48 am »
I’ve been busy lately and have been out of the loop on video games, only thing I’ve been playing coincidently has been my 3DS.  So I hope Nintendo concentrates on mostly on 3DS games.  As far as new consoles my opinion is still the same I feel like their all ready dead and if not this will be the last next generation of consoles we will see, every one will be moving on to cloud gaming it only makes sense.  I’m with the rest of you on the Kinect stuff, enough dancing already come out with something we actually want to play, only thing I see coming out is Steel Battalion and if Capcom doesn’t execute it correctly it’s going to be a disaster.   

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