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Messages - kamikazekeeg

Pages: 1 ... 423 424 [425] 426 427 ... 435
General / Anyone know what this Bowser item is? *SOLVED*
« on: April 10, 2014, 09:45:11 pm »
Someone else was trying to figure out what the heck this thing is and now I'm just curious myself cause it's cool, but I can't figure out what it does lol  Though it might be a toy launcher or something, but I can't find anything on it.

Sorry if this is the wrong section, not technically gaming related with an actual video game, but figured it would be fine since it's Bowser related lol

This got solved way too quick elsewhere lol It turned out to be a ball launcher from a Mario Wii Knex set.

Nothing to see here, moving along lol

General / Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« on: April 10, 2014, 08:20:40 pm »
This was probably on someone else's list, but I had a hell of a lot of fun playing Sonic '06.

And you dare to have a JonTron picture for your avatar! BLASPHEMY! lol

Off Topic / Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« on: April 10, 2014, 04:54:39 pm »
Finally got around to grabbing the Blu Heavy from the Team Fortress 2 action figures they released.  I cosplay him and while I have the Red one already, I really wanted this one.  Deciding if I want to get the full set eventually for Blu team.  I bought the Red Demo awhile back and he can't stand on his own for shit which is annoying lol  The Red Heavy stands great because he's basically resting atop the minigun lol

General / Re: Who Pays Full Market Value For Games?
« on: April 10, 2014, 04:51:15 pm »
I think the question I have always pondered is why people are scared to admit it. When I watch a Youtube video of some one showing off their collection, I know very well they did not find the top 5 rarest games for the NES thrift shopping for 2 bucks even tho they claim so.

I certainly agree with this.  Is there really an issue with admitting it? You simply can't find certain games unless your ridiculously lucky, so you sorta have to, it's why there are retro game stores out there and vendors on Ebay, because they found the things others haven't.  I don't think being a collector means having to spend 10 years looking for a quality inbox Earthbound for 5 bucks at some random garage sale lol

I bought at least a dozen games at the retro store I've been frequenting where I got my Zelda stuff and bought some other games there for whatever they are probably worth because I was looking for those specifically.  Whatever I find at other places outside of stores is just what I get lucky to find, hopefully real cheap especially for common games to fill out my shelf and if I happen to find something I already bought, I can trade it in at the retro game store and get proper money for it towards something else I really want...Like those boxed Rare Nintendo 64 games I want at the I want them bad lol

General / Re: Who Pays Full Market Value For Games?
« on: April 10, 2014, 02:39:22 pm »
I've generally bought the full price on a couple things I know I'm never likely to find at a thrift or flea market.  Bought a boxed Legend of Zelda NES from a retro game shop along with a Japanese Link to the Past, both probably around the regular market prices.  Buying a Japanese Ocarina of Time for about the going rate on Ebay there this weekend.  It's really about very specific things which I think is totally fine if you are wanting specific titles that are hard to find. Never bought higher than like 50 bucks though for an old game though and mostly not likely to due to the prices, but luckily, not much I REALLY want right now is over 100 bucks lol

Off Topic / Re: Wrestling Thread!
« on: April 09, 2014, 12:42:41 am »
Was just about to come post this, so sad to see another one go and only in his 50's.  He was crazy, but man he made for good TV.

General / Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« on: April 08, 2014, 11:30:16 pm »
I liked this thread too!

Here is my new unpopular opinion: It is time for distribution to go digital. I will still buy physical over digital. But, I'm starting to realize that it is because I don't want to accept what I want. When the rumors that the nextgen consoles being digital only turned out to be false... I was kind of disappointed. And after spending time with an XBox One and PS4, it was made clear that optical drives are meaningless.

I generally like digital distribution, but I'd rather there continue to be both.  For those that want it, they have physical versions which matter more with a console experience usually.  I got use to digital stuff on PC because it was nicer to use steam than to keep having to dig for my cd's in a case and input the serial keys every time. I'm coming out of the digital aspect now though as I want a collection of games, so I'm only gonna buy digital games if I'm getting something on a great steam sale.

Modern Video Games / Re: Super Smash Bros Nintendo Direct
« on: April 08, 2014, 11:24:53 pm »
LOL this is probably going to go along with the unpopular opinions but I really cant get into the SSB series. All the attacks are so random. Its not like MK (which will forever remain the greatest fighting series of all time).

To me, it's why I like something like SSB more than any other fighting game.  Yes, Mortal Kombat and Streeth Fighter have stricter, skill, based combat, but I can't learn crap tons of different combos and moves and how many frames I get with this one move to merge with the right combo, but with SSB, it's all very chill and while you can get deep into it, regular players can still get in and have some real enjoyment.  Moves are easier to remember, there aren't particularly combo systems, it's that arcade experience that makes me like kart racers more than I would Forza or Gran Turismo lol

Seeing Megaman's final smash in the new Smash Bros shows to me that Nintendo cares more about Megaman than Capcom at this point... so give that to them :P

Just give it to them, Capcom.  Don't even sell it, just give it to them as a wonderful gesture and realization that Nintendo could do a much better job with Mega Man than they ever could.  Give it to Nintendo, Nintendo can then hand off 2D platforming duties to Retro and then give a 3D title...maybe call it Mega Man Legends some other good company they like to work with and just be happy that someone is utilizing the property better than you ever will.  That would be really

Modern Video Games / Re: Super Smash Bros Nintendo Direct
« on: April 08, 2014, 08:32:18 pm »
I haven't played Smash since the N64 days, didn't play it on Gamecube and generally avoided most stuff on the Wii, but now that I'm back Nintendo, I'm pretty excited for this and there seems like alot of new additions to the game.  Plus, since Mega Man was killed off by Capcom, I think this is the first positive thing that has been done with Mega Man and respecting its roots with that awesome Final Smash attack that shows off every main iteration of Mega Man.

Shame it's not coming out on the Wii U till winter as I'm not too interested in the 3DS version which comes out first in the summer.

General / Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« on: April 08, 2014, 08:29:27 pm »
Not to turn this into a Nintendo thread (Maybe we should open one to discuss the state of Nintendo), but it's said that Nintendo has enough money in the bank, that they could operate at a loss of millions for like 30 years and still stay in business lol

Maybe that's an unpopular opinion in there...I'm sure lots of non-Nintendo fans and those who don't want to buy a Wii U would love to see Nintendo bring some stuff Mobile.  They'd never go full mobile, but I could see them doing ports of their classic games.  I think this would be a terrible idea. 

Exclusive games can be frustrating at times, there's stuff I'm gonna want on the PS4 and Xbone some day for sure, but I'm not gonna buy them for that, same goes for Nintendo and other players, but if Nintendo loses that exclusivity, they lose the one thing that makes them enticing.  When you buy a Nintendo console, you get all the exclusives and great titles and back catalog they come with.  Sure, their third party games are waning abit, mostly just in multi-platform titles (Only a bad thing when you don't have multiple systems which it would be good to eventually go like Wii U + PS4).  Not too mention, them going to mobile hurts their handheld aspect.  Plus we know that gaming on mobile phones is pretty crappy.  If it involves anything more than a "tap", it's not very good, though I could see a runner game made with Mario for a buck, where he moves on his own and you just do nothing but tap to avoid pits, enemies, and attack blocks, sell that for a buck, but no serious games for sure.

General / Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« on: April 08, 2014, 07:31:00 pm »
- Nintendo is doin' just fine, and I don't care if they ever change their ways.

Funny you mention this one. I just read today on a Facebook link that Nintendo's new logo intended for mobile apps has leaked. (Of course I can't find it, now.)

If Nintendo is thinking about mobile apps, that means they no longer care about exclusives. And if that's the case, than it's very likely Nintendo is thinking about abandoning the console model.

I thought they completely dismissed that idea, because it was absolutely terrible for them in the long run if their stuff loses exclusivity.  Nintendo isn't the kind of company that goes for the quick buck route, they play the long game.

Off Topic / Re: What Are You Watching This Season?
« on: April 08, 2014, 05:18:04 pm »
I'm still watching Arrow right now, which is almost over, Agents of Shield is almost over, Being Human is almost over, and that'll add to Walking Dead, Top Gear, and Almost Human that are already over.  Luckily I got Game of Thrones right now and in June Falling Skies is coming back along with an interesting looking show called The Last Ship.  Viruses are the thing now, such as with Helix, another I watched that just ended too.

General / Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« on: April 08, 2014, 05:06:52 pm »
I buy pretty much everything new from Gamestop, they are just convenient and have the best game supply lol Some of their practices are annoying and shitty, but I have no serious issue with them.

For me, my probably unpopular gaming opinion would be that I think all Resident Evil games before RE4 are terrible to play.  Those tank controls were miserable, I hated the static camera, and while I enjoyed the setting and played nearly every one, I could only manage to beat I think RE3 and Dead Aim, of which Dead Aim is a light gun game lol.  The rest of the time I just got annoyed with the shitty controls.  None of them even remotely compare to RE4 for me.  I appreciate their place in the gaming lexicon, but I'd rather play pretty much any of the newer RE games than go play those ones...maybe even RE6, but I'm not committing to that, because that one was pretty bad lol

Off Topic / Re: What Are You Watching This Season?
« on: April 08, 2014, 11:38:12 am »
Anyone here watch Almost Human?

The season finale came and went and we NEVER found out what lies beyond the wall? What the hell? Why even tease us with this? Especially since it airs on FOX and this is a sci-fi show, which means we probably won't get a 2nd season to explain it.

I thought the show was just alright, watchable enough to stick with it, but yeah, I hated that they never told us anything about that.  I didn't even realize I was watching the finale till the next week when it didn't show back up lol

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