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Messages - xsuicidesn0wmanx

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Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate List 2017
« on: May 31, 2017, 05:31:22 pm »
Xbox section needs to be cleaned up again, I had this section cleaned up a few months ago too... ;\

007: Everything or Nothing

Aliens Versus Predator

Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding - Not For Resale

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts
Looks like it has a box for Dangerous Hunts 2 which is also already listed:

Doom 3 Limited Edition
Dupe is same as original but missing the slip cover, missing pieces should not be considered a different listing imo, the slip cover would count as the 'other' check box.

Fable: The Lost Chapters
The Lost Chapters version of Fable was only available as a Platinum Hits title, there was no black label on Xbox, only on PC.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt
Second time I reported this one, this game was not released in the US on the Xbox. This game was released in PAL territories, however it is not listed in Xbox[EU], it's listed in Xbox[NA].

Demos listed as games, should be moved to xboxdemo category instead of Xbox[NA]
OXM June 2002 -
OXM Sept 2002 -
OXM Feb  2003 -
OXM Holiday 2004 -
Xbox Live Arcade -

Accessories listed as games, should move to xboxaccessories category
MadCatz 4588 Light Blaster -
Xbox Live Starter Kit -

Site Feedback / Re: Collection Value - Easy Method
« on: May 30, 2017, 10:58:20 am »
Using amazon to determine the value of your game is going to provide very poor results. I just recently finished off my Xbox collection and the last game I needed was on amazon for $70+ from 4 or 5 different vendors. Over the past 5 months the same game sold 5 or 6 times for around $30. I eventually got mine for $28, a far cry from $70.

I think prices have been fluctuating a lot lately and it would be hard to automate the system to reflect that.

Off Topic / Re: Origin of your VGCollect username
« on: May 25, 2017, 06:05:00 pm »
I've had this name since the mid 1990's. It is my old hacking name from my days on irc and msn chat, or at least a watered down version of it. Those who knew me or knew of me would probably recognize it more as xsu|c|desn0wmanx or [Su|c|d3-Sn0wMaN] depending on how long it's been since they heard of seen the name.

I am probably most well known for being one of the 3 people who broke the encryption on Microsofts webchat service introduced in 1999. If anyone on here ever went on that chat site, then you probably know who I am. Currently I am trying to apply these skills to my gaming news & review site, links in the sig if you wish to check it out.

Went to a game night hosted by a buddy of mine who has a larger and vastly different collection than mine this past Saturday. One of the games he pulled out for us to try was Bit.Trip Beat which is very obviously inspired by Pong. If you're looking for something like Pong on crack, Bit.Trip Beat will fill that need.

I am currently 2 games away from completing my original Xbox collection. Only need IHRA Drag Racing Sportsmen Edition and the Real World Golf bundle. Got my eyes on a RWG Bundle on ebay I plan to buy 1st thing next month. IHRA is proving to be difficult though.

Edit: Posted before I read some of the other replies. For the record, I've got 862 of 864 Xbox games plus a few variants/demos(Fable: The Lost Chapters for example). I would say that I was able to obtain almost all of them for an average of $4 per game or less. I bought a bulk of the sports titles I needed from a retro store who was happy to clear some of that crap off their shelf for $1 each, and bought around 200-300 of them off a resale shop at 10 for $20 over the course of a year or so. Even the last 100 I needed were mostly simple to get cheap with a bit of patience. Got my copy of Call of Cthulu for $20, Teen Titans for $40, Futurama for $30(tho need a box & booklet still), and my copy of Jurassic Park Operation Genesis was only $45. Same deal with Outrun 2006, got it out of a wholesale lot that only cost me $55 and had 25 games total, 17 of which I still needed.

The basic moral of this story is that you can basically find every game you need for a specific collection if you're patient and persistent. As for the WiiU games, I'd make friends with the employees at any gamestop w/in 50 miles and see if you can't get their help locating games for you. GS will eventually clear out old stock and you can probably get a lot of the ones you'll need for a significant discount. Just my 2 cents...

Marketplace / Re: Looking For / Help Me Find Thread
« on: May 05, 2017, 06:09:11 pm »
Looking to find a copy of IHRA Drag Racing Sportsman Edition on the original Xbox for a decent price, complete in box. Haven't seen one on ebay in about a month and it is one of the last games I need to complete my OG Xbox collection. Currently sitting at 860 of 864 with 2 of the remaining 4 already ordered.

No longer looking for this.

Don't know if this has been suggested before.

I've been using my wish list as a way to track what games I need in order to complete a collection for a particular system. I still sometimes have trouble remembering which games on the wish list I have already ordered though. I think it would be nice to have some kind of easily identifiable way to mark a game that is on our wish list so that we know that we've already ordered it(either trade/sale on here or another forum, or amazon/ebay sales) but simply hasn't arrived yet.

I'd rather not move the item into my collection before it arrives, and it would be easier to avoid buying a game you already bought for some of us who may or may not occasionally go on spending spree's.

Also, I've mentioned it before but I am a php developer. If you guys need any help with this site I'm open to assisting where I can.

Personally I consider 6th gen and older to be retro.

As for the idea of breaking them up into more than just retro and modern, why not go with the system that Comic books use?

Golden Age: Anything pre-8bit including older Atari/Amiga PC's.
Silver Age: All 8-16bit consoles, mostly the 2d era.
Bronze Age: Pretty much the 5th & 6th gens when 3d graphics were most prominent.
Modern: Gen 7, brought about the HD era, current consoles can apply if you desire, or X1, PS4, WiiU and Switch can be Next Gen, at least until the next 'next-gen' arrives in a few years.

Just my 2 cents.

Marketplace / Re: Help with selling on ebay?
« on: April 28, 2017, 12:35:35 pm »
One thing I like to see when I get a game is sometimes a seller will add a small peice of bubblewrap or cardboard inside a game case(dvd or cd) so that the disc doesn't pop loose and rumble around inside the case during shipping.

Another thing is to make sure you use some good clear packing tape on the label. Make sure you cover the destination address and return address, but do not put tape over the barcodes they need to scan. Also print out the item you sold from your listing and put that in the box along with a few small pieces of paper with your return address and destination address mixed in. Should something happen to the label you'll have back up info inside the box. Should the box end up damaged or opened, they'll still be able to deliver the package.

My mother used to sell a lot on ebay and worked for the post office, these are things she did to protect outgoing packages.

General / Re: Bittersweet Collection Milestones
« on: March 21, 2017, 12:40:30 pm »
I feel like I'm in the same boat as a lot of you. There are a lot of wants out there but there seems to be more people buying games to resell them at an inflated cost than there are collectors. Like a few others I'd say a majority of my purchases come from online these days. I still go out to goodwill looking for games I don't own, but usually they're pretty close to ebay prices without the shipping cost.

Right now I'm just focused on getting these last 41 original Xbox games I need to complete the set. After that I plan on slowly buying boxes and manuals for all of my loose items with an occasional game purchase here and there. For the most part I already have many of the games I wanted that are within reason cost wise.

Marketplace / Re: Its ... time!
« on: February 21, 2017, 02:01:30 pm »
If only I weren't poor...

Good luck with the sale.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate Listings 2016
« on: December 18, 2016, 11:40:58 pm »
Found some more.

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge

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