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Messages - torvez

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Recap of what I got in April:


DC rumble pack
2 VMU's
Memory Card Plus SS
SS RF adapter
N64 RF
Saturn Stunner

Legend of Zelda
Adventure of Link
Duck Tales
Kid Niki
Snakes Revenge
Super Mario Bro's 3
Pokemon Pinball
X-Men Genesis
Sonic Spinball
Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Maximum Carnage Genesis
Black Fire SS
3 Free Sega Saturn Games
Hexen SS
Off-World Interceptor Extreme SS
SS Bootleg Sampler
Sega Screams Vol.1
Street Fighter Alpha SS
Virtua Cop 2 SS
Virtua Fighter 2 SS
Virtua Fighter Kids SS
Warcraft II SS
FF XII Collector's Edition PS2
Gex 3 PS1
Gundam Battle Assault 2 PS1
Castlevania N64
Space Invaders N64

Might be missing a few.
Good first month of collecting!
Only spent $30! Everything else was a trade!
Can't complain!

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:33:46 am »
They're wall shelves (track system stuff). I had two more cubes on top of the 3x3s on the bottom but decided I wanted to actually SEE the games I play the most. I'm not finished with the project, nor am I completely happy at this point, but it's a step in the right direction for now.
It's looking great! I've been wanting to get some new shelves for my room, mine are too deep for my taste. I found a place that sells open box stuff and I seen these there for $20
Thinking of picking up 2, Would actually give me more walking room and more shelf real estate. Only thing is, I don't think they'll hold Saturn cases or the like...  :-\ Anyway, your room is coming together ridiculously nice!

Hardware and Tech / Re: NES AV Fix?
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:27:01 am »
No sweat! I haven't touched it yet! I got my RF adapter to work, and that is fine for now. I might end up getting another one when I can get a deal. Thanks!

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:10:00 am »
I made a slight adjustment to my game room this weekend. I'm not finished with everything, but here's a preview.

 :o That looks amazing! Are those wall shelves, or a case?

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: May 06, 2013, 09:44:41 am »
4 shelves is ideal for that collection, looks soo good now!

General / Re: The Pay It Forward Thread
« on: May 05, 2013, 01:08:47 pm »
Just found a few things...
Final Fantasy VIII black label (missing disc 4 but otherwise complete)

I'd be interested in FF VIII!

Got it yesterday! Thanks alot, Justin!

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: May 05, 2013, 10:48:39 am »
I went to big lots on a whim today and walked out with a cheap Sauder bookcase! The strategy guide collection is now out in view! The game room continues to build in awesomeness!

Lookin' good, I wish I could fit more shelving in my room...

Classic Video Games / Re: Game value and rarity!
« on: May 02, 2013, 03:37:20 pm »
Yeah its dino peak thats expensive. Im not too sure its a BB rental only game as it was advertised in Nintendo power quite a bit ... but it was a weirdly timed release (really late in the systems life a full 3 years after the SNES was live in US (August of 94 for the game vs August of 91 for the SNES).

The price of games will forever fluctuate. The one thing that is consistent in game collecting is that the variables will continue to change whether it be people selling out, people getting in, people finding multiple copies of something, copies of other stuff getting into a permanent collection, etc.

It was blockbuster only. That much I am sure of.

Anyone see the game chasers episode where they find adventures at dinosaur peak at Game X Change for $5 (The Dino and Hoppy price)?

Yes! Actually, when it pops up on the bottom, it says it retails at $300. That was in 2011 (when the episode was uploaded), I don't know if they got that price on ebay or not, but now, in 2013 it goes for around $600+ on ebay. so there is some evidence that prices could definetely go up in the coming years.

General / Re: Truly Massive Video Game Collection
« on: May 02, 2013, 03:03:18 pm »
That's cool and all that he has all of it, but none of it is being used. I can't stand to see people hoard games. Why does he need to have a boxed version, a loose version, a slightly similar variation of a console etc.? I don't know, personally, I don't collect just to say I have it (or 4 of them). I collect because I want to play games!

General / Re: Ever do something lame?
« on: May 02, 2013, 02:18:51 pm »
I'm bad at making back-ups as well. I write music on computers. I had about 100 songs/ ideas on my laptop (not to mention the 80+ GB's of samples and plugins). And then one day my hard drive failed. If you have ever used a computer for writing/recording music, you know it is a great investment in time. You'd think I would be smart enough to save my precious time to that snazzy new 1TB external hard drive I had just bought for that very purpose. Unfortunately, I'm also lazy, which often yields lame results.

WAIT! A glimmer of hope!
Ran a program to recover lost files.
They all showed up!
Open the most recent file I was working on.
Open another.
Tried one last time before throwing the drive out of the window!
(I swear the program said that)
Sent the hard drive smooth sailing out of my bedroom window.
It's still there. (Maybe I should leave it there for archaeologists to find)
Didn't even mention the $60 I wasted by taking it to the computer guy to "look" at it.
"Gotta buy a new one." he said.
"Well I could have, If I didn't waste my money paying you." I replied.


Anyway, check out my music  ;) (link is in signature)
Then you can write in this thread about how I duped you into believing that my music wasn't lame!

My wife was trash digging today and found Luigi's Mansion and Pokemon Colosseum on GameCube.  The Pokemon Colosseum had the bonus disc with it. Anyone have a spare Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc case laying around?

Nice! We went out today and found a ton of headsets and controllers, official xbox and sony stuff. good haul today lol

General / Re: The Pay It Forward Thread
« on: April 28, 2013, 11:54:39 pm »
Just found a few things...
Final Fantasy VIII black label (missing disc 4 but otherwise complete)

I'd be interested in FF VIII!

Just picked up
super mario 2,
legend of zelda,
adventure of link,
and duck tales

Traded a gameboy and a few games for them

Some ESSENTIALS there for the NES. All of them except for Rampage are MUST-HAVES. I hope you enjoy those superb titles. Rampage is a lot of fun too, but in short bursts. Extended gameplays get too repetitive, IMO.

Yeah, as soon as the guy mentioned Duck Tales and Legend of Zelda I was on board and he just kept adding games lol, turned out to be a pretty good deal!
I remember playing Rampage when I was around 6 and I know I'm gonna have some sort of nostalgic feeling when I pop it in lol. Same can be said for the other titles as well, I think this was one of the best trades this month, and there has been a ton! lol

good haul, darko!
I think I may pick up a gameboy pocket myself.

Just picked up
super mario 2,
legend of zelda,
adventure of link,
and duck tales

Traded a gameboy and a few games for them

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