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Messages - badATchaos

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 130
General / Re: Twin Galaxy Banned Todd Rogers
« on: January 30, 2018, 05:38:52 pm »
Includes Guinness World Records too.

General / Re: Your Opinions of the Xbox Halo Series
« on: January 24, 2018, 12:21:29 am »
utter garbage

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate List 2018
« on: January 23, 2018, 05:06:32 pm »
You might want to check on games being created by ultimategamingyt.

It looks like the user duplicated all of the games they put in their collection just now.

If I need to post links for every single one I will, but they are still currently adding more as I type this.

Yeah.... I just deleted like five entries from him.

Site Feedback / Re: how to print a list of your game collection?
« on: January 21, 2018, 06:15:35 pm »
The easiest way to do so would be to export your collection in settings.  You can then open the downloaded CSV file in Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or whatever spread sheet program you like. Then print from that application.

Depends on the game. If its something I really want I'll go higher. I've spent about 60 to 70 on a few games before. I've also spent over 300 on hardware however.  Other than a few exceptions, I don't go higher than 30 on most things. About a two years ago I nabbed a Conker for 40. At the time it had spiked to 80 so it was a decent deal I thought.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Question about contributing pictures
« on: January 14, 2018, 02:48:20 pm »
Please see the first Style Guide section regarding images.,22.0.html

Video Game Database Discussion / Error Listings 2018
« on: January 14, 2018, 02:08:13 pm »
Report any issues with any listings here.  See something that doesn't belong?  Incorrect images, or images with watermarks?  The staff will look into any reports and fix them. Please provide links if possible.

Link to 2017 thread

Video Game Database Discussion / Duplicate List 2018
« on: January 14, 2018, 02:04:08 pm »
Copy and paste URLs to duplicate database entries in this thread. Include the duplicate and the original that should it should be merged into. An administrator will review your submission, usually within a day, and then make the necessary changes.

If admins haven't cleared your post yet, feel free to modify it and add any additional duplicates you may have found in the meantime. This way we have less posts spamming up the thread.

Link to 2017 thread

General / Re: Anger Quits
« on: January 14, 2018, 01:29:01 pm »
I've slammed my mouse on the desk a few times, but I've never broken anything. I tend to take my anger out on VoIP.

Off Topic / Re: The Worst and Best Job you've ever had
« on: January 11, 2018, 09:35:51 pm »
Worst Job:
Public school IT assistant:  I had this job during summer break while I was still in High School. Since school wasn't in session we did a lot of software updating, and because the IT director was a bloody caveman we did every f**king computer update manually. No automation or remote desktop, nothing. Total BS. Then there was an issue with the janitors. The janitors had to do a complete waxing of all the floors so that meant moving all of the classroom desks and furniture into the hall way in order to get at the floors. Once they finished up waxing they'd move everything back into the classroom leaving us to set back up all the computers and networks. (This was back before schools had laptops or tablets.) And of course they didn't really care and all the wires were just left in a big tangled mess. Things settled down for while, but then, only two weeks later, they did it all again for basically no reason. Everything had to come out and then go back in again. So frustrating. Most of that summer was me untangling (I kid you not) miles of Cat5 cables.

Best Job:
Video Game Quality Assurance:  Two year ago I finally go into the industry after trying on and off for years after completing college. It's not quite what I want to do but it's my foot in the door.  So there's this held belief from some that being a tester means you're just playing games all day. This cannot be further from the truth. I'm trying to break games, not play them - which in its self is a great challenge and mindlessly tedious.  It's not enough to be good at a game, but you have to be creative.  You have to out smart the designers and programmers and find ways to smash their precious creations. Once you find a bug and know how to replicate it 100% of the time it's your respectability to log it and make sure it actually gets fixed but someone.  While it can be a drag some days, its really rewarding being able to make a real difference in the product that thousands of people play.  The benefits are also quite good, especially for a game studio.  100% covered health, dental, vision insurance and 401k plan. The job doesn't pay great, but at least I got that.

Classic Video Games / Re: What video game had the best ending for you?
« on: January 11, 2018, 01:04:53 pm »
Probably my favorite ending to any game was Portal 2. Totally unexpected and mind blowing. While it was really silly, it kind of fits into the already bizarre and light-hearted premise.

VGCollect for Android / Re: New VGCollect Android App Released
« on: January 08, 2018, 03:56:22 pm »
unable to sign in.

General / Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« on: January 07, 2018, 01:50:43 pm »
I would turn into Last Gamer, only retain my American accent.
I've thought before that I wouldn't really want a crazy game collection, but then I see such nice setups like this and it makes me think how cool it would be lol It's like having a game store in your house.
That arcade room he wants to build sounds insane.

Haha. I probably won't go as far as he does. I'm not really a completionist collector. There's really only a select number of things I really want. I would probably focus on pre-video game Nintendo toys. That shit's rare and expensive. I already have an Ultra Scope, Lefty RX car, Ten Billion Barrel and a handful of G&W.

General / Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« on: January 06, 2018, 05:36:13 pm »
I would turn into Last Gamer, only retain my American accent.


This fabulous Tingle game finally arrived!

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