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Messages - kingrat101

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 33
General / Re: Love It or Hate It: Video Game Edition - Super Mario 64
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:09:04 am »
Im kind of middle of the road with it, simply because I didn't have an N64 back in the day. A buddy of mine had it and I only played it for like 15 minutes, when I got an N64 though I enjoyed it, but if given the choice I'd rather play the original naughty dog crash bandicoot games or Jak and Daxter and Sly Cooper... Now Banjo Kazooie on the other hand I hate

I added Final fantasy adventure and pokemon gold a dollar each, Metal Slug 4 AES about 13 complete in box Atari 2600 games, and an FM towns Marty with a complete Turbo Outrun

General / Re: Your 10/10 Games?
« on: December 12, 2013, 03:56:12 pm »
Timber... Seriously everyone needs to play that game

All I get on a search for Timber is an early 80s arcade game about chopping down trees.

That is it! I know it doesn't sound like much, but it is the most addicting game I've ever played. Im pretty sure it was done by the same group at Midway that did Tapper

General / Re: Your 10/10 Games?
« on: December 10, 2013, 07:50:39 pm »
Oh man hard list, im sure i'll think of more but off the top of my head...
Super Metroid
Metal Slug 3
Real Bout Special
Majora's Mask
Comix Zone
Hard Corps
Timber... Seriously everyone needs to play that game

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: December 08, 2013, 07:41:29 pm »
Metal Slug 4, slightly underrated if you ask me and scribblenauts unmasked wii u, favorite Scribblenauts game. I could never really get into some of the other ones. Just beat Super Mario 3D land, awesome game, hoping to pick up 3D world for my birthday

General / Re: Collection Achievements thread
« on: November 30, 2013, 04:40:40 am »
Finally passed 1300 games, and also got another Metal Slug on the AES

Modern Video Games / Re: Wii U
« on: November 28, 2013, 05:47:21 pm »
In all honesty the PS4 and Xbox one don't seem to have a whole lot of "Next-Gen" stuff lined up. A lot of the games that are released and going to be released on them are also released and going to be released on the PS3 and 360. To me this next gen seems like it's going to have a slow start no matter what system you choose

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the top 50 Arcade Cabinets?
« on: November 26, 2013, 11:03:13 pm »
That's awesome kimimi, very jealous.
44-Taiko drum master

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the top 50 Arcade Cabinets?
« on: November 26, 2013, 02:30:37 am »
Number 30-Polybius ha, no really
Capcom vs SNK 2, incredible fighting game, wish I could get one

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the top 50 Arcade Cabinets?
« on: November 24, 2013, 11:42:20 pm »
14- The Simpson's arcade game

Classic Video Games / Re: Consolized MVS Solutions?
« on: November 21, 2013, 05:43:10 pm »
If you don't want to do it yourself a consolized MVS can get pricey, Neotropolis does great work, and he's got a lot of different options but kind of expensive. When I emailed him about a supergun and a consolized PGM he was quick to respond and knew what he was talking about. Maybe give him a shout for some detailed info.
If I remember correctly you're right you can bypass all the censorship with a BIOS chip, Im not a hundred percent sure but that's how it works with the AES.
From what I've heard it is pretty simple to Consolize one with some soldering and electrical skills. Also, check out Ben Heck's little mini cab he made with an MVS board. It turned out pretty cool and it might be a unique way to go about doing that. I think he used an old Commodore monitor for it

Man, I haven't added much of anything lately, Im hoping to pre-order Neo XYX for the aes soon though, very excited for that. It looks great
I'd love to buy the Neo Geo AES Homebrews, but damn it's over $600.00 to buy. (449.00 euro) I own over 60 AES carts and the most I ever paid for one was $300.
I agree it looks awesome, But I just can't spend $600 on it.  :-\
Well I really debated hard with Last Hope and Gunlord and Im actually really glad I bought the dreamcast versions because I don't care much for them as games. As much as Im a collector, I want to enjoy the game I put out that much money for.
By the way I've seen your AES collection and it's great, Im hoping to add some more to mine soon

Man, I haven't added much of anything lately, Im hoping to pre-order Neo XYX for the aes soon though, very excited for that. It looks great

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 14, 2013, 09:56:08 pm »
Im playing God of War 2, Madworld, just beat Bioshock infinite, don't know why it took me so long, what a fantastic game though and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Classic Video Games / Re: Console's for repair/parts
« on: November 12, 2013, 12:43:07 am »
The action replay is great, I've had no issues. Fixing a Saturn is kind of a pain, a buddy of mine and myself fixed his a couple years ago and it took like a month. They are kind of packed tightly together with some smaller parts. If you want to start fixing consoles, star with easier cart based stuff. NES,Genesis,SNES are all pretty simple

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