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Messages - denniedarko

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6]
I picked up a few things yesterday, all used:

Arc Rise Fantasia (Wii) $28 - I already had a copy, but it had no case or manual. A local used book store had a copy there complete.

Goldeneye 007 (Wii) $10 - Finally got around to picking this up. Loved the original on the N64. Really enjoying it so far.

NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Wii) $3 - This game...I don't know why but everything about this game creeps me out. Makes me incredibly uncomfortable while playing it, almost to the point of being sick. Very, very weird, and I am unsure if I will keep it.

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Wii) $10 - Another one I finally got around to picking up. Played up to the police station and it's fun while being a bit nostalgic. Probably closest thing to an RE2 remake I'll get to play.

Rygar: The Battle of Argus (Wii) $2 - Seems alright so far, though I can't get past the first large enemy. Maybe I am over looking a dodge mechanic or something. I hear it wasn't well received, but I figure for the price I could have some fun.

A few things I got last week:

Skies of Arcadia Legends (Gamecube) $57 - Complete copy off Amazon. Wasn't a huge fan when I played it before on the Dreamcast, but I didn't hate anything about it.

New Play Control Pikmin (Wii) $19 - Really liked the Pikmin game in Nintendo Land and had no problem finding a copy of Pikmin 2. Stopped by a Gamestop one day just to look around and they had a copy of this one. The manual is in pretty bad shape though, but maybe I'll find a replacement later on.

Baten Kaitos (Gamecube) $9 - Found this at a Play N Trade, complete. Another I wasn't a huge fan of when I played it long ago, but I figured I would give it a shot again at some point, and at this price I thought it was a steal.

And last, I ordered a few things off Amazon last night:

The Hyrule Historia and Lego Lord of the Rings.

General / Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:08:36 pm »
I shopped at Hot Topic several years ago, but haven't been in quite awhile. Now all I think about when I hear Hot Topic is that South Park episode.

General / Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« on: March 27, 2013, 04:58:13 pm »
I think I am one of the few, (maybe only), that feels that Dragon Age II was better then Origins in every way.

Off Topic / Re: This sucks!
« on: March 19, 2013, 06:30:04 pm »
I built a gaming PC a few years back, and about a year ago I picked up a fairly expensive video card to max a few games I was playing at the time. About a week after that the mother board, power supply, and video card all got fried by lightning. It was a bout 8 months before I got another computer, (went with a macbook pro), so I know what it is like, sorry to hear it.

But like the others said, try the keyboard on the PS3. I was going to do that for FFXIV whenever it released.

I picked up a couple things between friday night and today.

Friday night, I won an auction for a complete copy of Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door for 23.50. I was quite happy with that as I just sort of discovered the Paper Mario series, (currently playing Paper Mario from VC on my Wii U), and heard this one could be kind of pricey.

I also bought a copy of Skies of Arcadia: Legends off amazon earlier today for 56.00, and did one day shipping. It is complete as well. I have played it before, and while I wasn't a huge fan I thought I could give it another chance.

And last, I picked up the guide for New Super Mario Bros. U at Target today while I was getting some medicine for my wife. I like the guide, and the poster it came with.

Also debating running up to Best Buy tomorrow as they are suppose to have that Adventure Time game on the 3DS for 9.99. Hoping to get a copy.

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: March 17, 2013, 10:12:33 am »
Welcome to the site denniedarko!

What systems do you collect for?

I actually don't collect as heavily as I did in the past. I got rid of my PSone, (with the exception of a handful of games), PS2, Dreamcast, and most my PS3 and 360 collections recently. I made a resolution recently to only play games on Nintendo consoles, so I am currently collecting for my Wii, Wii U, 3DS, and looking for DS and Gamecube games.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: March 16, 2013, 09:18:33 pm »
I watched Sword of the Stranger again earlier this week. And then I watched Taken 2 yesterday, and kind of wish I had not.

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: March 16, 2013, 09:16:04 pm »
Heh another Darko. Going to get weird in here!

Crap! Is there someone else with the darko name here? I apologize, I would have gone a different route had I known. Usually never see it. I had some friends that used to call me Dennie Darko after we'd seen Donnie Darko. It just kind of stuck.

I am sorry though, to the other darko. I have no issue changing if, if I can figure out how.

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: March 16, 2013, 05:27:45 pm »
Hey everyone! Name is denniedarko, and as you can tell i am new here. I ventured over from Gamefaqs. Site is really nice, I like it quite a bit.

How is everyone doing?

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