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Messages - sin2beta

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Off Topic / Re: Whats "different" about you?
« on: January 10, 2013, 06:09:45 pm »
Having a video game and x-men comic collection are the weirdest things that I notice. Below are a few things that might be weird and some things that are just factual about me.

I grew up an air force brat. I lived in 10 states and 3 countries by the time I was 18. The places I would consider home have been Anchorage Alaska, Denver/Boulder Colorado, and Tulsa Oklahoma.

I went to school at the University of Colorado - Boulder and Stanford University.

I choose not to own a car. At least seeing how long I can make it. Moving from the Bay Area and Boulder to Oklahoma, it was amazing to see that most people own more than one car. I'm trying to be a little bit of a reverse in that trend. I do however have a motorcycle but use less than $15 in gas a month.

After all the Katy Perry talk I actually had to listen to some. Waking up in Vegas is legitimately a good song. But my favorite current bands are the Japandroids, Matt and Kim, Tegan and Sara. And all time favorites are Bad Religion, Green Day, Nirvana, Daft Punk, John Mellencamp, Elliott Smith, and Blur.

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 100 NES Game Together
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:18:30 pm »
Another one before it gets missed

56. Final Fantasy

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 100 NES Game Together
« on: January 08, 2013, 07:39:10 pm »
I think Metroid and Super Mario bros. 3 should be moved up.

It's not in any particular order :P

Not sure what number we're at now... so let's go with...

Arkista's Ring, that one game no one knows about!

I messed up the numbering so I will fix yours.

49. Arkista's Ring

More PS3 stuff!

Going with the previous theme, another import, that being Gal*Gun... for the lulz :P
And Anarchy Reigns with the Bayonetta DLC pre-order bonus.

I'm pretty excited for Anarchy Reigns.

I never knew of zappers. But I do have a lot of nostalgia for some old game stores.

My favorite and probably first game exchange was Mauck's game exchange (spelling is probably wrong) in Tulsa. It is still my favorite. He always had what seemed like odd prices for games. They would be like $4.62. And I always thought they were really weird and specific prices. But he made it to where after tax, you paid with a whole bill. It was the place I bought my power pad. It was where I saw my first ROB unit. They also sold old game magazines. Moreover, it was where I learned a lot about games. How to clean them, etc. The people who owned it were really nice.

It then changed to Hershels or something like that. It seemed nice enough, but I admit to not going there much. Now it is a tattoo parlor. :-(

I loved Funcoland.

In Boulder, I moved right across the street from a fantastic game exchange called game force. Reasonable prices. Plus, he had good stuff all the time. Most places in Tulsa are majorly picked over. Game Force in Boulder always made a point to seek out and keep good stock. Thus, the prices weren't mega cheap. But they were very reasonable. If you wanted a good game they would have one.

Game Dude in North Hollywood has a lot of good memories. As a kid (and sometimes even now), I would always look at their price printouts (kind of similar to the funcoland newspaper. I suspect they are from the same era and persuasion).

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 100 NES Game Together
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:31:33 pm »
I think most of the big ones have been said so I am going with one I really like.

Clash at Demonhead

General / Re: What Are You 2013 Game Collecting Goals
« on: January 08, 2013, 04:14:15 am »
Stadium events has several differences from its PAL counterpart. Unless I am mistaken it won't work in NTSC NES consoles. The PAL-B versions have different instructions. Slightly different box and label art, etc.

Stadium events was repackaged when Nintendo took over the Bandai Family Fun series. And several people do call it a variant with Tack Meet. Others make a distinction from it being a variant by calling it a rerelease and rebranding since another company was in charge. However, I would not have any problem considering it a variant.

How I consider sonic different is that the US release is just European overstock with a UPC sticker placed over the boxes original UPC. They are the European game. Several late master system releases were PAL overstock as there is no region lock. Nintendo did not take Bandai overstock of stadium events and slap a sticker on it. They completely redid the packaging and title.

In short, yes, I consider Stadium Events a variant.

I don't even consider Sonic on the SMS different enough to be a variant. It's the same game.

Classic Video Games / Re: Favorite Retro Console
« on: January 08, 2013, 01:59:27 am »
Favorite - Dreamcast.

I honestly think it was all timing for me. I grew up loving the genesis. My first console was the NES. But I found a cool niche and love of gaming on the genesis. The genesis remained one of my favorites over the 32-bit generation. But once the Dreamcast was coming out, I was getting old enough to get a job. It wasn't a legit job since I was around 14. But I worked that summer outisde of town on a farm several days a week. Bought and saved up for a Dreamcast. It is still one of the most nostalgic systems for me.

It might be weird, but I LOVE the sounds it makes. The system has this very distinct calming spin to the disc as well as the grinding of the laser. And although it might be a horrible sound the VMU beep that every dreamcast owner knows makes me so happy.
Least Favorite - Playstation

It is honestly far from my least favorite but I don't want to put something obvious like the down. And I've never played a 3DO or some others that would probably be worse. I am picking a system based on being a major release and one that I have played.

It really comes down to me disliking the 32-bit generation. As was mentioned earlier it was experimental. And the playstation had the combination of not doing 3D like the N64 or 2D like the Saturn. I also dislike the dual shock. Having said that, it is a good system. Has some FANTASTIC RPGs. It just never really connected with me.

Off Topic / Re: Camp out
« on: January 08, 2013, 12:32:06 am »
Completely off topic:
Is there going to be that Oklahoma game expo this year?  When and where is it? I might make the trek.

Still off topic: I've noticed a lot of people from Oklahoma on the site and collecting games in general. Whenever I moved here from the Denver/Boulder area I was also kind of amazed at the massive amount of comic shops. People in Oklahoma like to collect old stuff.

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 100 NES Game Together
« on: January 08, 2013, 12:25:38 am »
Hmm lots of good games to choose from. But I'll say:

35. Mr.Gimmick/Gimmick!

I was wanting to say Mr. Gimmick, but felt odd putting such a limited regional release. But it definitely deserves to be here. It definitely deserves to be really high on the list.

General / Re: What Are You 2013 Game Collecting Goals
« on: January 08, 2013, 12:15:59 am »
  • Finish off my Vectrex collection.
  • Finish off my SMS collection (a long shot but do-able if the funds are available)
  • Finish off my 32x collection (again, pending availability of allocated funds)
  • Fix the majority of my broken arcade machines
  • Finish the conversion of one side of the garage into a proper arcade

You do seem to be very close on the 32x. The SMS would be tough if nothing else but for the James Buster Knockout Boxing. That seems to be a pain to get.
I'd say Sonic with the barcode for a decent price is harder :/

@dstone I'll look at my dupes for SMS... I'll hook you up if I have anything you don't.

You are right. But, to be honest, I find looking for sonic with the sticker just insane. It is the European game with a sticker on it. Personally, I would be hard pressed to even call it a variant. I would just buy the European copy. It is the exact same with the exact same UPC on the box inlay. It came from the same factory and from the same production of games. It just does not have a sticker slapped on the outside.

If you don't care about the sticker, it's all personal taste though, sonic is absurdly cheap.

But Knockout Boxing is legitimately a rare cart. It's not a good game, it is just rare. You don't have the easier to find PAL release. For a long time, hey didn't surface on ebay very much even.

General / Re: first game you played
« on: January 08, 2013, 12:02:26 am »
My dad had a commodore 64 from when I was born. I don't know exactly what was my first game, but as a kid it was probably the C64 Duck Tales.

I remember the first console game I played. It was super mario bros. A kid in my neighborhood had a get together that my sister went to (they were older than me). But I remember seeing Super Mario Bros being played when we picked mt sister up. I could not believe that a game looked like that. At that time I was playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on C64. Mario was just on a whole different level. I got a chance to play it and have been hooked since.

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 100 NES Game Together
« on: January 07, 2013, 05:29:08 pm »
21. Castlevania

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 100 NES Game Together
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:31:54 am »
4. River City Ransom

Classic Video Games / Re: i'm not sure on what to do....
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:26:59 am »
I wouldn't pay for a repro of a released game either. If you want to experience the games, you can always come back with a counter offer. The worst that can happen is that they will say no. Th fact is he is selling them for a lot and doing it outside a channel to avoid seller fees and such. This is fine, but the cost seems insane to me. I know little about atari collecting though.

No difference between a repro and playing the rom with an atri joystick or playing through something like a cuttle cart.

Bottom line, I would not pay a dime either.

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