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Messages - xsuicidesn0wmanx

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General / Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
« on: May 29, 2016, 10:03:32 pm »
I'm probably close to 3500 games now(none of my PC games have been added yet). And like wartoy I've got about 10% of that in doubles, for the exact same reasons. I think in 5 years i'll be around 6000 games, and own just about every game console, handheld, and old pcs from the 70s & early 80s. Game room barely has space for it all now, so by then I doubt it'll be on display, probably boxed up by then with only a few popular items on display.

Only real guarantee is that i'll have the last 188 games I need to finish collecting 100% of the original Xbox games by then.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate Listings 2016
« on: May 07, 2016, 05:59:58 pm »
Went through the whole list of Xbox[NA] stuff while adding the remaining items I'm missing to my wishlist, found a whole bunch of bad listings and dupes. <- Possible dupe, game was only released on PS2 & Gamecube in the US, Xbox version was Euro only <- unreleased, amazon link points to a mouse on PC <- also unreleased, game was released on the 360 instead, amazon link points to the 360 version. <-original <- dupe <-original <- dupe <-original <- dupe <-original <-dupe<-original<-dupe<- unreleased, amazon link points to xbox one console <- no NA version released, Euro only. <- original, but wrong name <- dupe with correct name<- original<-dupe<-did not release in NA, Pal only <- did not release in NA, Pal only <- cancelled, unreleased<-original, wrong name<- dupe, correct name<- released on PS2 only. No Xbox version exists.<- original, name misspelled.<- dupe, correct spelling


News / Re: UPDATE - Shelf View
« on: May 07, 2016, 01:57:12 am »
Went to go move a few items from my Wishlist to my Collection, the option to move the item is not present on with shelf view, had to delete everything and then go re-enter them manually.

Site Feedback / Re: iphone problem
« on: April 18, 2016, 04:56:00 pm »
I must be the oddball here. I've tried to use the mobile site before but found it more frustrating than using the abandoned VGC app. I'd rather deal with that crashing 10x per trip to the retro store than deal with the mobile site.

I think the other part of it that goes unnoticed is that a lot of the major sites out there got bought out by the big media companies, who then proceeded to try and maximize advertisement revenue with those sites. Right now GameSpot is going through this and their site's forums and comments have plummeted over the past year as users have grown tired of being bombarded with ads.

I wouldn't be too terribly worried though, as old sites die out others will rise up to take their place. I actually built my website in response to what GameSpot started doing as of last years E3, it hasn't taken off like I thought it would, but I've already paid for everything 5 years out, so I've got plenty of time to figure it out.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Nearly there.. oh hell.
« on: April 06, 2016, 06:04:21 pm »
lol @ 70 more games to add. I've got about 400-500 PC games to go, and I'm considering adding my VG Guides as well, that'd be another 150-250.... Be happy you only have 70 to go.

News / Re: UPDATE - The long over-due update
« on: March 07, 2016, 10:56:43 pm »
Thanks for everything Matt! VGCollect isn't only the best collection app but the best community I know of. If it wasn't for VGC, I'd probably have about 5 copies of Combat by now.  ;)

Yes thanks Matt!

Unfortunately I did not stumble across VGCollect until after I aquired my fifth copy of combat. :)

Only a true collector would understand how funny that comment is.... :)
Now the real question is did they all the same cartridge label?

Matt - amazing site. You should be proud of what you created! Also a big thanks to all who have stepped in to keep this site running!

I think the real question should be how many of them still had the label attached? I've got a drawer full of combat and space invader labels that came off over time.

Are you considering to put the code on GitHub, so that everyone can contribute?

I would like to see this as well. I personally would help with finishing up some of those 'coming soon' features. Especially the Wishlist, I can't imagine what would take so long to add a function that is basically a copy of the ones used to populate 'My Collection'.

One thing I would like to see added is the ability for the app to import my collection from a local file, I don't allow my phone to use 4g, opting for Wi-Fi only, which makes the app useless when I am in most retro/thrift stores or garage sales. I'm sure I am not the only person who doesn't waste money on a data plan for my phone. Shouldn't be too hard to add a button to 'update local file' that downloads the latest export file, and fills in the data off of that if the connection to the server fails.

Modern Video Games / Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:23:59 am »
The PS4 really hasn't done anything to win much favor in my game room, whatever performance advantage it has isn't noticeable, and the controller quickly fell apart on me. I played a lot of Destiny and FFXIV on it, but lately it's just been collecting dust while my Xbox gets all the attention.

The PS4 dash isn't all that different from the PS3 dash, though somehow it feels more clunky. It's great if you don't switch games a lot, or only play via disc, but going back to play a digital title you last played in May requires a bit of searching to play it. As for the X1 dash you'll get used to it pretty quickly, I'd suggest going into My Games & Apps and pinning your games, from that point they're a simple pull of the right trigger away @ startup. Most of the other features you would want to use are quickly accessible by double tapping the Xbox button the controller, makes checking on friends, starting a party or taking a screenshot/recording a vid pretty easy for non kinect users. You can use the same double tap on the PS button on PS4 to quickly switch between the dash and game.

Also it seems like your X1 took abnormally long to download the new dash & update 2 games. I did the same and updated my X1 a few days early because of the threat of Xmas DDoS again. I gave my launch X1 to my mother and bought a new Halo Edition X1 on black friday. Took about 30 minutes to upgrade to the new dash, never even saw the old dash during the process. Installed 2 games as well, was playing them both w/in 15 mins. The only thing that is probably different from my X1 and yours is that I use an external HDD for games, internal is OS & apps only. If you have an external HDD to add to your X1, you may notice some increased performance, the usb 3.0 transfers data faster than the internal Sata II. When Black Ops 3 came out I did a test and installed the game on the PS4 & X1 at the same time, X1 version installed faster with updates. I have also noticed that this also affects FPS in games that have had issues maintaining a solid frame rate. I use a Western Digital 4TB 7200rpm My Book.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate Listings 2015
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:08:24 am »
Added Mickey's Blast From The Past to the Sega Pico[NA] section on accident, the Pico[NA] link in the browse section is improperly listed as 'Sega Other' when the EU and JP Pico sections are listed in the Sega Pico section of the browse page. Found the proper link on a second look through, the search also did not reveal the game until after I had added it. <-- duplicate

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