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Messages - ko1ru

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Off Topic / Re: Gamer Metalheads
« on: July 28, 2013, 05:00:32 pm »
Blackened Doom isn't bad.  Sludge Doom is ok, depends on what mood I'm in.
Yeah I am not a huge fan of those either, although I have not heard much of it.  My favorites are traditional, death-doom, and gothic doom.  I like to listen to some Sunn 0))) Drone every once in a while, but you definitely have to be in the right mood to listen to that stuff. What I love about Doom metal is all the different types there is.  I have been listening to the genre for about a year and if I get tired of Saint Vitus, Trouble, and Candlemass I can go to My Dying Bride, Anathema and Katatonia.

Do you have any good bands to try?

I like drone like Sunn O))) too.  I also have to be in the mood for it as well.  :P

I highly recommend Thou.  There's also Black Cobra, Kowloon Walled City, High On Fire (these being more on the punk end of sludge doom) and Dark Castle.


I'm now only two titles away from a complete Castlevania collection!   ;D

Whatcha got left ko1ru?

Dawn of Sorrow - DS and
Dracula X - SNES

Dawn of Sorrow should be an easy one, I just haven't found it complete out in the wild yet.  Dracula X - even cart only - is gonna be harder (and much more expensive) to come by.  :P

Haven't gotten a large haul of stuff in a while, so it merits a post detailing what I got today:

strategy guide for FF I & II Dawn of Souls
Wild Arms 2 - PSX
Sakura Wars - Limited Edition - PS2
Shining Tears - PS2
Shining Force EXA - PS2
Myst III Exile - PS2
Dragon Quest VIII - PS2
Gradius Collection - PSP
Mimana: IYAR Chronicle - PSP
another copy (this time complete) of Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume - DS
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord - NES
another copy of Super Star Wars (JVC) - SNES
Game & Watch Gallery 3 - GB

and best of them all:

Castlevania: Double Pack - GBA  :)

I'm now only two titles away from a complete Castlevania collection!   ;D

General / Re: Minecraft ...
« on: July 24, 2013, 09:39:27 am »
I find that I fall in and out of love with Minecraft. I'll play it excessively for a couple of weeks, finish off what I am working on and then move on for a few months before picking it up again.

This is exactly what I do with Minecraft.  I'll be super into it for a few weeks and then I'm off to another game for a while.  It's about time I pick Minecraft back up since the last update...

Off Topic / Re: Gamer Metalheads
« on: July 22, 2013, 05:11:02 pm »
I used to use Pandora, but I switched to Last.FM a while ago.  What I liked better about it is how specific you can get on what you want to listen to.  Lately I have been listening to a lot of doom metal, on Pandora there is one station: Doom Metal Radio. 
On Last.FM I can choose:
Traditional Doom
Gothic Doom
Epic Doom
Blackened Doom
Atmospheric Doom
Sludge Doom
Or I can just choose doom and get a combination of all of these!

Blackened Doom isn't bad.  Sludge Doom is ok, depends on what mood I'm in.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Cleaning N64 Labels
« on: July 20, 2013, 09:42:58 pm »
Isn't there supposed to be a third picture that shows no marker on the cart?   :P

Oh, and I got a new, slightly higher paying job, so assuming all goes well, I'll be back to buying games soon!

Yay!  Congrats Erk!  Was wondering where you'd gone to.  ;)

General / Re: Game X Change
« on: July 20, 2013, 08:55:41 pm »
I see them at sales and stores and most are rude, they will snatch games out of your hand.

That is when you apply your fist to their face.  Hard.  Seriously.  It's people like that that take the enjoyment out of game hunting. 

I ask for the "Cool Guy Discount" at most game stores. Works about half the time. And, yes, I'm super hot.

This made me LOL! 

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: July 20, 2013, 08:42:54 pm »
Poor Canadians.   :-\

General / Re: Game X Change
« on: July 18, 2013, 11:06:10 pm »
I found some really great deals at both of the Indiana Game X Changes that I stopped at.  I had a discussion with a manager at one of the locations about the very thing that's being discussed in this thread (inflated game prices).  He explained that all Game X Changes are franchisee-owned, and that all stores have the ability to set their prices differently than other stores.  It's entirely up to the manager/owner of just that store whether they want to be a dick about pricing or not.  Lucky for me, this guy happened to not be one, and I got some pretty sweet deals on all of the stuff I walked out of there with. 

Obviously a store like GameStop or Vintage Stock is going to have standard, set pricing no matter what location you go to.  And don't get me started on thrift stores - especially Goodwill - that mirror Ebay/Amazon prices...   >:(

Store Owner =/= Reseller
Guy who buys up all the deals with no love for the games just to make a quick buck == Reseller douchebag


General / Re: Game X Change
« on: July 18, 2013, 10:08:03 am »
That is true, OK has VStocks as well.  I suppose it is because there's so much competition from other stores (as well as overpriced harder-to-find items) that they end up sitting on a lot of their stock.  Shame.   :-\

Modern Video Games / Re: What Next Gen Games Are You Getting
« on: July 18, 2013, 09:58:41 am »
I just don't see it. I think the Wii U 3rd party stuff is going to die off extremely quickly. Nintendo doesn't need a new IP, they need 1/quarter for the next several years. The Wii U is STILL underpowered and most people who have given up on Nintendo in the console world have likely plunged head first into the PS3/360 and are more than likely going to spend their money upgrading to new systems from Sony and MS. I realize that Nintendo has pulled things off in the past, but I don't think it's going to happen this time around.

The Wii U is already cheaper than the competition, is readily available for purchase, and is still not doing well. While the Wii sold well, it didn't generate enough content to keep most hardcore Nintendo fans happy (nor developers), and it definitely didn't generate enough interest in their target audience (casual gamers) past the initial purchase (give or take 2-3 party games)'s just not working for them. I think their model is flawed and they are attempting to ride a nostalgia wave that ended 5-10 years ago for most gamers.

I hope I'm wrong for N's sake, I love the company...I just can't justify a purchase of a Wii U. I think there are many, many consumers in my situation out there.

I so totally agree with you.  I've stated parallel opinions here before, but I couldn't have said it better myself.  ;)

General / Game X Change
« on: July 18, 2013, 09:47:39 am »
I was looking at Game X Change's site yesterday, specifically at store locations, and I was amazed at how many there were in Arkansas!  A lot in Oklahoma and Texas, too.  Let me just state how lucky some of you guys are to have such a concentration of stores in each state! 

I've made it a point to stop at all Game X Changes on my way when traveling through Indiana, but didn't realize how many there were south of me (I never go any further south than Springfield, MO).  There used to be one in a town about 20 miles up I-44 from where I live, but it closed before I moved to this part of Missouri.  I believe there's one left in the state in St. Joseph, but it's a good 4-5 hours away.  The "flagship" store in Bentonville, Arkansas is roughly about the same distance from here as the St. Joe location. 

I wonder, if already in Springfield, MO doing some game hunting, would it be worth it to drive another couple of hours and hit up the Bentonville Game X Change?  Has anyone been there, and if so, would it be worth the roadtrip?

PS - If I had the scratch to become a franchisee, I'd totally open a store here in Missouri in a heartbeat.

General / Re: What Is The 1st Item You See On Your VGC Page?
« on: July 18, 2013, 09:20:48 am »
Meh.  I'll probably end up picking it up one of these days anyway.  :P

Might as well - you can prolly get it (used) for ~$5.00 :)

Yeah, it was pretty cheap.  Just waiting for a Buy 2 Get 1 Sale at GS - it's been forever since they last had one!  :/

General / Re: What Is The 1st Item You See On Your VGC Page?
« on: July 18, 2013, 09:14:15 am »
Meh.  I'll probably end up picking it up one of these days anyway.  :P

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