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Messages - bikingjahuty

Pages: 1 ... 283 284 [285] 286 287 ... 291
Classic Video Games / Re: PAL Dreamcast games
« on: January 31, 2014, 10:24:02 am »
I also forgot to mention Shenmue 2. It was released on the XBOX in NA, but it's always cool playing it on the Dreamcast. It doesn't have the amazing English voice acting from the first, but at least it has subtitles :p

General / Re: Question of the Month for February 2014
« on: January 30, 2014, 10:41:20 pm »
Worst: DT Racer(PS2), Panic!(SEGA CD), Gunforce(SNES)

Best: Zelda Ocarina of Time, Shenmue, Shenmue 2, Final Fantasy VII

LOL. I love Panic!

For the life of me I could not take anything positive from this game lol. Just curious, what did you like about it?

Classic Video Games / Re: PAL Dreamcast games
« on: January 30, 2014, 06:12:24 pm »
Yes he does :D! The three most popular PAL imports seem to be Head Hunter (ported to the PS2 in NA), Evil Twin (PAL exclusive), and Cosmic Smash (Released in Japan as well).

General / Re: Question of the Month for February 2014
« on: January 30, 2014, 06:04:31 pm »
Worst: DT Racer(PS2), Panic!(SEGA CD), Gunforce(SNES)

Best: Zelda Ocarina of Time, Shenmue, Shenmue 2, Final Fantasy VII

General / Re: What Are Your 2014 Gaming Goals?
« on: January 30, 2014, 11:20:51 am »
- Play Earthbound and find out why on earth people feel it is worth $150.
Because it's amazing. Granted, I have my copy from when I was a kid. It's probably not worth that much, but it's a great game in my eyes. If I needed to replace my copy, I might pony up that much money. Up there with chrono trigger and the like.

I just beat Chrono Trigger and seeing how Earthbound goes for twice as much typically, it better be twice as good lol! That's going to be hard since Chrono Trigger is definitely one of the best RPGs I have played, and that is coming from someone who has zero nostalgia for that game. It will be interesting to see how Earthbound stacks up ;)

You are going to be disappointed. In all honesty, Chrono Trigger is more than twice the game Earthbound is.

That's mostly what I have heard/read :/. I even hear a lot of people say it is very overrated, but I am holding off judgements and forming my own opinion of it. If it's at least enjoyable I'll be happy.

Classic Video Games / Re: Retro collecting is dying!
« on: January 30, 2014, 11:00:10 am »
This may sound horrible, but I hope it does die. There are too many people out there collecting right now just because its "in" or "cool" causing the prices to become over inflated. I blame the hipsters, they pay too much for everything they buy! If Urban Outfitters sold video games I think we'd see Earthbound at $400 for cart only. Once the fad dies off I might be able to afford the games I want!. Sorry for my stupid and illogical rant.
nothing stupid and illogical about this.
i cant wait for the prices to drop. thats why im carrying on with my ps3 360 ds collection
I would anticipate for that day...  I see eBay and Amazon sellers overpricing some of the games I'm looking for.

As for current video games, I am becoming inclined towards digital copies since physical copies don't even have manuals anymore.

True, but at least you actually own the game when you at least have the disc (assuming there is no DRM crap on the game). There is zero ownership with digital, only the illusion of it.

General / Re: Your Specializations/Areas of Expertise?
« on: January 30, 2014, 10:57:35 am »
PS2, Dreamcast, and Gamecube

I have collected the most hardcore for these three consoles, and have played a ton of games on them (import and domestic).

General / Re: What Are Your 2014 Gaming Goals?
« on: January 30, 2014, 10:54:45 am »

I'd like to finally finish off these this year:

- Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

Good luck on this one. After trying hundreds of times, I have never been able to beat that boss that has three forms, oddly I forgot his name (not Dracula lol)

I've gotten fairly far in it, never beaten it. I figure now with the amount of times I've blown through Castlevania 1, I should be good to go. haha

Of course I may need to run it on an emulator, since my NES is borked atm. :(

Nooo!!! That sucks, sorry to hear that :/. But as long as you get to play it that's all that matter :). I sadly have not beat the first Castlevania either, but have way less playtime on it than Dracula's Curse so that is likely the reason. Still, it's a really tough game.

General / Re: What Are Your 2014 Gaming Goals?
« on: January 30, 2014, 10:50:25 am »
- Do a play through of Resident Evil 0 through Resident Evil 4 (including Code Veronica X) on the Gamecube.

- Beat at least 2 PS1 RPGs. I have a ton of them, but sadly have only beat the FFs.

- Get better at ma SHMUPS :p

- At least a third of the games I beat this year will be from the SNES or Genesis library (two consoles I mostly neglected this last year).

- Play Earthbound and find out why on earth people feel it is worth $150.
Because it's amazing. Granted, I have my copy from when I was a kid. It's probably not worth that much, but it's a great game in my eyes. If I needed to replace my copy, I might pony up that much money. Up there with chrono trigger and the like.

I just beat Chrono Trigger and seeing how Earthbound goes for twice as much typically, it better be twice as good lol! That's going to be hard since Chrono Trigger is definitely one of the best RPGs I have played, and that is coming from someone who has zero nostalgia for that game. It will be interesting to see how Earthbound stacks up ;)

General / Re: What Are Your 2014 Gaming Goals?
« on: January 30, 2014, 10:47:48 am »

I'd like to finally finish off these this year:

- Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

Good luck on this one. After trying hundreds of times, I have never been able to beat that boss that has three forms, oddly I forgot his name (not Dracula lol)

General / Re: What Are Your 2014 Gaming Goals?
« on: January 30, 2014, 10:44:57 am »
Hmm, first off Im shocked at some of the games you have on your list. :)

My list is :
Bravely Default
The witch and the hundred knight (just pre-ordered!)
Xenoblade Chronicles
Radiant Historia

Games I want to get replayed again this year
Final fantasy VII
Dragon Quest II-IX
Phantasy star I-IV
I have this goal as well. I've played through the 1st one, but over the summer acquired 2-4 on NES. I need to get around to playing them!

Reminds me I need to finish Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride. I got pretty far in that and never finished it...

Lol I ask myself the same thing with Xenoblade. I made it through 90% of the game, and then I moved and never picked it back up. It is such an incredible game!!!!

General / Re: What Are Your 2014 Gaming Goals?
« on: January 30, 2014, 10:42:45 am »
- Do a play through of Resident Evil 0 through Resident Evil 4 (including Code Veronica X) on the Gamecube.

- Beat at least 2 PS1 RPGs. I have a ton of them, but sadly have only beat the FFs.

- Get better at ma SHMUPS :p

- At least a third of the games I beat this year will be from the SNES or Genesis library (two consoles I mostly neglected this last year).

- Play Earthbound and find out why on earth people feel it is worth $150.

Classic Video Games / Re: Retro collecting is dying!
« on: January 28, 2014, 11:54:30 pm »
Anyone who looks at price charting can see its getting bigger than ever.

I find Price Charting to be fairly unreliable for specific prices, however it does capture trends nicely with their overall pricing graphs. It is currently huge, and I think this recent media attention surrounding the NWC cart that sold for nearly 100g is just going to make things worse in terms of interest in the hobby as well as people trying to sell their common NES or N64 games for a fortune. I remember how bad it got after that idiot on Storage Wars said he found a "super rare" NES model 001 or whatever, and then everyone thought their Mario/Duck Hunt was worth hundreds!

Too lazy to take a picture, but picked up these fine SNES games for $10 total:

-The Adventures of Might Max
-Thunder Spirits
-The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare
- Tiny Toons: Buster Busts Loose

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: January 27, 2014, 10:41:45 pm »
^^^^ vary nnniiiiiieecccceee!!!! *Borat voice*

Thanks! I really liked the videos of your stuff too! You really piqued my interested into the Dreamcast homebrew. I'm definitely going to be looking at some of that stuff now.

Thank you :D! They are all very good! I love how the Dreamcast is still be supported and developed for :).

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