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Messages - sin2beta

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General / Re: Favorite Publisher?
« on: June 27, 2016, 05:55:18 pm »

While it may not be my favorite year, 2000 was highly enjoyable. It was the when my top three systems of all time, the Dreamcast, PS2, and N64, were all being supported by their respective creators.

I have to agree with that. Plus PC games were doing well.

The PC part is very true. I started to see myself turn into a PC gamer around this time. I played Phantasy Star Online on PC ore than the Dreamcast around this time. I also started moving over to Starcraft and Diablo.

The Phantasy Star III artwork always reminded me of the 1950s-1970s science fiction pulp magazine covers. Classic.

1993 for me. In the words of Jason Heine on the All Gen Gamers Podcast. "Someone drop me off in 1993 and leave me the f@*k alone."

Mortal Kombat 2. Virtua Fighter, Samurai Showdown, NBA Jam, Kirby's Adventure, Mario All Stars, Sonic CD, Doom, and mega man x after just a cursory glance at wikipedia.

Plus, you have all the great holiday games from 1992... May be cheating, so I'm not listing them. But I feel like it was mostly downhill after 1993. Not huge drops to where nothing was good ever again. But it was never topped.

Most of the time I am at about 75% collector and 25% gamer. This is still the case with console games. However, I play a lot of computer games. Taking that into consideration, I am at lease 50% gamer. A 50/50 split is maybe pretty close to correct.

General / Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
« on: May 31, 2016, 07:11:29 pm »
I'll probably have more 360 games due to being cheap. I'll also probably get an xbox one. However, I'm still trying to determine if it is actually collector friendly. I don't play games usually until years after they come out. Not sure if this works with the Xbox One.

It depends on the game, but yes, you can play it years from now. If I'm not mistaken, both the Xbox and PS4 are installing the games from the disc to the harddrive, then use the disc that unlock the game. Some games like on Rare Replay actually do download online from the store though, with the backwards compatability games.

That's good to know. And kind of what I was seeing. One just has to be careful on what game they buy.

I wish I got questions more often. Honestly, most of the people who come over haven't even mentioned it. Did have a group of guys over that thought it was cool. Other than that, no one has mentioned it.

General / Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
« on: May 30, 2016, 05:19:55 pm »
I imagine it will be similar to what it is now, just a little farther. I'm mainly working on setup. For instance, I just got an RGB start switch and would like to have everything setup to automatically play and record without having to swap wires. I also want a good enough sound setup to easily switch between speakers and headphones with minimal effort. Also, surround sound when needed. All consoles, modded or upgraded when possible. Such as the mpeg card for saturn, etc.

Game wise, I think I will mainly be farther along on the sega 8bit collection. Hopefully a full SG-1000 set (minus crazy expensive ones) and then a full set of SMS and GG north america games.

I'll probably have more 360 games due to being cheap. I'll also probably get an xbox one. However, I'm still trying to determine if it is actually collector friendly. I don't play games usually until years after they come out. Not sure if this works with the Xbox One.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Upscaling to HDMI?
« on: May 17, 2016, 12:59:32 pm »
I've been an RGB start evangelist for a few years now. It's amazing. Not every system supports it. But if it does, do it.

I really like that generation of games. It always felt like they were for 3D what the Super Nintendo and Genesis were for 2D. The tech and programming was there to do it right. And there were tons of great games. The 360 is one of my favorite systems.

I haven't played too many. But Alpha 3 is my favorite as of now. Played it the most. I was never a hug fan of Street fighter 2. I always preferred Mortal Kombat at that time. But I love the Marvel Vs. Series and the Alpha series.

General / Re: What is your all time top ten list?
« on: May 05, 2016, 06:02:54 pm »
My list will involve the stipulation that I am picking one game per franchise. The order is roughly accurate. But will change hour to hour.

1. Starcraft
2. Comix Zone
3. Phantasy Star
4. World of Warcraft
5. Sonic 2
6. Crazy Taxi
7. Shenmue
8. X-Men 2
9. Streets of Rage 2
10. Marvel vs Capcom 2

Although, it is not a definitive answer. Segaretro does not list a Japanese release. They are usually pretty accurate for something like a game boy advance release for a major series. Combined with your earlier suspicion, I suspect it is fake.

General / Re: What is your pick for most underated game ever?
« on: April 28, 2016, 05:46:31 pm »
Sonic 1 on the Master System. I'm claiming this as the most underrated game. It is a game most haven't played. however, it is worse than overrated. It is often bashed as being a terrible port of the genesis game. However, it is a completely different game that rivals Mario on the NES. I would put it as one of the greatest 8-bit platformers.

General / Re: Has a video game ever made you cry?
« on: April 16, 2016, 12:14:52 pm »
Nope. Not yet. I did watch the trailer of "To the Moon" on steam. It has the potential. Haven't tried it yet though.

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