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Messages - darko

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General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: August 12, 2011, 07:48:12 pm »
I've had numerous opportunities to buy some nice arcade games but I really don't know what I'd do with them! The only arcade I own is the wide body Mario Bros. It's all original which is cool, but I need to restore it.

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: August 12, 2011, 07:24:28 pm »
All I can say is pinball...awesome. But seriously you have a nice collection of arcades.

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: August 12, 2011, 01:18:45 pm »
Hmm alrighty.

My top cover is completely yellow whereas the bottom cover is perfectly grey. There's no fade or anything. Both are completely different. I would be surprised if both were made the same way :/

I don't think they added bromine to the bottom half of the case. I've never in my life seen any snes with a discolored bottom.

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: August 12, 2011, 12:53:18 am »

More like. "You rat bastard, can't you see I am SLEEPING?!"

That sums it up nicely!

Ah, ya Sunlight plays hell on the NES and SNES for sure. I found a cure for browning plastics online once, it involved tearing the casing down and a bunch of household products. I saw on a forum an old Apple II that was super brown, came out looking pristine white again.

I've seen that too. Luckily my consoles aren't too bad right now. I have 2 different SNESs. One is mine from years and years ago and it's slightly discolored (not worthy of a chemical bath) and the other one is pristine (last model before the redesign). I believe they changed the plastic that they used on the later models right before the newly designed SNES came out that wouldn't yellow. I use the nice looking one so I guess I'll find out sooner or later.

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: August 12, 2011, 12:41:45 am »
Ha. She was asleep on my sofa and I went in and turned on the lights. She was like WTF?

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:54:19 pm »
Two reasons really. Sunlight is number one. The second is that I always wanted one of those things when I was in grade school because one of my friends had one. Now I do!

General / Game Room Pics
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:26:42 pm »
I haven't seen a thread here strictly for game room/collection pics. Thought I'd start off the thread. Maybe we could get Matt to make a Game Room/Collection category? Would be nice!

This is my game room. It's actually fairly small. I have a decent house but all of the rooms are spoken for save the office. I'm pretty happy with my current setup besides the fact that my games are at least doubled up in the shelves. I'm going to have a custom built-in shelving unit installed next year some time that will have the correct dimensions and enough space for everything to be displayed at once (plus everything else I plan on acquiring). All of my boxes for the systems are in a closet and my PS3 is in the living room since it's really nothing more than a glorified blu-ray player these days.

I'm considering mounting the plasma on the wall and making a temporary situation with the SDTV below it. That would give me space for 2 more shelves like I already have on the left side of the room.

For those of you who used my system shelving idea, this is what it looks like with 4 shelves as opposed to 3. Also, sorry about the quality. Using the ol' iPhone and the lighting is not iPhone friendly.

Comments, suggestions, etc?

Click on the pics for a larger image.

EDIT: removed broken links

News / Re: New Platforms Added
« on: August 12, 2011, 07:34:35 pm »
Never mind....Dedicated Arcade. Got it.

News / Re: New Platforms Added
« on: August 12, 2011, 05:41:08 pm »
I'm not sure on this, but I think there needs to be another addition under Arcade. I have a Super Mario Bros. arcade from Nintendo but it's not a Playchoice model. I don't know exactly what it would be called though. Anyone have an idea?

General / Re: What are your other hobbies?
« on: August 13, 2011, 01:56:38 pm »
I'm a fan of anything electronics related. I build computers for my friends, co-workers, etc. I've been doing that since high school. I also enjoy movies about as much as @foxhack enjoys music (and the sound aspect that goes along with it). I'm a commodities trader by profession so that also takes up a lot of my time.

I love to travel and have been to Sweden, Estonia, Denmark and Grand Cayman Island over the past several years. I try to get out of the country at least once a year. I'm planning a trip to the Philippines next year so I might not get out of the US in 2011. It's going to be a big trip (and pricy). I'll probably spend a week or so in Japan in 2013.

I also have an active social life (between my job and friends that aren't into video games). I'm not really into clubs anymore but I'm still rarely home on the weekends. As soon as college football starts up I'll be even busier between hosting parties and going to OU games :)

I'm also a member of the Oklahoma City Retro Gamers Society. It's only about a year old and we've been trying to expand our membership base. I'm not the founder but I'd say I'm a founding member. That doesn't take up much time now but I could see it really growing and requiring more time in the future.

I bought my first house this year so that's also been a big time sink. It's a new house but you wouldn't believe how much time you can spend just upgrading things (painting every singly wall for example).

I love to cook and I love wine. I almost went to culinary school in Pasadena right after I graduated from College. I'm still interested in it but I have a great job that I enjoy so making that switch is unlikely.

@madmax You wouldn't happen to know how to remove the center console cup holder door of a G35 coupe would you? I broke mine last week and it's driving me crazy.

Classic Video Games / Re: Shining Force III Translation Project
« on: August 11, 2011, 09:45:16 am »
You'll have to emulate it or run it on a Dingoo/GBA flash card but it's totally worth a play.

Classic Video Games / Re: Shining Force III Translation Project
« on: August 10, 2011, 10:17:04 am »
I love the fact that there is fan dedication so deep that we can get translations across so many games. I just played Mother 3 in English and have FFXII International and Dragon Quest V on PS2 ready to play.

I'm thinking of learning Japanese as well. I've toyed with it a bit and honestly, the language isn't too difficult. The reading/writing, however, is completely ridiculous.

Marketplace / FS: Uncharted Waters SNES
« on: August 06, 2011, 05:18:54 pm »
I have a loose copy of Uncharted Waters for the SNES if anyone's interested. I'll either sell it or trade it for something I need complete for SNES (like LoZ A Link to the Past) or sell it. If it doesn't go here or on DP I'm ebaying it.

Two things:

1) That is ridiculous

2) His other items are ridiculous. This guy wants $15 for a Star Tropics box. I just bought the game complete and mint (including EVERYTHING that came with it) for $3.99.

Marketplace / Re: Plastic Boxes/Sleeves?
« on: August 05, 2011, 01:43:41 pm »
I found some great NES cases (sized for an NES box, not just the cart) on ebay. I think I paid $12 shipped for 10 of them.

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