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Messages - instantreplay

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Modern Video Games / Re: PS Vita Imports
« on: November 14, 2014, 04:46:09 pm »
Some imports to mention:
J-Stars Victory Vs- PS3/PS Vita- Fighting game of popular shonen characters
Sword Art Online- The only way to get a physical copy of this is getting the Chinese version of the game, which has a English translation.
DENGEKI BUNKO: FIGHTING CLIMAX- another fighting game that you also get for a ps3 import as well
bullet girls- a weird shooting game with a lot of fanservice, easy game to pick up
soul sacrifice delta- interesting action game with a asian version with an engish translation.
To be honest, the vita is a system with a ton of jrpgs, and very few english translations within those games due to the motivations of the developers. If you really want to get into the vita's import library and explore its catalog more, you will most likely need to learn some Japanese so that you can understand and play through those games.
Also, you may find more vita games with english translations in asian versions of game, and just look for genres that traditionally don't have much text.

I actually looked into Japanese games with english text and every single one already has english localization :V

Modern Video Games / Re: PS Vita Imports
« on: November 14, 2014, 01:50:05 pm »

Don't you have to make very important dialogue choices in that game XD
How can you do that if its in another language?

Modern Video Games / PS Vita Imports
« on: November 14, 2014, 01:25:49 pm »
I'm not sure if this has been done, but does anyone know of some good Japanese imports that can be played without know much Japanese?

I'll update the list on this post as people contribute to the thread.

Here are the ones I know of (in no particular order):

-Criminal Girls Invitational - the combat tips are in english so you know what your enemies are weak to.

-moero chronicle

-Hatsune Miku series

-Love Live! series - very similar to Hatsune Miku

-Bullet Girls

-J-Stars Victory Vs


-Shin Gundam Musou

-Phantasy Star 2 online

General / Re: Does anyone know any good RPGs that don't cost too much?
« on: November 11, 2014, 01:43:56 pm »
You can pick up a copy of Persona 4 for $20 on ps2

Modern Video Games / Re: Handheld divisions
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:32:26 pm »
If Nintendo had released the 3ds in the past year or two it would not have sold well.

meant to say as well*

Modern Video Games / Natural Doctrine
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:15:48 am »
Has anyone played Natural Doctrine? I've heard a lot of negative things about the game but I feel one of the main criticisms, that the game is too hard, is extremely unfair given many hard games that were very well received by critics. Games like FTL, Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden...etc.

I've been playing Metroid: Other M and it's actually quite good! I talked a little bit about this in the "What are you playing?" thread, but I'm still surprised at all the hate it gets.

The reason it got so much hate is because Team Ninja absolutely destroyed Samus as a character.
Watch this video.

Modern Video Games / Re: Handheld divisions
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:45:46 am »
The handheld market is fading quickly with the rise of smartphones. If Nintendo had released the 3ds in the past year or two it would not have sold well.

Modern Video Games / Re: Child of Light
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:42:11 am »
Be warned, the poetry is absolute shit. They try to rhyme words who's emphasis is on different syllables.

Classic Video Games / Megaman X4 or X5
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:37:42 am »
Which is better, Megaman x4 or x5?

Are there any games you know of where people ripped on it for being a bad game, even though it wasn't that bad?

For me, the most obvious example is Mass Effect 3. People always complain about the ending even though the game was still good.

Classic Video Games / Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« on: October 20, 2014, 08:52:24 am »
Resident Evil 4
Persona 4

Hardware and Tech / Re: Best thing to upgrade on a computer?
« on: October 12, 2014, 01:03:09 pm »
Thanks for the input guys!
Okay so here's another question. If I'm getting a new laptop, what should I put the most money into?

I do a lot of extended gaming on my laptop. What kind of cooling system should I get? Should I just get a standard fan and get one of those lap things with fans in it to help ventilate the bottom of the compy or should I build something straight into the computer?

I feel kind of stupid or asking this but I don't know a lot about computers (I know basic stuff and can trouble shoot most problems fairly easily), is there a way to hook a laptop up to a tower and use the laptop as a display?

Classic Video Games / Action 52
« on: October 09, 2014, 01:28:56 pm »
Anyone hear of this game? I just saw AVGN's review of it and I can't help but wonder how it sold at all.

The gameplay was good but everything else was overhyped.
1) Lara didn't have a character. People claim that she goes from a person who hates using violence to a strong woman but that's total bullshit. She says something like "I don't want to hurt you" like once but then she seems fine driving a spike through people's throats. Instead, the game should have forced the player to stealth in the beginning of the game, not because Lara didn't have a weapon, but because she didn't want to kill people. Then she would be forced to kill someone in self defense or something and then we see a slow progression in cut scenes as she becomes more accepting of violence. As opposed to bringing it up and then forgetting about it.

Didn't read much past bullet 1 because I sensed spoilers.

That said the game does exactly what you suggest. You start out stealth.

**SPOILER ALERT** If you've never played the game skip the rest of this comment.

Her first human kill is an accident. Her attacker dies because of other events that are going on. Her second kill is an animal in the woods because she is starving and she mourns it. Her first deliberate human kill is when she is nearly raped/killed. Immediately after she vomits and has a breakdown... It takes about a solid hour of gameplay for all of this to transpire if you're not speed running.

Several times after that (when she finds the tools needed to make fire arrows for example) she looks at the weapons and things she's come to rely on for survival and has a moment of "what the hell have I become" type reflection.

Also she talks to herself frequently when you make camp. It seems like background and is easy to skip over if you're just making camp to save or get the next upgrade. But a lot of those monologues bring out her inner thoughts and conflict.

She is the entire reason they are on the island. So part of it is not just her own survival but the responsibility she feels towards the others stranded there because of her.

The journals scattered about the island also make it clear the other parties have zero intention of making nice.

It's kill or be killed.

You're missing the point I made. My point was that I wanted to see Lara forsake violence because she didn't want to hurt anyone which is why the game is stealth orientated. The only reason you stealth early on is because you don't have a weapon. The problem is that as soon as you get a weapon you run around killing everyone. The change needs to be more gradual. Lara has these emotional breakdowns at the campsite but then she goes and taunts her enemies during gameplay. This is inconsistent writing.

Here's the thing, what is the result of a character arc? Answer: a person changes. This change has to be reflected in the they think and behave. We see Lara's "change" in the way she thinks during cutscenes. But she doesn't make any decisions that reflect her change. She is completely reactionary.

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