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Messages - cirno

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I personally don't really believe in the idea of physical media 100% dying out, mainly because it just isn't something that's 100% obsoleted by the existence of digital games. For one thing, it's the basic fact that physical products still sell just as well as digital ones, and there's little evidence that digital editions of games or otherwise overshadow the physical versions. I think the question of "why hasn't it happened yet" isn't asked quite enough? Especially since most of the sources insiting on a digital future are the people profiting off of such an idea.

I think it's also been demonstrably proven that physical-editions will survive sheerly because people simply enjoy their media that way. Mediums like books, music and movies are extremely easy to use general media devices yet still have physical editions produced because people will always buy them. I honestly don't think the "digital future" will, at the very least, happen in any of our lifetimes because people will cling to fancy physical editions for decades upon decades.  I think it says a lot that there's multiple companies that make a living entirely of just making physical versions of existing videogame products.

There's also the fact that it'd be horribly, catastrophically bad for such a thing to happen as it'd essentially mean companies having free reign to do whatever the hell they want to consumers, but I digress.

I'd probably sell it. Like, I'm all for having big fancy things in a collection, but if I reached a point where I had something I could sell off that would genuinly improve my financial situation, it'd be rather irrational to keep it.

Off Topic / Re: Why would anybody buy a cactus? They are arrogant.
« on: August 29, 2018, 08:48:46 am »
Their confidence inspires me

I mean, I'd still be having fun, but I tend to view RPGs are something to take in small doses because they're just so much bigger than other games. There's worse genres you could get attached to, but I'd still get fed up with it gradually

Classic Video Games / Re: SONY PSP, or Nintendo DS or Both For You?
« on: August 28, 2018, 06:19:15 pm »
The Psp line is obviously better in terms of hardware, but the DS and 3DS have such good libraries it's almost nuts, so I'd take those first in a heartbeat. There's good PSP games, but you really have to do your homework to find them.

Hey man you post a lot of pretty nuts hot takes about your love/hate relationship with game collecting but this is probably the peak of it

They flood the market because nobody wants the excess of them, and naturally they're hard to sell. It's like complaining a trading card game is dead because you keep getting common cards

I don't think it's an inherently negative feature like some people do. If you do your homework there Are times where you can almost guarantee you'll get something you want, so while it's always at least a bit of a gamble, if you know to be wary of hype it's not going to end in disaster every other time. If you almost 100% know you're gonna like a game it's not really a bad idea to ensure you get a copy.

If they're nice about it I'll pat them on the back and give them a thumbsup. No reason to crap on someone else's good day just cause I might not've been as fortunate!

Buuut if they're smug about it...

Last of us 2 was probably the most talked about E3 conference. Mostly because of the kiss scene ^.  I am kinda disturbed by how many gamers got in arms to trash Naughty Dog for having a lesbian protagonist in their game.  Masking homophobic remarks as "concerns for the game"  It gets into a deeper political issue that I won't plague this thread with.  But all and all, People need to loosen up a bit and I commend naughty dog for doing something I don't think i've seen done in gaming without the intent to make fun.  The less people excluded from the fun of video game culture the better in my eyes. 

If not wanting to surrender our hobby to censorious culture-warriors who want to power-trip boobs and blood out of existence is homophobic, then I'm a raging homophobe. That'll come as some shock to my sister who happens to be a lesbian. I don't want to 'plague' the thread with this either (and avoid discussing culture-wars normally), but just casually dismissing concerns over whether poltically-correct point scoring is happening as homophobia, particularly in this climate, is itching for some kind of response (and I hope this is taken in the spirit meant, I'm not having a go at you here). Just as some of the gaming press are cheering this though it is somehow the breaking of the Berlin Wall, others are criticizing (!) the trailer for being violent towards women and yet more are complaining about the violence in general. Perhaps these critics would prefer it if the game kept the lesbianism and did away with the violence and actual game altogether?

I'm not saying that the game is just point scoring, i don't know enough about it, and I'm certainly not saying all the negative comments are in any way defensible, there's some downright nasty pieces of work out there. However, the more political correctness becomes a game in itself, the less choice we're going to have and the more the vocal few are going to demand. I just hope the next game doesn't involve Ellie running past 'misogynist' plant-zombies while demanding that they check their privilege, not that I'd be buying it either way.
I mean yeah I can agree that shit can get out of hand and ridiculous pretty fast, but I also think the idea that video games should inherently avoid including anything of the sort to avoid some kind of censorship apocalypse is..well, pretty damn homophobic.  I get why it can get annoying, but at the same time I think the way people are so eager to throw the SJW card at well, basically any protagonist that isn't a straight white dude really isn't any better, which is why a lot of people are sick of this sort of thing instantly garnering complaints.

I still like to buy legos  from time to time, but it's something I kinda have to pull myself back from getting really into. They're just too expensive.

I usually avoid figurines and such outside of the more collectible ones, but I always get kinda tempted by Star Wars figures and stuff like that..

Classic Video Games / Re: Which version of Link do you like best?
« on: July 30, 2018, 01:31:04 am »
Honestly, adult link from ocarina of time has kinda stuck in my mind as "The" link.

General / Re: What the hell happened to Konami
« on: July 30, 2018, 01:17:36 am »
I think at this point they've lost most of their major creators to their own greed so they don't really know how to make actual games anymore. Make three more asset flips of Metal Gear five and they'll at least keep the lights on, right?

Ah, but that's regarding the mindset of corporate folks, not game developers-and the mindset of those people haven't changed. Back then, like you said, they merely saw them as toys for kids, and that's why we got so many cheap, half baked licensed games even back then. Game developers are under the mercy of whatever their bigger, cold company wants-that was the case and and that was the case now.

So naturally, most games sucked, and you had to specifically fish the sea of new games coming out to find the good stuff.

Where's the change? They always say games as meanginless products, and still do-but now they've simply found it's more profitable to exploit adults rather than children. Becoming an AAA game developer isn't a get rich quick scheme because you're not the one getting paid most of the money. You don't spend years learning that sort of coding to prepare for making a 3D casino. It's a change entirely injected by the corporate folks, who care as much as they did back then.

Super Mario Odssey was made with the same amount of passion as Super Mario Bros, and, well, Star Wars Battlefront Two was made with the same amount of passion as ET for the atari. It's not a new thing, they just have new toys to devise evil plans with.

Eh, I always thought the idea that Retro games were made with more passion was kind of nonsense. Games were littered with cheap mechanics for no other reason to stretch the runtime, and when if you decided to seek almost anything outside of the mainstream companies, you'd be met with an unplayable mess.  There were plenty of good games, but seeking them out was like a minefield because respecting the player and their tolerance for frustration wasn't a thing.

The only reason there wasn't EA/Ubisoft type companies back then was because they couldn't, not because they wouldn't.

General / Re: A gaming dilemma
« on: June 17, 2018, 03:21:36 pm »
I'd stick with future games since, while it'd suck, I'd still have new stuff to play for the rest of my life.

The idea of being trapped with a finite library is honestly kinda scary to me.

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