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Messages - pizzasafari

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General / Re: Local Game Stores going out of business
« on: September 20, 2018, 03:02:46 pm »
I've been seeing this for about a decade, I think it's the changing market personally. It's part of why I hate digital games, because they're undermining the smaller game shops that didn't make much money to begin with. On top of that you've got the big publishers doing everything they can to undermine the secondhand market and it's training certain people to believe that buying a game secondhand isn't worth it. While I was growing up I remember there being at least 3 game shops in the town I grew up in, now there are none. When I first moved to the city I live in now 6 years ago there were 4 game shops here, three big ones and one small retro game shop, now all that's left is two big game shops. The small retro game shop that went under could't afford to stay open and the bigger one was a chain that went out of business. The next town over lost one recently too when the shopping centre it's in got bought out and AFAIK it wasn't able to move somewhere new, I don't know why that was though.

It's sad as hell, but I don't know if there's anything we can really do about it.


Are we gonna end up on a milk carton if we answer this?

(I kid)

Now if I could just find the VGCollect counterpart for comics and movies...

Favslist has kind of a lite version of it, not many people use the feature but you can tick all the movies you've seen and all the movies you own separately and they appear in a library page on your profile. You can tick comics you've read & own too but I don't think those appear in your library yet, that might get implemented once the site's got an owner again.

Any suggestions for books? I have a ton of books and since Shelfari was bought out by amazon it has sucked.

You can do that on favslist too, those do appear in your library. As for formal sites for book collection though I haven't a clue I'm afraid.

General / Re: Video game name frustration. (Rant)
« on: September 15, 2018, 12:46:28 pm »
Coming in 2020...

F I N A L   F A N T A S Y

Now if I could just find the VGCollect counterpart for comics and movies...

Favslist has kind of a lite version of it, not many people use the feature but you can tick all the movies you've seen and all the movies you own separately and they appear in a library page on your profile. You can tick comics you've read & own too but I don't think those appear in your library yet, that might get implemented once the site's got an owner again.

I found the site from a Google search around the time I first started collecting, I wanted a fun way to catalogue my collection and show it off to people and it brought me here. I found and tried one or two other sites first but they were crap, this one I really like. I don't really remember what the site was like when I first joined though, it was a while ago now, but people are sharing their joining stories here so hey.

I'm not as active on the forums as I'd like to be though because I'm as social as a soggy tissue, but every now and then I'll see a topic come up in the side bar that takes my fancy and jump in for a chat. At least I used to. Bit oversaturated these days if you follow.

Marketplace / Re: Persona Revelations Series
« on: September 11, 2018, 06:32:33 pm »
Just for the sake of the people who do have it, by Persona Revelations Series do you mean Revelations: Persona or something else?

Off Topic / Re: Does anyone know about manga?
« on: September 11, 2018, 03:27:59 pm »
The going rate for manga is about 20,000 - 50,000 Mesopotamian Shekels, depending on the nick.

For a paperback you should be paying about 25 Aztec Dollars, but you can actually get them for free if you can manage to convince the seller the volume's been possessed by the devil. This is more effective in places like the far east though, I wouldn't try that with American or West European traders.

I have a well built in my back garden called the Konnichi Well, every day I kidnap a small child and throw him in and say the passphrase "kawaii akachan ageru desu" and when I wake up the next morning I find a new manga volume under my pillow.

General / Re: Do you like most games or only a select few?
« on: September 11, 2018, 03:18:44 pm »
I hate all games.

General / Re: The Polymega All-In-One Console
« on: September 10, 2018, 07:10:44 am »
There’s a very lengthy thread about it on atariage. Having followed it since the beginning, there’s no way I’d back it at this point.

Can you condense the thread as to why that is? I'm intrigued by the console but if there's something I don't know about going on that makes me nervous.

General / Re: What Was the First RPG You Ever Beat?
« on: September 07, 2018, 07:26:36 pm »

This when I was about seven years old. A fun game from what I remember. Definitely not as bad as you'd think.

Holy god someone else played that game?! That game was actually good, never would have thought I'd find a Harry Potter JRPG.

Classic Video Games / Re: Do You Own a Dreamcast? What Game Drew You In?
« on: September 06, 2018, 04:13:04 pm »
I have one but I don't play it as much as I'd like to. I liked the idea of owning a Dreamcast in itself as something about the console just mystified me for some reason, but I did really want to try Skies of Arcadia and the original Shenmue too. Still need to finish both.

General / Re: What Was the First RPG You Ever Beat?
« on: September 06, 2018, 08:29:05 am »
Oh wow, I never thought about this before. I usually played them and never finished them a a kid, then for my birthday one year I asked for loads of Final Fantasy games and got FF7, FF9, FF10 and FF12 together, I soon played and finished FF7 and FF9 and I can't for the life of me remember which I did first... it'll be one of those two though. FF7 or FF9.

Ever since I was 4 or 5 years old FF8 was my obsession but I never actually finished it until I was about 17 or 18, I kept starting over all the time then eventually the discs stopped working cause I kept leaving them out.

Site Feedback / Suggestion: Note box for edits
« on: September 05, 2018, 03:47:02 pm »
Just something I thought of, often when we make edits to games in the database it looks to the person accepting/rejecting the edit like we're replacing good information with bad information or formatting it wrong or something like that, when there's actually a good reason why we're making that edit that we have no way of making clear to the person verifying it.

Do you think it would be helpful to have some kind of note box or something similar added to the editing page for things that lets us leave a note for the person checking it to let them know why we made that change? It can be a bit frustrating when valid edits are rejected.

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