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Messages - oldgamerz

Pages: 1 ... 177 178 [179] 180 181 ... 183
General / Re: Collecting Shitty Games
« on: July 04, 2017, 09:47:05 pm »
Pole Position 64 for the Nintendo 64. I don't know but their is too many glitches in my copy. I cannot even start a race on the green lights all the cars go before me than they slow down and then I crash into them. then the dam turbo boost keeps going on when I'm turning. AND later on in the championship I there is no race track and I keep hitting into walls on like what resembles a winding one way street with one lane >:(

General / Re: What You Don't Like About The Nintendo 64
« on: July 04, 2017, 09:32:41 pm »
I'll agree the controller is bad if you don't take care of it or hold it correctly. But I actually found it to fit my big hands well and comfortably. I love sports games and For some reason I love the Graphics. but Yes I love the SONY PlayStation 1 even more. :D

General / Re: Most American Videogame ?
« on: July 04, 2017, 09:18:56 pm »

Reminds me of Heavy Gear 1 . The best military simulator and 3D video game ever made in the early 1990's. Heavy Gear 1 often was outdone and called a Mech Warrior rip off. in which in My opinion Heavy Gear was a way better war simulator than Mech Warrior was at that time. AND during this time Mech Warrior 2 outsold Heavy Gear 1 & Heavy Gear 2 and both games were made BY dream pod 9 WITH HELP OF  Activision, and  the same exact developer of Call OF Duty series both old COD and the New stuff nobody likes. But Heavy Gear 1 is and never was anything close to Call OF Duty.

In tour of Duty you just like in the real military. your sign up. choose your unit, and work your way up through the ranks from Corporal in the north or Assistant Corporal in the South

You actually rose through the ranks as you completed missions that you volunteered for and if you failed you would get punished with a Defense mission and get demoted your rank.  you never died but that game was tough. In heavy Gear 1 you could choice you own mech that looked more human than mech warrior robots and you could customize your own from the ground up. Also you could play with Invincibility and unlimited ammo on. But then, you would never reach a higher rank than General. The game was buggy and their is a patch that breaks the game completely. so never get the HG patch. But as I said you work through the ranks in over 2000 mission campaign. That is you must win over 2000 or 3000 missions in order for you and your choice or side North Terren Nova or South Terran Nova in which was a planetary human civil war I played for 2000 missions with the cheats on and 1000 with the cheats off but I never beat the Tour Of Duty Mode

General / Re: Most American Videogame ?
« on: July 04, 2017, 06:33:26 pm »
Duke Nukem it is. Kicking butt and chewing bubblegum. and by the way the Nazis were just a bunch of alien bas*&&@ds. AND BJ Blackawitz was not an american, he was a member or the British army and. In Duke Nukem you play a role as a man created by the CIA and FBI to save the world. but the one thing I absolutely hate about Duke Nukem 3D for the computer is that you can't save any women  and only can kill them in which sucks. I love Duke Nukem 64 much better because you can't kill the women and you can blow up dead bodies with a pistol or a shotgun just like in the photo of duke nukem 3D. and the guns are way better in Duke Nukem 64 AND you can buy Duke Nukem 64 for a low price these days

SO do yourself a favor People find someone on VGcollect that has a copy of Duke Nukem 64 for sale.

Doom is 2nd most american to me because the main character in doom I Think? was an american too not sure and you also shoot Nazis in a secret level on Doom 2 for the PC

Hey badATchaos? you NEED to add Duke Nukem Zero Hour to your N64 collection beleve it or not that game is was I think the original DUke Nukem Forever. Sadly it is third person shooter instead of 1st person without a cheat code and it is super hard game to beat. but I beat it with cheats on and it shows the american flag and the words Duke Nukem Forever. from what I can remember Fireworks in the background!! ::) while Duke Nukem screws a female commando

Duke Nuke would love to put some firecrackers up those aliens tails I believe. ;D Happy 4th of July Americans!


General / What You Don't Like About The Nintendo 64
« on: July 04, 2017, 06:25:51 pm »
 :( I love this console and give it lots of praise. But I noticed a lot of people do not like it. my favorite thing is how sturdy it's game cartridges are. So? what are some of the things you don't like about this 1997 generation 5 Nintendo console?

General / Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« on: July 03, 2017, 08:49:18 pm »
Sometimes you just need to play a video game that your either never played before, or something else. I find that once I get used an old video game that is all I want to play. Because it is vary frustrating to play a new game for the first time learning all the controls and everything. in which IS why I have so many sports games. Sometimes it's hell getting off the first stage or level on a game you never beat or played before.

OK people pay attention. Chances are if you are a video game collector like myself. then I suggest even though is supper hard to learn a new game. We  all should take some off our old games. That we are used to. and put them back in storage. just play something new or something we haven't played in ages other wise your collection is just going to waste :(

If you sick of one genre then play another

, had this stupid idea that if I stop playing i'll get older much faster  ::)

Does anyone even know that their really is no such thing as being too old to play video games? I even heard of senior citizens playing Mario cart 64 back in the 1990's growing up.!!

Just last week, I met a man in the hospital I was in. and he claimed to be in his 70's. and he loves to play NASCAR for the PS2. I forgot what year, he told me though. You want to know what will make you old people (in my opinion :-X). well the TV news and politics on TV, that's what!!. my opinion. Rock and Roll and Metal is king of the music genre and put Video games and Pop/Rock music together and you can stay occupied and young forever. ;D

as far a movies and tv shows go. (just a matter of my own opinion)
 Horror movies I think are meant for sane teenagers. That want to be teenagers forever. and action movies for people who want to live the young adult days forever. and adult cartoons I believe are for all ages. comedy's, all ages. romance, well I know a few guys like romantic comedy's. But from what I heard women and marred men and mature audiences usually like to watch them.

BACK ON TOPIC: yea Twisted Metal 2, War Zone Mortal Kombat 4 Spiro the Dragon demo, Cool Boarders 2 and a few other PS1 games come to my mind. As a child and spending time with my dad who still plays video games once and a while. But he used to play a lot longer, when he was working less, and had more free time. Now he likes more outdoor activities more.

General / Stories Of Us Goofing Off In Video Games
« on: May 10, 2017, 06:30:05 pm »
One game am really goofing around in now is called "Battlefield Bad Company 1" for the PlayStation 3. I am also completing the single player campaign while fooling around blowing up Russian Outhouses with a grande launcher when I see one too. The DICE World engine is totally radical. ;D

you can blow up holes in tanks and military trucks too. don't play this game like call of duty Play it to have an absolute blast screwing around. punch holes through brick walls using a unrealistic power tool. or repair trucks and tanks by drilling at any part on it and restore fully it in one second while the bad guys are still trying to destroy it. or just stand there and listen to your squad mates cracking jokes. Lol one the first mission I just randomly blew a hole in a fake, cheap, old abandoned  home and frag an enemy at the same time. telling you I don't do this in real life. In this game world you have ammo dumps and fuel drums to blast. artillery to use however you want, no easy lose or fail. unlimited ammo crates and weapons to use in fact before the Campaign is over you can blow up mostly everything. BUT,

the massive downside to this game is you only have the ability to knock down the outside walls to a building. no matter what you do you can't destroy the games plaster and wooden inner building walls. therefore you can't bring entire buildings down only hollow shell buildings and that really is a disappointment to me. although in the beginning you can destroy rooftops but I haven't gotten through the whole game yet. :D

I hope You all can share you game stories on this thread. Not sure if this idea was ever taken but It could have been.

you can also savage a whole console sometimes just by cleaning the insides and out  too  :)

With the Wii and Wii U name. Nintendo, I think wanted to prevent modern consoles from heading into becoming, adult only machines back into the child's hands of tomorrow. The Wii U, sounds vary child friendly, just like most of the games released on it. I can see why not many people in this forum seem to like it. Because not a single one of us are children anymore. ::).

I have a feeling in my study of the modern video game market video games of the future will make Mario and most other NES games, where you kill things look and play too violent for children. But hey I grew up in this cruel world. I look at the violence of the video game past as none today. I still play wolfenstein 3D and mario and have fun with them. but even the thought of an innocent plumber getting eaten alive by a carnivorous plant gave me the creeps at a young age. and I've seen so much fake violence that I enjoy fake violence as long as I know it's just a video game. Yet I still know deep We are all twisted.

anyway, worst name would be Steambox. ya just what I want a game console with steam coming out it's ass. reminds me of those nicotine vapor packs some former tobacco smokers use to blow steam instead of smoke. Hey, it seems like a great console to own :) just bad name.

Best name? Magnavox Odyssey. but probably the most primitive and boring console in my opinion but how catchy and fantastic the name is.

They weren't a pain at all (nor were they "early" PC games by the 90s, early 3D maybe) They were excuses to get the latest Rage 3D card or Sound Blaster. I loved figuring out new ways to get the most out of the hardware. DIP switches to individually set IRQ & DMA values, then feeding that information into each game. Running multiple config.sys and autoexec.bat configurations based on which programs and features I would want for that session. High Memory, Expanded Memory, RAM drives, TSRs and all that jazz. Being a PC gamer during that era lead to a career due to having to know virtually every aspect of each and every component in your machine and what worked and didn't work with what and why. No complaints here, it was the most fun, hands on, job skills training I could imagine.

I'm impressed if what you said is you. There are probably over a multiple billion different ways, or possible. how to operate any computer by now.  there is even a way to make entire song, or music with code. and even movies too.

I highly recommend more people should salvage hardware, (instead of trashing their game consoles or things whole whole) I may not know how to repair electronics vary well but I do know. That their are some people, that do in online or in remote locations. (Example) Sometimes an internal power supply can go bad. but you know that the laser, is still good. why not sell or give the laser? and everything else inside the game console. To a electronic hardware technician. Or a hardware hacker? If it goes to the junkyard, chances are all of it will (eventually). be rusted through and destroyed. So what are your thoughts on this?

Why not sell or give away functional electronic gut? or that stuff inside old broken electronics? IF it's still salvageable

General / Re: PS2 Slim vs PS2 Phat Which Your Favorite type?
« on: May 09, 2017, 06:06:51 am »
I know a local repairman that I paid. to stop by PS2 phat from freezing. he fixed it. You know? the Lasers and parts can always be replaced. and then work like new. Just stop throwing away A broken PS2. you can always sell or salvage the remaining good hardware! to tech people. If it's broke try to fix it or salvage it. or pay someone to do it for you. People sell A lot of broken PS2's. and my advise is to fix yours or salvage the guts for someone else to use. :)

General / PS2 Slim vs PS2 Phat Which Your Favorite type?
« on: May 08, 2017, 04:18:49 am »
I prefer the older and bigger  PlayStation 2's rather then all the slim. Slim Models I've owned would scratch my Discs easy. when the slim shuts off it still spins the disc. If you try to remove the Disc  my hands apply down force and the bottom of the game gets a ring scratch. I also love the fans in the older models keeping the processors nice and cool. also I read somewhere the graphics look slightly better on the older and bigger phat models.

Which do you prefer?

General / Re: Favorite vs Non Favo carefrite Millitary Based Game
« on: May 07, 2017, 09:28:08 pm »
The first one to come to mind was Jane's Longbox FX. Delta Force was pretty good also.

There are many bad ones. And one I can't remember the name of is my least favorite. It was a first person shooter set in Vietnam. The issue with the game that made me quit was the fact that the enemies would spam grenades, and since it was in a jungle you would never see them first. It was very frustrating.

hey, I might own that Vietnam game. Was it called "VietCong Purple Haze" for PS2 or maybe Xbox? Or PC? That game takes careful planning and strategy. it is also buggy too.  all it takes is to read the vary interesting manual or research about the real Vietnam so called war, or conflict. in the first couple levels and throughout the game. you are in a vary heavy jungle. the enemy has bobby traps in marked locations. your suppose to order your Asian soldier guide you and tell you where to go. By walking up him and press x on PS2.  follow him, if he sees a trap  he will stop.

and say something automatically ONCE. when he see the camouflaged trap. You than must proceed carefully forward telling your squad to hold, and shoot or manually disarm the traps yourself. than tell you point man to go to the next place. the radar tells you where some of the enemies are located. shoot through the bushes. The vets of that conflict called that spray and pray. This game is not action packed as most wanted it is a challenging yet fun simulator. I'd sure as hell enjoy this game more than the old NES games. It's actually EASY it's fun. if I were you and wanted to try something new for a change I'd highly recommend re adding it to your video game collection. even if you only have it to sell it later. It's COLLECTIBLE :D

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