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Messages - denniedarko

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General / Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« on: April 20, 2014, 12:30:39 pm »
I was collecting to collect at one point, (spending over $1000 most months), and then I realized I was never gonna get a chance to play over half of what I collected in my life, (most being RPGs). I have since calmed WAY down, limited myself extremely, (going for getting 1 game a month unless there is some crazy good deal like the PSN .99 flash sale), and play pretty much everything. I got rid of I'd say about 90% of my collection since last year and now have around 20 or games in the cabinet. Of course I am not counting PS+ games, steam or PC in general.

Though I really enjoy collecting games, I got to where I saw no point in it at all when I was never going to play most of em even though I wanted to.

And hopefully no one that does collect takes offense because I love hearing and seeing folks collections.

Modern Video Games / Re: Playstation move gun alternatives
« on: April 06, 2014, 08:35:18 pm »
Not sure if still looking, but I was in Toys r Us a few days a go and they had the PS Move rifle, (sharpshooter I think it is called), at $10, and then I think it was also 50% off, so only maybe $5.

Modern Video Games / Re: Diablo III
« on: March 29, 2014, 06:37:29 pm »
The DS4 does work with some games, but it has to be plugged into the PS3.  I have played a few games with it. I couldn't get it to work with the MGS HD collection though.

In case you don't know, (and not saying you don't, but just in case), it isn't a soundtrack, just the disc that came with the game, only has 5 tracks on it.

Modern Video Games / Re: Diablo III
« on: March 28, 2014, 05:00:23 pm »
I didn't like Diablo III on the PC, but I loved it on the PS3. Waiting for the PS4 version though.

Id be interested in that Radiant historia CD. Do you happen to also have a loose copy of the game? :D

haha, nope. I actually didn't like game that much, (I know, I know), But I do have the soundtrack. Still interested in the SMT stuff?

And I am not sure about the Majora's Mask Soundtrack Kokonami.

I remember playing Survivor and thinking it wasn't that bad. At least not as bad as all the reviews at the time made it out to be.

Received Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord for Famicom today which completes my NES/Famicom Wizardry set.

Nice, those look really cool. A series I have always been slightly interested in, but know nothing about. I always almost buy 6,7 or 8 off of Steam, but can never quite pull the trigger.

General / Re: Goodwill prices.
« on: March 15, 2014, 11:25:44 am »
The only games I have seen in Goodwills around here, about 4 of em, are PC games.

Thanks, Veilor!

You've certainly said & explained enough about One Piece to convince me that it's definitely got me curious + interested enough to at least give it a try  ;D

Zoro is what originally had me interested in the show.

Haven't watched the show much, on my list of things to do, but I do have the PS3 game, (pirate warriors...?), and I like that. I also keep my eye out for the Wii game that is kind of rare, and have only seen it once in Gamestop with severe water damage.

General / Re: Collection Achievements thread
« on: March 14, 2014, 01:03:33 am »
I had a lot of dental work done back in 2011, I think there were 4 or 5 root canals in that, and though I am glad I got it done after putting it off for so long I will never go back, ever. I fear the dentist more then anything on the planet.

To add to the thread, I recently found the CE guide for Final Fantasy XIII. Wasn't something I was REALLY looking for, but I wanted it, and found it in a used book store for $2.

Price check on Ganon figure and Assassins Creed

Not sure about the Ganondorf figure by itself, but the steelbook I don't think has much value at all. Seems to be about 7-8 bucks on amazon with silly shipping prices.

- Shin Megami Tensei IV, Music Collection, (unopened), and Strategy and Design book that came with the limited edition. I don't have the game anymore. Book is in pretty good shape, a few signs of use on the cover.

So basically this is everything that comes with the first day release except for the CIB itself? If so, I may be interested. I had to give up my pre-order back in the day.

I think it is, not 100% sure, but I think it is. I might have the box still as well, but I think it got crushed, ha, which makes me sound like a bad person. Nevermind, I tossed the box cause it was crushed.

Modern Video Games / Re: Earthlock: Festival of Magic - Kickstarter
« on: March 12, 2014, 08:11:21 pm »
Holy crap...I peed myself a little. Definitely going to keep an eye on this.

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