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Messages - bikingjahuty

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General / Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« on: January 05, 2014, 12:37:36 pm »
Oh by the way, hello everyone! New here. I am a Gamespot refugee since they abandoned their retro community and hammered the last nail into their site's coffin. Hope to meet some cool gamers here. Also have about 90% of my collection cataloged so far if anyone is interested in seeing what I got.

Welcome to the site Bikingjahuty  ;D

We also have a more "official" "Introductions" thread if you want to say "Hello" to everyone all at once  ;)

Just did :). Thanks for the warm welcome!

htimreimer is turning into our very own Vic-20 collector.

bikingjahuty, nice find on Shadowrun! That's an awesome game. Oh and Earthbound too but who cares about that. ;D

HAHA Yeah, that's what I thought too when I saw it. . .more like Crapbound! :P

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: January 05, 2014, 12:31:44 pm »
Hello everyone!

I've been gaming since 1992 when I got a Sega Genesis for my 5th birthday, but really became addicted when I got an N64 on XMAS 96. Like most on here, I sold or traded most of my childhood games for newer games or other stuff over the years, and began collecting again in 2008. Aside from having to sell my NTSC Saturn collection back in 2010 to fund a summer semester of school, I have held onto my games and am currently at about 1200 games (have not put all my games in as of the time of this post).

I collect current gen games all the way back to NES, however my favorite games to collect for are 5th (PS1, N64, Saturn) and 6th gen (PS2, Dreamcast, XBOX, Gamecube) games. I mostly hunt all my games in the wild at thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales and places like that, although I do break down and get stuff on Ebay sometimes. I also trade with various other collectors in my area to get harder to find stuff. I have, however, recently slowed down with my collecting, partially out of choice, but also because most of the stuff I want but don't have is harder to find. Instead I am focusing more on playing all the games in my current collection rather than buying more new ones.

A little extra: My favorite games are Shenmue and Shenmue II, my favorite console is the Dreamcast followed by the PS2, and my most wanted game at the time of posting this is The Misadventures of Tron Bonne for the PS1.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you and being apart of a vibrant online gaming community! :D

PS. Going to try and get pics of my game room today (or tomorrow).

Classic Video Games / Re: MOST EXPENSIVE GAME!
« on: January 05, 2014, 11:14:26 am »
The most I have ever paid for a single game was my complete copy of Chrono Trigger, I paid $100 for it which is still a good deal. Not too far behind that are Radiant Silvergun which I dropped $90 on and .Hack Quarentine for $85.

Classic Video Games / Re: Throwing away infected classic consoles
« on: January 05, 2014, 11:05:33 am »
I know someone who had live roaches come out of a N64 they purchased off of CL. Yeah, old gaming consoles and even games can be a haven for bugs. It is good to clean them out outside just in case they are infested or have dead bugs like your PS1. As someone said, PS1s are cheap and easy to find, so you did the right thing. If it were something like Sega CDX or 3DO I'd probably put the elbow grease into cleaning it, but still, not sure if could deal with roaches or bedbugs. . .

General / Re: Question of the Month for January 2014
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:57:55 am »
we all love collecting games for many reasons, from experiencing new games to preserving history of a form of media that we love but there is somethings about collecting that just suck, what is something about VG collecting that you hate

cleaning: just like any other collectors item, the people who bought the console/computer in the past didn't think there was gonna be a collectors market for the console/computer they just bought and because of this, consoles/computers are neglected and need some attention, this is for me is the worst part of collecting because you don't know whats under the hood and don't know what hell you have gotten your self in to until it's too late

so far i have experienced spider,spider,dust,cobweb,spider, spiderweb and mysterious sticky brown mold (at lest i think its mold) that smells like a cross between BBQ sauce and wet dog that also burn a hole in to the label

Glad I'm not the only one who cleans their games :p. I have cleaned some pretty gross games over the years including spiders webs, food, what looked and smelled like poo (was on a good game, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered), and a variety of other things. I have a friend who probably had it the worst; he bought a N64 off Craigslist, took it home, powered it up and about 5-minutes into testing it roaches started coming out of it. Lol I draw the line at insects :p.

But the one thing I hate about collecting, right now at least, is how difficult it has become to collect on the cheap. I started collecting around 4-years ago and at the time very few people were doing it. Now everyone and their mom is doing it, and businesses and people have started taking advantage of retro collectors. I used to be able to walk into virtually any thrift store and buy any gamer older than 6th-gen(PS2,Gamecube,XBOX) for no more than $3 each, good stuff too. Now all there are is a bunch of sports games. There are also a ton, A TON, of resellers in this hobby that have made it hard to find games for a good price. Don't get me wrong, I still find a lot of stuff, but I have to work for it 50-times harder than I used to and get fairly creative to find the deals.

General / Re: Your best gaming deal
« on: January 05, 2014, 02:45:28 am »
Earthbound(SNES) - $5
Valkyrie Profile(PS1) - $2
Final Fight 3(SNES) - $10
Jurassic Park Operation Genesis(XBOX and PS2) - $3
Haunting Ground(PS2) - $2
Sunday Funday(NES) - Free
Sparkster(Genesis) - Free
Winning Post (Saturn) - $3
Conker's Bad Fur Day(n64) - $5
Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen(PS1) - $2
NES Top Loader - $20
Pikachu N64 console - $30

A lot of other great deals as well, just can't remember them off the top of my head.

Classic Video Games / Re: How Is Your SNES Gaming Going?
« on: January 05, 2014, 02:34:35 am »
Very, very good actually. I am currently playing Chrono Trigger for the first time and I can easily say it is a top 10 SNES game for me.

On the collecting side of things I have been a SNES magnet recently. I hunt most of my games in the wild (have to collect on a budget), and found Earthbound, Shadowrun and Breath of Fire II (CIB) on New Years Day and a hidden spot of mine. And just a month ago I found Ninja Gaiden Trilogy for $50. Not a steal, but deifinitely better than $100+ on Ebay ;)

Classic Video Games / Re: XBox Hidden Gems?
« on: January 05, 2014, 02:29:40 am »
Jurassic Park Operation Genesis
Syberia II
Otogi II
Outrun 2

Found these New Years Day in an untapped resource I hit up for cheap retro games. I paid $40 total for all of this. I know it looks too good to be true, but as much as the word of a Newbie can be worth, it is 100% true. Definitely a top game hunting find for me.

General / Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« on: January 05, 2014, 01:50:14 am »
I have been buying and collecting pretty hardcore for several years now (accumulating around 500 games per year), but this year I'm trying to focus on playing a lot more games than I buy. Started the year off right by playing a game I've sadly never played before, Chrono Trigger. I am almost to the end where you fight Lavos and God Damn, it is an excellent RPG. Was going to take on Earthbound, also for the first time, next. Here's to a good year of gaming and collecting!

Oh by the way, hello everyone! New here. I am a Gamespot refugee since they abandoned their retro community and hammered the last nail into their site's coffin. Hope to meet some cool gamers here. Also have about 90% of my collection cataloged so far if anyone is interested in seeing what I got.

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