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Messages - sin2beta

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Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: January 06, 2013, 09:23:53 pm »
The Hobbit was the last movie I watched as well. I liked it. It felt like it belonged with the LotR trilogy. But it also felt different. More light-hearted, silly, etc. But I found this fitting with the book. The original trilogy movies were epic. But they were not able to explore the side stories (Tom Bombadil) as much as I'd like. The Hobbit seemed to be the filler of side stories.

Just picked up a Vectrex 3D Imager and a color wheel for 3D Crazy Coaster/3D Narrow Escape. Now I just need to pick up some 3D games for it.

Nice! I love the vectrex. They're always difficult finds for me. I don't think I've ever seen vectrex stuff in the wild.

Classic Video Games / Complete Sega Collection
« on: January 05, 2013, 10:57:57 pm »
Below is a blogger that recently collected every game for a sega home console. He did not complete the game gear and doesn't plan on it since he just wanted the home consoles. Impressive pictures.

Classic Video Games / Re: Underrated Platformers?
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:03:02 am »
Ristar is a very good one.

Another that is kind of in the same category is Decap Attack.

General / Re: What Are You 2013 Game Collecting Goals
« on: January 05, 2013, 02:17:17 am »
  • Finish off my Vectrex collection.
  • Finish off my SMS collection (a long shot but do-able if the funds are available)
  • Finish off my 32x collection (again, pending availability of allocated funds)
  • Fix the majority of my broken arcade machines
  • Finish the conversion of one side of the garage into a proper arcade

You do seem to be very close on the 32x. The SMS would be tough if nothing else but for the James Buster Knockout Boxing. That seems to be a pain to get.

Modern Video Games / Re: Sony's new and evil patent
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:58:45 pm »
In all honesty, I'd probably go that route as well. As much as I do sometimes like the idea of digital. I look at my steam library and I have 5 games total. I love my vvvvvv but I just can't get motivated to buy digital it seems. I've gone all digital in music and movies. But I could not tell you the last movie or album I purchased.

Modern Video Games / Re: Sony's new and evil patent
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:18:34 pm »
Actually, I do have to say that if everything goes with the no second hand games. I figure digital downloads will become the main way to go.

Will this be an opening for the steambox?

Basically, X-Box sales are insane because they are not sales at all. Games stay at 60 USD for seemingly forever. I don't know how PSN is. However, Steam sales are insane in that you gan get about 100 games without realizing it. They have massively cheap sales. In all honesty, I do not mind digital too much if it goes that way. ALthough, the bulk of my buying will probably still be retro physical releases.

All in all, if second hand games are prohibited, I'd probably buy a steam box. Well, I would just use steam on my computer, but you get my point.

Modern Video Games / Re: Sony's new and evil patent
« on: January 04, 2013, 01:23:10 am »
After working in lab settings, I know that companies patent literally everything that they think they can. Whether or not they think it will ever be used. Most employees are told and expected to patent. So, I do not always put stock into this type of stuff.

That being said, I do expect to see more of this in the future. Although I do not know exactly how long it will last. There have been attempts at this stuff to small degrees. I think a lot of new game purchases come from people selling their recently purchased games. People play games, beat them, and sell them to fund more games. This creates a fake and larger money source for people who buy new games. I honestly don't see more people buying new games. The most likely thing that would happen is that game companies will forcibly create a steam or app store "race to the bottom" in price structure to compete for people's monthly game budgets.

If you can't trade you are pickier and more frugal with money. Personally, I think the companies will only be hurting themselves. I would expect a few companies to try this (EA) and others will sit back and learn from their mistakes. But I could be overly optimistic.

I expect things to change a lot after this next generation of consoles. By that time, I will be old enough and set in my ways enough to not care for this new-fangled technology and just sit on my couch listening to Grunge music while playing my Genesis. I did it in 1991 and I'm doing it in 2013. So, I'm fine with any changes made. But seriously, there is enough stuff already released to keep me busy. It would just make my collecting easier.

General / Re: What are your other hobbies?
« on: January 04, 2013, 12:47:43 am »
Wow! There are a lot of motorcycle enthusiasts on here. I am another one. Put me in the Kawasaki camp. I've actually gone without a cage (car) for about one and a half years.

I collect comics.

I don't collect but enjoy movies/TV shows? and music. I used to have a decent collection of each of those. But have become a full digital convert.

Classic Video Games / Re: Underrated Platformers?
« on: January 04, 2013, 12:27:41 am »
Mr. Gimmick. (although it is probably best to own in emulation. An ebay search brings nothing up) But Pat the NES punk did an insanely convincing video for it. And it is indeed fun.

EDIT: As the video states it is available through So, no emulation is needed to own it.

sin2beta, wow. Where did you get that?

Anyway... today's finds and Goozex arrivals:

Eraser: Turnabout (PC) - $2
Iron Man (PC, new) - Free, Goozex
X3: The Official Game (PC, new) - Free, Goozex (disc 1 was loose)
Hulk (PC, new) - Free, Goozex

I already owned Eraser Turnabout, but my discs were scratched. These are mint so I'll just sell my other copy. As far as I know this was not released in a box in the US, it was only bundled with computers, so as far as I'm concerned it's complete. X3... disc 1 was loose and super scratched. I dunno if it'll even work. I can probably find a cheap replacement somewhere.

I also got way too many DVDs so check the other thread for more info. :p

That's not my case, but BrettyBlueVein's. I just quoted it. But we can call it my case if we wanted. In fact, it can even be shipped to my house with no objection from me. I've just got to figure out the best way to make the Nintendo into Sega.  8)

Off Topic / Re: The Comic Book Thread
« on: January 03, 2013, 11:10:34 pm »
I collect and read comics. I collect X-Men in floppies. They are the nostalgic comic for me, there is more available then I will ever be able to collect, and there is an absurd amount for cheap prices.

Then everything else I get in trades when I can. I mainly read Vertigo and Image for non indie publishers. Then Indie comics. Love and Rockets is a favorite of mine. I also love Daniel Clowes. I do pick up some mainstream in trades though. I loved Hickman's fantastic four run. I also am a sucker for any art by Mike and Laura Allred.

Happy New Year vgcollectors!

I recently acquired a display case for some of my favorite collectibles...

That is an amazing case and find. I always fight the conflict of wanting stuff like that but also preferring to live in apartments. Maybe once I get older and/if I settle in a house.

General / Re: What Are You 2013 Game Collecting Goals
« on: January 03, 2013, 10:53:54 pm »
I recently just cleaned out and focused my collection to just sega and xbox.

I want to pick up several Xbox 360 games (they are insanely cheap right now. I've been picking up several good titles for $2 a game).

I also want to flesh out my genesis collection and work towards completing a tower of power. I can find the add ons tomorrow if I really wanted. But I am very patient and cheap.

Secondary (but could become primary based on local thrift shops and flea markets) are to build up the original xbox and game gear collection.

Classic Video Games / Re: looking for weird/terrible games
« on: January 03, 2013, 01:45:29 am »
Where's Waldo isn't a bad game. It's freakin' Where's Waldo. You can't expect a lot out of something like that. :P

LOL. While there is some truth to that. The graphics made it impossible to tell Waldo from the fake Waldos. Then there is a level that was a black screen. It took place in a cave or something. But seriously, you had to find Waldo on a black screen.

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