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Messages - tripredacus

Pages: 1 ... 313 314 [315] 316 317 ... 319
Off Topic / Re: Avengers 2 Title and Villain Revealed
« on: August 02, 2013, 03:42:30 pm »
Thats interesting they would pick Ultron. I read that Ultron is usually the fallback plan for Avengers comics for when they run out of ideas. Then they do an Ultron story which always ends up with Ultron almost winning, then the good guys win and that gives the writers enough time to write new stories.

You speak as if Ultron is a B-villain. Ultron stories are always great! That's why he's one of their greatest villains. The classic Ultron origin story, Annihilation: Conquest, Mighty Avenger's opening Storyarc with the female Ultron, Ultron Unleashed. Great stuff.

No I know about the character and isn't a B villian at all. Come to think of it, X-Men stories use Apocalypse in the same way.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Router issues.
« on: August 02, 2013, 03:40:40 pm »
I just naturally hang onto things if I think they have some sort of use.

General / Re: Nice collection here
« on: August 02, 2013, 03:36:18 pm »
So do you get some new improved Daggerfall or the original bugfest version? lol Say what you want about the all seeing gaurds in Oblivion, Daggerfall has some serious problems. Let's see if i can remember...

- If you try to sleep in someone's bed, the guards come in and kill you. Even if there is no one there, they just know.
- If you enter a shop near closing, then save and wait a couple hours, the shop keeper disappears and you can loot the entire store. Getting out of the store can be a problem if you get caught picking the lock on the door to exit.
- Say you want to leave town and its dusk. You go out the gates and realise you forgot to do something in town. So you turn back towards town but now its night time. And the archer guards of the town attack you from their stations.

I would try it again but it has some bug problems and crashes A LOT. I mean Morrowind and Oblivion crashed a lot but not as much as Daggerfall. Strangely, for a game series known for CTDs, Skyrim doesn't seem to have this problem.

*gets thrown off the internet


Off Topic / Re: Avengers 2 Title and Villain Revealed
« on: August 01, 2013, 12:38:12 pm »
Thats interesting they would pick Ultron. I read that Ultron is usually the fallback plan for Avengers comics for when they run out of ideas. Then they do an Ultron story which always ends up with Ultron almost winning, then the good guys win and that gives the writers enough time to write new stories.

Off Topic / Re: Gamer Metalheads
« on: August 01, 2013, 12:36:09 pm »
Guns 'n' Roses did a cover of a *Charles Manson* song  :o

It's apparently a 'hidden' track # 13 on "The Spaghetti Incident" - now, just out of curiosity, I'm gonna be going to see wtf *that* shit sounds like...

Anybody else here already know that/heard the song?

Oh sure. The song's fine. Its what you would expect from 60s folksie music from San Francisco. Manson did a couple albums IIRC. I recall back in the 90s watching 60 minutes (or was it 20/20) where they have a trivia question at the end of the show. They said "who played this song" and they played the original version of that song, not the GNR version. And I shout out "CHARLES MANSON!" and the g-parents are like "NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY" and we have some little argument about how Charles Manson is a bad person, blah blah blah. After the commercial break, the TV said it was Charles Manson. :)

Hardware and Tech / Re: Router issues.
« on: July 30, 2013, 02:26:33 pm »
Well if the ethernet part works, at least you'll have a backup or a test router if you ever need it. I kept all my old routers which came in handy when I needed to copy a large amount of data off my old computer.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Router issues.
« on: July 29, 2013, 04:09:16 pm »
You might want to see if DD-WRT has a firmware update for your router.

I had problems with just the wireless on my D-Link N router and got it fixed with an update from there.

General / Re: Minecraft ...
« on: July 22, 2013, 12:32:03 pm »
I remember I originally tried the old Minecraft demo and played it for a couple hours. Then I didn't touch it for 6 months. It was when I realised that I play Skyrim like its Minecraft (I just collect materials and craft stuff all day long) so I tried it again. I had the demo for some time but it was really outdated and I was missing out on the new features. So I went and actually bought it and its a good time waster. The only problem is all the recipes and trying to figure out what I want to do.

Site Feedback / Re: Listing Change = Collector Notification
« on: July 21, 2013, 02:03:32 pm »
Rather than doing a bulk notification, perhaps a little flag on an item while in the Collection view, showing that an item had been edited within the past 7 days.

Site Feedback / Re: Feedback on new item submit form (also searching)
« on: July 15, 2013, 12:31:48 pm »
It actually occurred to me that when it searches for duplicates, it may only search in the product type you are trying to add. So if I add a PC game, it searches PC games with that name only, which would explain why it doesn't show the Playstation game.

Site Feedback / Feedback on new item submit form (also searching)
« on: July 14, 2013, 03:35:14 pm »
So I like the idea that the new submit form looks for the game you are adding to cut down on the duplicates. But there is a problem with this and it relates to how searching works. Let me show some examples.

Searching for NHL 2000 shows the PC and PS releases:

It however, does NOT show NHL Championship 2000. In fact, NHL Championship 2000 for PS does already exist in the database (incorrectly) as Fox Sports NHL Championship 2000.

Of course you'll notice a PC version in those results, that's because I just added it. Here is where the problem with the search on adding the items come in. When I added NHL Championship 2000 (for PC) it did a search for the game to make sure there you aren't adding a duplicate. The problem is that it did NOT find the existing Playstation one, which you'd figure it would since it finds it with the manual search.

I won't edit the incorrectly named Playstation entry as it may invalidate my report. To be specific, the product should be named the way I did in the PC version, where the "Fox Sports" part is the secondary name. And no, I don't know why the PC version has a Sony part number. ;)

Site Feedback / Re: v2 Beta bug report thread
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:12:11 am »
Heh I noticed today that the Android app crashes when i try to view my collection. :\

Site Feedback / Re: v2 Beta bug report thread
« on: July 08, 2013, 06:50:51 pm »
An interesting thing to note about the login remembering thing. I always have to login to the site, but never the forum. I'm logged in to the forum no matter what.

Site Feedback / Re: v2 Beta bug report thread
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:52:20 pm »
When I am on a game listing, there is no where I can see if I already have the item in my collection or not.

Site Feedback / Re: v2 Beta bug report thread
« on: July 03, 2013, 11:48:53 am »
Very small thing, probably not at the top of your list of things to do, but thought I'd point it out anyways:

1080 Snowboarding for N64 is now listed as "1080° Snowboarding".

That is a character encoding issue between the page code and the database.

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