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Messages - killerchameleon

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General / Re: weird box art
« on: February 29, 2012, 07:14:30 am »
Think that's weird look at this Fabio look out for that goose. LOL

General / Nintendo IQue
« on: February 23, 2012, 07:18:00 pm »
I couldn't find the Nintendo IQue system in the search is it listed somewhere or did it get missed?

General / Re: OnLive Game System
« on: March 03, 2012, 06:14:41 am »
I kind of felt the same way, still stuck with that old mentality but then I started thinking.  I don’t buy CDs, DVDs or Bluerays anymore and I don’t miss them and the house is less cluttered.   Don’t have to worry about the media being damaged, I think once I get use to it I will probably prefer it that way.  Anyways it’s about the gaming experience as long as that’s intact I think it will catch on.  Also for me I’m not really a game collector, I like collecting the game systems and have a few key games to show off the systems so having the media in hand is not as important for me as it is for most of the collectors here.  In fact even though I own a certain game I mostly end up playing the emulation of it mostly because of convenience, I know you losses some of the nostalgia by playing an emulation but for the most part the experience of the game is still in tacked.  I also find appealing with cloud gaming is that I can pick up the game I was playing on my TV or computer and play the same game on my portable device being it be a laptop, tablet or smartphone, having all your game saves moving from device to device is a major plus.  I found a used Onlive micro system for the TV at Goodwill for only $29, I going to check it out by playing the free stuff for now.  If I like it I will probably pay the $99 for the year to play all their games for the year but I ‘m still not ready to leave my Xbox360 yet and I will always love pulling out one of the vintage systems and I will still go to the flea market or yard sale in search for a deal on a game I know nothing about.  The future is coming weather you like it or live in denial, the video game industry is bigger than the movie industry and the movie and gaming industry will be dependent on the infrastructure the money is there someone will step up to the plate to collect that money.

General / Re: OnLive Game System
« on: March 01, 2012, 11:01:59 am »
I know I’m just reading into some of these articles but look at this could Sony be upgrading its firmware on it’s PS3 to support cloud gaming?  Profit wise this would be the way to go for Sony.

General / Re: OnLive Game System
« on: March 01, 2012, 10:56:15 am »
Look, has Sony seen the light?  Is Sony going to switch their strategies and drop the expensive processors and look towards cloud gaming?

General / Re: OnLive Game System
« on: February 29, 2012, 06:42:25 pm »
Well I know in my house hold Netflix is streaming video almost 24/7, I’m on the computer and one of my kids will usually be on their 3DS either playing a game on the internet or streaming a video and I use Vonage for my phone my speeds seem to be pretty stable.  I do agree, more band width will be needed but I think it will be here sooner than we think.

General / Re: OnLive Game System
« on: February 29, 2012, 07:39:32 am »
Well I down loaded the free software for the Onlive cloud gaming system.  I’m afraid that this is going to be the future of gaming.  Say good by to boxes and cases.  No longer will you need a powerful gaming system like the Xbox or Playstation, all you need is a high speed internet connection.  I managed to pick up the Onlive micro console for $29.00 so I’m going to check that out when I get it but yes girls and boys I believe this is the next big thing.  Perhaps Microsoft and Sony will add software updates to incorporate the same idea as Onlive, I just don’t see the need for more powerful systems anymore.  Also how can you beat the price $99 a year and you have access to over 140 games, I’m already paying over half that now just for Xbox live.  Yep I’m going to have to try this out, this will give me access to games I might never have tried to play do to just being too cheap to try.  Anyway that’s my thoughts on this Onlive could gaming system so far.

General / Re: OnLive Game System
« on: February 17, 2012, 06:34:26 am »
It’s going to happen weather you like it or not, I don’t know though I think people still want to hold something at least us older generation still feel that way.  The newer generation will be more acceptable towards it like music CD’s, kids don’t buy CD’s they down load music to there phones or IPOD.

General / OnLive Game System
« on: February 17, 2012, 05:34:32 am »
Has anyone seen this or used this?  Should this be add to the database?

General / Re: i need some help
« on: February 17, 2012, 06:05:04 am »
What, don't do that I want to see the original art work.

Classic Video Games / Re: Ninja Gaiden on Master System...What?
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:22:20 am »
If you looking to just play the game down load an emulator, I know it’s not the same as playing it on the system but it’s not bad.  I’m playing Earth Bound for the first time on a Super Nintendo emulator.  Once you play it and know you want it then the hunt begins, that’s what I do.

Classic Video Games / Re: Favorite 16-Bit Song?
« on: February 15, 2012, 05:35:08 pm »

Classic Video Games / Re: Favorite 16-Bit Song?
« on: February 15, 2012, 05:14:38 pm »

Classic Video Games / Re: Favorite 16-Bit Song?
« on: February 15, 2012, 04:05:17 pm »
I to would have to go with Zelda still catch myself humming it

Off Topic / Re: Do you collect anything besides video games?
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:09:14 am »
I think a hoarder is someone that just can’t get rid of anything, the TV show hoarders now those people are just trashing there homes I don’t know what they are.  I think I might be some what guilty of being a hoarder.  I just can’t get rid of my collection of game systems, ever since I took my entire collection of gaming magazines to the recycle center I’ve been living in regret.  I had every issue of Nintendo power, Game Pro and Electronic game monthly.  What a shame, what was I thinking.  Well at least I can still look them up on the internet but it’s not the same as holding the issue in your hands.

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