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Messages - torvez

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8
General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: April 15, 2013, 11:57:40 am »
I really like the playstation display, and that nintendo wall

General / Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« on: April 15, 2013, 11:55:19 am »
^^  Nice update ^^

Thanks much   :D

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: April 14, 2013, 11:02:06 pm »
Ive posted mine a few times but I really need a good camera for people to get a decent view of it. Im going to get one eventually!

soera, make with the pictures!  ;D

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:58:11 pm »
Okay, here are some of mine....

Cramped, indeed! lol
Nice collection though!
I do the same thing for my N64 games.
Diggin' the Misfits and Metallica posters too!
(I'll be seeing Metallica this summer at Orion! Stoked! Festival is gonna be insane!)
A+ on that VHS collection too, Batman Beyond, Akira and Legend (looks a little like my collection!)
Always wanted a C64 for the music tracking programs, but I can never find them!
I will also say, that super ball looks like alot of fun!

General / Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:41:42 pm »
Xbox Live

amauriel = Amauriel
azai392 = Azai392
clanhuntercrio = clanhunter crio
darko = Darko2424
desocietas = Desocietas
ffxik = Kovalt Remora
foxhack = FoxhackDN
iskelly87 = dontxblink
jaydepps = Flyersfan1975
jcalder8 = BuckyBKatt
jobocan = jobocan1
kirbysuperstar = Kirbysuperstar2
ko1ru = ko1ru
matt = mattcakes
mkarasch = Olodumare
psydswipe = Psydswipe
scott = Wyrmm
sin2beta = sin2beta
spire = Spire VII
teknophyl = Teknophyl
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
torvez = Torvez Garniez
tpugmire = tpugmire
turf = TURF1218

PlayStation Network

amauriel = Amauriel
anton = Red-Dawn-d-_-b
clanhuntercrio = Clanhunter Crio
climhazard = Climhazard88
desocietas = Deso31
disgaeniac = disgaeniac
dkdrum = dkdrum1983
evilbobbins = Evilbobbins
gaiages = Slayn_Bacon
iskelly87 = iSkelly87
jaydepps = Jaydepps
jobocan = Jobocan
kirbysuperstar = Kirbysuperstar
madmax = madmax12ca
mkarasch = TheCrashes
psydswipe = Psydswipe
scott = Ryglore
spire = Spire_VII
thecollectorO07 = Azurealec
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
torvez = Torvez
urbanchaos = JSMarsolais


amauriel = Amauriel
azai392 = Azai392
blitz_bomb = spire
clanhuntercrio = clanhunter crio
climhazard = Climhazard
desocietas = Desocietas
evilbobbins = Evilbobbins
foxhack = Foxhack
iskelly87 = dontxblink
Jaydepps = jaydepps
jobocan = jobocan
kirbysuperstar = twigfigure
madmax = madmax12ca
matt = madk
psydswipe = Psydswipe
Ryglore = scott
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
torvez = torvez1
varkias = Varkias4066

Alphabetized by online ID

Xbox Live

Amauriel = amauriel
Azai392 = azai392
BuckyBKatt = jcalder8
clanhunter crio = clanhuntercrio
Darko2424 = darko
Desocietas = desocietas
dontxblink = iskelly87
Flyersfan1975 = jaydepps
FoxhackDN = foxhack
Greasy Lazor = toybatsu
jobocan1 = jobocan
Kirbysuperstar2 = kirbysuperstar
ko1ru = ko1ru
Kovalt Remora = ffxik
mattcakes = matt
Olodumare = mkarasch
Psydswipe = psydswipe
sin2beta = sin2beta
Spire VII = spire
Teknophyl = teknophyl
Torvez Garniez = torvez
tpugmire = tpugmire
TURF1218 = turf
Wyrmm = scott

PlayStation Network

Amauriel = amauriel
Azurealec = thecollectorOo7
clanhunter crio = clanhuntercrio
Climhazard88 = climhazard
Deso31 = desocietas
disgaeniac = disgaeniac
dkdrum1983 = dkdrum
Evilbobbins = evilbobbins
Greasy Lazor = toybatsu
iSkelly87 = iskelly87
Jaydepps = jaydepps
jobocan = jobocan
JSMarsolais = urbanchaos
Kirbysuperstar = kirbysuperstar
madmax12ca = madmax
PiVikingWarlord = lordmeatpie
Psydswipe = psydswipe
Red-Dawn-d-_-b = anton
Ryglore = scott
Slayn_Bacon = gaiages
Spire_VII = spire
TheCrashes = mkarasch
Torvez = torvez


Amauriel = amauriel
Azai392 = azai392
blitz_bomb = spire
clanhunter crio = clanhuntercrio
Climhazard = climhazard
Desocietas = desocietas
dontxblink = iskelly87
Evilbobbins = evilbobbins
Foxhack = foxhack
Greasy Lazor = toybatsu
Jaydepps = jaydepps
jobocan = jobocan
madk = matt
madmax12ca = madmax
Psydswipe = psydswipe
Ryglore = scott
torvez1 = torvez
twigfigure = kirbysuperstar
Varkias4066 = varkias

Thanks, psydswipe!

General / Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:34:50 pm »
I don't play online very often, but here are my tags anyway.

PS3- Torvez
360- Torvez Garniez
Steam- torvez1

General / Re: The Pay It Forward Thread
« on: April 14, 2013, 08:51:07 pm »


Ok, down to 1 copy for anyone who's still interested


General / Re: The Pay It Forward Thread
« on: April 14, 2013, 07:48:46 pm »
I'll try Dota 2, desocietas!

Cool!  Message me on Steam (username: desocietas) and I'll send it your way!

I added you

General / Building a PC for my little brother
« on: April 14, 2013, 06:08:41 pm »
All my little brother ever wants to do is play Minecraft!
It's gotten to the point where I can barely use my computer anymore lol
So for his b-day (which is in a few days) I decided to build a PC for him!
I just got back from Microcenter and he asked me what all of those parts were for.
And I told him they were for our sister's grad present!
So now I'm building his very own Minecraft PC before his eyes, and he has no idea!  ;D
He's gonna shit his pants on Tuesday! HAHA!

Classic Video Games / Re: A couple Saturn games?
« on: April 14, 2013, 06:01:18 pm »
Nice! Sounds like a great girlfriend!

I've got a good wife, like that. She got me a brand-new black Wii that came boxed with Wii Sports and Sports Resort, as well as a TurboGrafx-16!

That's awesome!

Classic Video Games / Re: The game speculation thread
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:53:43 pm »
Also, seems like the Pokemon series of games (on multiple systems) are one of the best games & series for either holding and/or going up in value...

I see them going for $60+!
I wish as a kid I knew they'd be worth that much in the box!
I have them all (just as they suggest/command you to) with no boxes :/

Classic Video Games / Re: What are the Best Sega Saturn Platformers?
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:22:50 pm »
I honestly think this is my favorite system to collect for, and I don't know why!
I just wish the games weren't this pricey!
I need to find a good store/ dirt mall with a more abundant selection!
I don't particularly care for ebay, just doesn't feel the same as finding something in the wild.
Sonic 3D Blast,
SoTN (was there an NA release for that?),
Gex and Rayman are on my wish list for now.
3D Blast will be scratched of very soon!

Classic Video Games / Re: The game speculation thread
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:06:33 pm »
Great thread idea, I often wonder which games will be worth anything.
Hopefully more people post here!

Classic Video Games / Re: A couple Saturn games?
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:01:15 pm »
If you're looking for Virtua Fighter 2, check out the "Pay it Forward" thread.

Thanks for the heads up, turf!
I'll let some other lucky member grab that, since I got a copy in my trade!

General / Re: The Pay It Forward Thread
« on: April 14, 2013, 12:53:05 pm »
I'll try Dota 2, desocietas!

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