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Messages - leonefamily

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Off Topic / Re: Miss You Guys
« on: August 12, 2021, 06:07:08 pm »
Welcome back buddy! I used to never hang out in the Forums section and only use VGcollect to track my collection so I'm unaware of who you are, but judging by your post count I guess you must be a veteran member. Anyways, welcome back!



And for proxies / package forwarding services in Taiwan I would recommend LetsGoBuy! I ordered from them in the past, all you need to do is to give them the links for the stuff you want to buy and they will order everything for you even if you don't have an account for x website. They can also merge packages, repack everything the way you want it, special shipping requests, and they also inspect every package they receive and they take videos of every item to make sure you're satisfacted with the item.

General / Re: Your own videogame reviews thread
« on: August 11, 2021, 10:34:34 am »
I wrote a review for Live A Live.

I just checked out your website. Impressive. Good job!

Site Feedback / Re: User reviews for entire database
« on: August 11, 2021, 10:19:12 am »
Sometimes I've sneakily put things in description tab such as "should not be confused with (x item that is very similar)" or something that explains why this item exists in the database although I'm apparently not supposed to. I really try not to do this but sometimes it's just way too important to add so I find a way to get it sneaked into Description tab.

If both entries have sufficient clarifying information in their Description fields, you can even sneak past this tactic. ;)

Yes haha, most of the time there's no need to add this because the title explains the difference but on a very few instances I thought it was necessary to explain the difference in the description tab because it's not very apparent even in the title itself. As I said, this rarely happens.

A good thing to do would be to alert users owning x item in their collection if such item is edited or deleted. This would allow our collections to not get screwed if we happen to own an item which the new description does not match ours or if the item is straight up deleted. For instance:
There actually exists 3 variants of this item. (FZ-JP1) (FZ-JP1X early box design) (FZ-JP1X late box design). For now, this item covers all 3 variants, but I'm changing it so it follows the latter variant because that's what the item image is and also the infomation so far matches this item. But many people may have the FZ-JP1 or FZ-JP1X(Early) in their actual collection but listed it under this item, so when I will add the two other variants to the database their VGC collection will become inaccurate. Even worse is the blatant following example:
Jesus Christ. RIP to the 6 poor souls who have this item in their collection. This entry is so incomplete that even if I try to change it into the FZ-JP1X(Early) variant the admins might just decline the edit, and understandably because these 6 people could actually have a wide variety of controllers models that are represented in thier VGC collection by this very ambiguious entry. The next option would be to straight up delete that entry, but then these 6 people would be missing one item in their collection unless they notice the change. So if these people are not informed of this upcoming change in the DB that could screw up their VGC collection.

Site Feedback / Re: User reviews for entire database
« on: August 10, 2021, 11:11:10 pm »
That's a good idea, it would be a good way to add relevant information that would not be allowed in the Description tab. Sometimes I've sneakily put things in description tab such as "should not be confused with (x item that is very similar)" or something that explains why this item exists in the database although I'm apparently not supposed to. I really try not to do this but sometimes it's just way too important to add so I find a way to get it sneaked into Description tab. Now this would allow us to still explain those things while at the same time reducing style guide outlaws.

Similarly, a "reason for edit" field when editing items would be VERY nice to have, because it happened on a few instances where my edits were rejected and I had to pm DB admins to explain why I made those edits and why it should be like that, only then the edit were accepted. So adding a "reason for edit" field would add a message to my edit request to justify why that info must me added / changed. That field would be only for DB admins internal use and would not show up on the item page for regular users.

I suppose we can no longer play the game when the weekend ends unless we buy it?

News / Re: Happy Birthday, Matt!!!
« on: August 04, 2021, 05:56:23 pm »
Happy birthday to Matt!

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« on: August 02, 2021, 10:21:48 am »
Can you post some information such as the barcode and/or a picture of the back?

I'll send you a pm later tonight

Literally right now I'm in my shop and while reading this post my PS2 demo unit is playing. It has GTA III, GTA VC, GTA SA, GTA LCS, GTA VCS as well as Scarface, GT4 and TXR3. I literally use my favorite games for the in-shop music.

Right now GTA VCS is playing.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Release Country TLD Master List
« on: July 31, 2021, 08:19:45 pm »
Just stumbled upon a copy of MX vs. ATV Unleashed for the PS2. It's PAL release with French and German text, so usually I would have considered that to be a Switzerland release. However it has a USK rating on the box. The game itself was sent from Austria, literally between Germany and Switzerland. What TLD should I give this item?

We already have that, it's the Case/Box checkbox. Adding loose consoles would be a mess.


General / Re: Opinion of the New Switch Model
« on: July 10, 2021, 06:09:02 pm »
At the job I jokingly refer to the new Switch as the "Switch Vita" (because the Vita had a OLED screen back in 2011) and it's like if Nintendo wants the Switch to become a little more like the Vita.

But it's really just a way for us Vita fanboys to pretend the Vita didn't fail :'(

News / Re: Bug Fix - Item Page - Developers / Publishers Order
« on: July 10, 2021, 05:50:52 pm »
Oh, so it was unintentional? lol I thought it was some sort of design choice or something. In my mind there was no way it could have got unnoticed for so long, it just had to be on purpose. I had gotten used to it  ;D

Well thanks for the fix!

Hardware and Tech / Re: Replacement UMD drive for PSP-2000?
« on: July 10, 2021, 05:42:25 pm »
One of my PSP 3000 is doing the same. Personally I didn't bother to fix because of the fact I own another working PSP 3000. Best solution is to just start ripping your UMD ISOs and load them to a memory stick. Not only you eliminate the need for UMDs, you also get faster load times. Look for CFW 6.61 Pro C-2. It has all you need to rip your isos and to play them. Unless your drive completely doesn't want to read the UMDs at all, then just download them I guess.

I have replaced a screen but never a UMD drive however the drive replacement looks much easier than the screen.

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