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Messages - darko

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Video Game Database Discussion / Re: More Missing Consoles
« on: July 30, 2013, 11:03:24 am »
Wii U Virtual Console is already there, look under Wii U E Shop. There are no plans to include phone games. We haven't really talked much about Ouya yet, so I have no idea how/when that will be added.
why you don't include phone games but include PC games?

Because PCs have been considered a legitimate gaming machine for years and years...and most people who collect games don't consider smartphone apps a real gaming experience?

Amazon seems to have a few, but I called a random GS in OKC and they had 7. I got to go in a choose which one I wanted :)

While I don't personally shop at GS - I made an exception for SMT4. The manager at the store I went into was actually a pretty decent guy. He knew all about the SMT games, wanted to chat about them, and dug around to find a sealed copy of Deadly Premonition for me.

Tonight I picked up a few things today:

Dream Trigger (3DS)
Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut (PS3)

I was pumped to have the ability to still get in on the SMT4 goodness (LE) and I'm excited to play Deadly Premonition on the PS3. I played it a bit on the 360, but have recently fallen into Twin Peaks (TV series...not the restaurant). I'm finishing up the first season tonight and there are SO many references to the show in that game...I can't wait to fire it up! I only played about 5 hours of the game on the 360 so I think I'll take the time to beat it on the PS3.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Evil Within
« on: July 29, 2013, 11:54:29 pm »
Now that looks interesting, Maybe they will have a xbox360 or PS3 version  :P one could hope, I'm not really looking to get any next gen consoles.

It's slated to release on the 360, PS3, XBO, and PS4!

Hardware and Tech / Re: Router issues.
« on: July 29, 2013, 12:02:28 pm »
Try holding in the reset button for 1 minute, keep holding it, unplug it, then let go of the button and plug it back in.

One of my old routers would run out of memory about once a year (no idea why/how) and that was how I got it to clear EVERYTHING out.

Modern Video Games / The Evil Within
« on: July 29, 2013, 11:54:43 am »
So I haven't been following the next gen stuff much since the E3 drama, but this game caught my attention.

Shinji Mikami (his studio is Tango Gameworks) is pretty much a badass when it comes to GOOD survival horror games. Bathesda and Tango are making the game and it looks pretty awesome. Supposedly the game is going to go back to survival horror roots and basically be a completely dynamic true survival horror game. I'm pumped.

If you're not familiar with Mikami, here are some of the projects in which he was involved:

Shadows of the Damned   
God Hand      
Killer7   <----- If you've played this then you know how messed up his games can be :)
Resident Evil 4      
Dino Crisis 3      
Viewtiful Joe      
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil (remake)
Resident Evil Survivor 2 Code: Veronica   
Devil May Cry   
Dino Crisis 2      
Resident Evil Code: Veronica   
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis   
Dino Crisis   
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil

Notice that he hasn't had anything to do with the newer RE games...

Added a few items yesterday!

General / Re: Game X Change
« on: July 22, 2013, 10:37:15 am »
And people that don't own a store and flip games can suck my D. 


...AND...we get posts like this that takes away all of the "happy-go-lucky" atmosphere -and- turns it into an "assholes vs douchebags" atmosphere  ::)

Basic Child-hood lessons = "nothing nice to say"...

Can I be the asshole in that situation?

General / Re: Game X Change
« on: July 21, 2013, 11:17:52 pm »
I'm just pissed.  I don't know at what or why. I'm just pissed.

And people that don't own a store and flip games can suck my D. 


That's about how I read most complaining in my head :)

Thanks for taking out any effort my brain would have needed during the translation process!

Modern Video Games / Re: Shin Megami Tensei IV
« on: July 21, 2013, 10:37:22 pm »
I, for one, would like to know what people think of the game.

General / Re: Game X Change
« on: July 21, 2013, 01:37:58 pm »
I so wish we had a chain like this in Northern California. We don't.

You should start a store that totally disregards all demand...every game for $1.00 no matter what!

I was never involved in your little rant there, on either side of the arument, no need to aim the sarcasm my way.

Um, okay. It was a stupid joke, didn't mean to piss you off.

On a more serious note, what happened around here? The VGC community used to be fun and pretty happy go lucky. Why is everyone so serious and touchy all of a sudden?

General / Re: Game X Change
« on: July 21, 2013, 01:08:13 pm »
I so wish we had a chain like this in Northern California. We don't.

You should start a store that totally disregards all demand...every game for $1.00 no matter what!

General / Re: Game X Change
« on: July 21, 2013, 12:44:12 pm »
Well, cause of some local reseller douchebags around here, Vintage stock did a complete price system upgrade too.

Totally inaccurate. VS does a price re-vamp once every year or so. Prices go up because the FMV of the game increases. They are regulated by a corporate office - not their customers.

It will never cease to amaze me how much people love to bitch and moan about video game prices. If you don't like the price of something, don't buy it. Finding deals on video games is not a god given right.

Also, how in the hell is it a resellers fault that prices have gone up on anything? Just because you throw something up on ebay doesn't mean anyone has to buy it. Collectors have driven the prices of video games up, not stores/resellers.

Modern Video Games / Re: What Next Gen Games Are You Getting
« on: July 18, 2013, 09:37:38 am »
There's going to be a brand new Zelda in the next couple of years (not the windwaker), plus Bayonetta 2 looks sick) to me


Modern Video Games / Re: What Next Gen Games Are You Getting
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:59:58 pm »
I just don't see it. I think the Wii U 3rd party stuff is going to die off extremely quickly. Nintendo doesn't need a new IP, they need 1/quarter for the next several years. The Wii U is STILL underpowered and most people who have given up on Nintendo in the console world have likely plunged head first into the PS3/360 and are more than likely going to spend their money upgrading to new systems from Sony and MS. I realize that Nintendo has pulled things off in the past, but I don't think it's going to happen this time around.

The Wii U is already cheaper than the competition, is readily available for purchase, and is still not doing well. While the Wii sold well, it didn't generate enough content to keep most hardcore Nintendo fans happy (nor developers), and it definitely didn't generate enough interest in their target audience (casual gamers) past the initial purchase (give or take 2-3 party games)'s just not working for them. I think their model is flawed and they are attempting to ride a nostalgia wave that ended 5-10 years ago for most gamers.

I hope I'm wrong for N's sake, I love the company...I just can't justify a purchase of a Wii U. I think there are many, many consumers in my situation out there.

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