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Messages - cirno

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General / Re: Complete Collections For Certain Series
« on: April 02, 2018, 05:34:05 pm »
I plan on owning every Kirby game ever at some point, since I'm just that loyal to it

Id like to do that for the Mother series too, but that's a bit more on the expensive side

Modern Video Games / Re: Nickelodeon Remaking Old Games
« on: April 02, 2018, 05:30:39 pm »
Spongebob battle for bikini bottom was honestly pretty amazing, I'm not sure how that even happened. The movie game was pretty good too. Maybe it's just a weird niche i'm into, but I like seeing the spongebob platformers being acknowledged again, lol


-Kirby 64
-Paper Mario
-Super Mario 64 (Duh)
-Ocarina of Time
-Majora's Mask
-Star Fox 64
-Mario kart 64

I'd fill in the rest with the Banjo series but and maybe Conker but that's probably not possible unfortunately

General / Re: When do you consider a Mario Kart game "beat"
« on: February 13, 2018, 03:07:14 pm »
Imo, it's beat when you beat everything on one difficulty, but doing everything on every difficulty is the 100% completion

Yeah, I never got one people made such a fuss about that. I mean, I get it, it's an issue..but has it ever been such a problem that it's made digital games totally not a viable option? Have we heard horror stories about people companies shutting down and folks losing hundreds of dollars of games? Not really, because..usually such things happen long after everyone has moved on. Are most people just REALLY into wii shop right now and gonna be screwed over by it going down, even though it was honestly on way longer than it needed to be?

I get that digital games end much harder than physical games and that sucks, but chances are by the time you see that end you probably won't need them anymore. Everything ends eventually.

I'd say yes, but not much. Having a few games to play built in can make the purchase a little more worth it, but if you asked me whether buying something like this is generally a good idea i'd tell you no.

The chances you'll get all games you'd enjoy or wanted is incredibly miniscule; it could ultimately only be a small pile of games in there you're interested in playing. I think if you have a few hundred dollars to spare, you'd have a much better experience and get better value out of getting the system and a nice pile of games you've been eyeing, rather than blowing nearly a thousand dollars for a big grab bag of random stuff from the digital store.

And of course, if it has any you don't like..tough luck, you're screwed. Not getting any of that money back, like you could with physical games.

General / Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« on: February 07, 2018, 12:55:21 am »
I never outright ignore them, if I do i'll feel like I'm missing part of the experience, and I tend to love video games with very well developed stories.

Modern Video Games / Re: Most Modern Games too Easy?
« on: February 04, 2018, 10:05:22 pm »
I kinda disagree with that whole concept tbh. Old games were always hard for all the wrong reasons; they were designed to fight against the player in order to artificially increase the runtime of a game.

Nowadays folks just have way less tolerance for that kind of thing. Rather than dedicate themselves to beating a game designed to frusterate them in every way possible, they're more likely to be like "screw this, I'm getting out Kirby"

I like the cleaner design of the super famicom compared to the rather blocky design of the snes. It's just easier on the eyes

General / Re: Your Opinions of the Xbox Halo Series
« on: January 29, 2018, 11:56:57 pm »
I played 1-2 and they were decently fun. They had great music, a pretty good story and decent gameplay, though the series really isn't something I'd itch to come back to. Mainly because they're xbox exclusives lol

Modern Video Games / Re: Is buying used games morally wrong?
« on: January 28, 2018, 06:10:08 pm »
The issue I have with this idea is that the game companies that whine about this are losing absolutely nothing. It's rich folks who already have more money than they could ever need trying to secure more money. Chances are, more often than not the 0.0001% of profit you deprive them of isn't going to hurt them in any way.

Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Labo Discussion.
« on: January 18, 2018, 03:50:00 pm »
..And? Did everyone stop buying nintendo products because they were OUTRAGED about the content they were missing out on?

It really doesn't matter since they made up 0.001% of the content of whatever game it was most of the time. The games where the amiibo content was actually relevant were the minority.

People still bought the games and weren't exactly crying when they missed out on say, a new hat for mario or whatever. I'm sure if they want to say, make it so you can use a cardboard sword in zelda or whatever, nobody's exactly gonna be raging about missing out on content

Also keep in mind amiibos were explicitly designed to be a companion to nintendo games, this wasn't.

Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Labo Discussion.
« on: January 18, 2018, 03:11:21 pm »

This is the biggest nonsense I've heard lol

It's just a toy separate from the actual games. It's not like say, the wii's weird controller being the entire point of the console. I'm not interested in the thing but the idea that it's presence is legitimately damaging based on an insane assumption is incredibly silly

Best case scenario, kids will buy it and it'll sell a few more switches. Worst case scenario it'll just be another gimmick and fade out with little impact on the system itself, since it's only loosely connected to it in the first place

Personally I think the Wii and Gamecube just have more games that are enjoyable to play. The N64 was a good console but outside of say, the big mario games, the two zelda games and kirby 64, I have to really squint to find something enjoyable on it. Even then, Mario 64 is highly outclassed by the later Mario 3D platformers and its one niche, being open world, was done by Odyssey on 10x the scale anyway. The Zelda games hold up a little better but by now the concept of them has been done better.

I guess you could say I'm being unfair to it because it's old, but by contrast many games on say, the Super Nintendo hold up better and have more of a reason to come back to.

I never really agreed with "The switch has gotta get those third parties or it's gonna die." To be frank, nobody buys a nintendo console for that. It'll help sales and it'll certainly be a blow to i if it doesn't do well in that area, but first party titles are generally what mainly sustains nintendo systems.

The appeal isn't "Oh,I'll get all the games I would've gotten on PS4" the appeal is "Oh, I can get Doom and Mario!"

Folks claim the Wii U died because of that, but it was a combination of that and poor marketting and rather slow first party releases.

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