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Messages - gf78

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Added a really cool item to my PS4 collection. Called the Perp games complete collection! Its a box of all 19 VR games made by Perp gaming. Here is a few images :

That's friggin awesome!  I love limited collector sets like that!

And to lighten it up a tad

Lol. Definitely the worst!

Young Link is a must-buy for me.

If they actually make Simon, Richter, Dark Samus and a new Ganondorf,  I'll be all over those as well!

Oh, and I was on the edge of my seat during Last Jedi too. On the edge ready to walk out of that dumpster fire of a film.

By real fans, let me clarify the people who actually saw the film and started their opinions about it versus the critics who adored it. There is a huge disparity there with the overwhelming majority of moviegoers who did not enjoy the film. So you can save the indignity as I was not trying to insult your tastes or say you aren't a fan or be a gatekeeper for a product I don't own or have control over.

Im glad you have been a fan for over two decades. With that being said, a bit of background for you. I saw the 1st movie in the theater with my dad back in '77. So, I've been a fan for over Forty fucking years. I've seen every single one pre-Solo in the theater, most multiple times including the 1997 re-releases. I own and have owned more Star Wars swag than I should have, enough money's worth to buy a small house or a nice new car.

And I didnt state my opinions as fact. I made it clear I personally think Last Jedi is shit. I started my reasons for it. Tell me please, what you think this film did so well?  Turning all the Male characters into arrogant assholes (Poe), whipping boys (Hux), stuttering sleazeballs (Del Toro's character), cannon fodder (all other Rebel men), etc?  Making all the female Rebels the heroic sacrifices?  Shaming Chewbacca for being a carnivore?

How about the nonsensical space chase, waiting for the Rebels to run out of fucking gas?  Why not have another ship do a hyperspace jump ahead of them and just wait for them to show up? 

How did we go from a Rebel victory despite their capital planet being blown up by the relatively small (compared to the Empire) First Order to them dominating the galaxy and crushing the republic... ALL IN THE AMOUNT OF TIME IT TAKES REY TO HAND LUKE A LIGHTSABER?!  And while we are on the subject of Luke, regardless of being disenfranchised with the Jedi and acting like a complete out-of-character prick, would he really just toss his pops lightsaber over his shoulder & down a cliff?  I dont think so. With his and his fathers own tumultuous relationship with the force, would he just try to off his own nephew because he sensed some darkness?  Come the fuck on.

There are many other obnoxious things in this film. Maz the bartender is suddenly negotiating trade disputes?  Kylo is a whiny emo bitch who pouts because Snoke insulted his helmet?  Force-Facetime across the galaxy?  Absolutely zero character building or development.  Who is Snoke?  Who cares, off him!  Who is Phasma, who cares, throw her in a burning pit!

On board the ship when Admiral Purple -Hair lady (Yes, I know her name is Holdo) jumps through the First Order flagship at the exact moment Finn is getting ready to be executed, all the Stormtroopers are killed and Phasma gets warped to safety all the way on the other side of the hangar. And Finn & company are miraculously unharmed!  WTF is going on right here?!

Sorry, in my opinion and the majority of other moviegoers,  Last Jedi was and is a steaming pile of shit that crapped upon everything that made Star Wars so enjoyable to people like me for over forty years.

And if you dont like my opinion, fine. Even Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamill hated the script and said he fundamentally disagrees with everything they did to Luke's character.

Rian Johnson set out to make a movie full of his own political and social agendas and Star Wars has suffered for it. Han Solo was a box office bomb compared to every previous film in the series and resulted in plans for other standalone films being put on the back burner or scrapped altogether.

So if you dont believe that the vast majority of fans are unhappy with the direction they are going or that is some real gatekeeper bullshit right there, you are delusional. The financial impact to Disney & Lucasfilm is in print for all to see. Obviously, it's not a small group of misogynist trolls to have so affected a huge franchise.

To be frank, The Last Jedi was a huge pile of shit and it single handedly put Star Wars where it is right now. Unlike the leadup to TLJ, Episode 9 has nearly no enthusiasm or hype, and Star Wars as a brand is for the first tie ever failing as indicated by Solo flopping, toy and merch sales being down significantly, Battlefront II being a disaster, and Disney itself attacking fans who didn't like the movie or the direction Star Wars is going.

Following Solo which is a spinoff, this is the first numbered Star Wars film that I'm not hyped to go see and in fact, will not be going to see at the theater. IF Episode IX ends up correcting course and IF the real Star Wars fans come away saying it was great, I may give it a chance. But those are very big ifs.

And I would also like to take a moment to say that my problems with Ray have nothing to do with her being a strong lead. My problem(s) is that an interesting character with inborn abilities and an affinity for the Force that in fact, the spirits of dead Jedi lead to Luke's lightsaber and help is tossed away like trash. Instead of being a prodigy, an offspring of a Jedi, a reincarnation of Anakin or any other number of cool possibilities, she's the child of drunks on a backwater shithole planet who traded her in for booze money. Come the fuck on!

The Last Jedi ruined Star Wars for me. Seriously. My oldest daughter and I went to see it opening weekend. By the time they got to Krait, I was ready to leave the theater. When we left, my daughter looked at me after a long silence and said "That..wasnt very good."  And the more I played over in my mind what I had watched, I actually became angry. And when I went online to see if others felt the same way as me and saw people calling them mysoginists and accusing them of hating the empowerment of women and that all of us "cavemen" needed to get used to it, I became confused and even angrier because the empowerment of women wasn't even a complaint.

Leia flying like Superman?  Friggin dumb.
Luke drinking blue milk out of a boobie?  Friggin dumb.
Space chase till you run out of gas?  Friggin dumb.
Literally moments after Force Awakens ended (Ray still holding Luke's lightsaber out to him) and the First Order has suddenly conquered the galaxy in the time it took to finish the screen crawl?  Friggin dumb!

That whole movie is friggin dumb!   >:(

We get Solo with "Pando" Calrasian?  Did we need to retroactively make Lando different?  Why change a character retroactively to pander?  Couldn't another character have been pansexual?  I dont have a problem with people and their lifestyles, but as my friend Tasha (who is gay in a marriage with her wife who is now transitioning to a male) said when talking about Lando "That's just fucking stupid."
See, I don’t think this is pandering at all.  I see it as a natural extension of Lando as a character.  To me Lando always read as a pansexual - even before I really knew what sexuality was.  Lando for me has always been someone who would fuck anyone and anything at any time, which is why I love him.  Smooth as hell to everyone.

I must have missed the part in Empire Strikes Back where he hit on C3PO, made sexual advances towards R2D2, and asked Chewie on a date.

But in all seriousness, the fact that Lando's sexuality has become a focus in a Star Wars film is just ridiculous and makes no sense in the context of Star Wars or his character which was already developed/established in the original trilogy. He didn't need to be reestablished at all, and the fact they chose to do it in the way they did was total pandering.

He still didn't hit on everyone in site in Solo either, he sees something he likes, and he goes for it.  Being pan or bi doesn't mean you are attracted to everyone and hit on anything in site, and to suggest as much is reductive.  And, besides, he is older and more controlled in Empire.  I was definitely doing more flirting when I was 10+ years younger.

Again, something completely unnecessary in a Star Wars film, just as the sexuality of Soldier 76 in Overwatch in unnecessary. Whether gay, bi, pan or whatever - it has no bearing on the characters in the context of the films or games. I dont care if Soldier 76 is banging all the other Overwatch ladies OR the guys. It's irrelevant and only brought up (ie recently fabricated) to try to pander to gamers who may be spending less time playing and moving over to Fortnite.

That's the pokemon I was talking about. I highly doubt that the Japanese inventor of Jynx intended to cause offense. Here is a decent read about it.
Just because you don’t mean for something to be offensive doesn’t mean it is not offensive.

Read the article to understand. The Japanese are baffled that people take offense to things like this.

What bikingjahuty said, the fact that they even felt the need to bring up a characters sexuality is an example of pandering. There was no need. Star Wars has never been about exploring sexuality. Its war. In the stars.  :P

That's the pokemon I was talking about. I highly doubt that the Japanese inventor of Jynx intended to cause offense. Here is a decent read about it.

I don't know much about the Satansit stuff, but if you believe they are really "hurt' over Christmas or santa or whatever, I don't envy your intellectual skills. They are likely showing how absurd the whole "we can finally say Christmas again" agenda crap is.

Wow. You dont know me or anything about me and want to insult my intellectual skills?

I assume your mention of Sean Hannity coupled with an attempt to label me as intellectually impaired means you are a liberal?  Good for you. So am I!  But because I believe in equal rights, courtesy, & compassion for everyone doesnt mean i dont find pandering and ass-kissing to keep crybabies happy ridiculous.

As I said, my intention is not to offend anyone. I'm talking about how in an attempt to NOT offend anyone has become offensive of itself.

People whining about the dumbest crap, so now society tries to make everything PC. then you have those on the opposite end of the spectrum, trying to be as offensive as possible. Both sides are annoying.

The whole pledge of allegiance at school controversy. People finding a Pokemon offensive, looking for something to be angry about. Internet trolls running people into the dirt with no fear of reprisal. Fear mongering in politics. The general shittiness man heaps upon his fellow man. Not taking the time to let someone out in traffic. Not showing respect to the elderly. School kids with their heads so far up their iPhone's ass, they have no clue how to function in society. Its nuts.

And how can I forget, as if Last Jedi wasn't bad enough?  We get Solo with "Pando" Calrasian?  Did we need to retroactively make Lando different?  Why change a character retroactively to pander?  Couldn't another character have been pansexual?  I dont have a problem with people and their lifestyles, but as my friend Tasha (who is gay in a marriage with her wife who is now transitioning to a male) said when talking about Lando "That's just fucking stupid."

Everywhere you look today, somebody has something negative to say about it. Movie directors, comic writers and pretty much anybody who makes anything exposed to public scrutiny are bending over backwards to be PC and all-inclusive. Hey, that's cool. But do we have to alter things that already exist to further an agenda? 

I am friends with & work with numerous gay people. My oldest daughter proudly states she is bisexual and two good friends are both transitioning. And hey, that's great. People deserve to be happy and I nor anybody else has any right to interfere with their happiness, as long as it isn't some Buffalo Bill wearing ladies skins kinda shit. I also hang out & work with several black people. Sorry if that's the incorrect terminology. So with that being said, here are some things that have been annoying the shit out of me!

Comic books. Oh my, what the hell is going on?!  Wolverine is a girl. Iron Main is a black girl. Captain America is no longer the original super soldier, a black guy is. Iceman is now gay, Spider-Man is/was Dr. Octopus, Thor is/was a girl. What the hell is going on?! I'm cool with black characters, Asian characters, female characters, etc. But please, stop trying to suck up. Make some new characters & stop screwing with existing ones!

Star Wars. My poor, poor Star Wars. Rian Johnson made a shit film and anybody who says its shit is labeled a misogynistic pig. Regardless of why they hated it!  My problem has less to do with how every woman in the film is a brave, stand out hero and 2/3 of the rebels are now women (they are) and more to do with how every Male character is a fuck-up. It's like Johnson went out of his way to make every Male character an ass.  Not to mention the nonsensical plot, illogical time jumps, etc.

Butthurt over Gillette commercial. Get over it PC warriors. 

Satanists having a  me too!" Fit over Christmas decorations. Who friggin cares?!  They are decorations. If you get offended by a jolly fat man in red and Rudolph, you have issues!

Baby Its Cold Outside isn't a friggin song about date rape!

Blizzard, nobody cares if Soldier 76 is gay. The game has almost zero backstory and this is nothing more than pandering for no logical reason whatsoever.

Anything you folks want to get off your chest?

That said, the Switch has enough exclusives for me and it has become my #1 preferred system for indie titles. I know some people use "indie game" as some kind of insult, but they are some of the most innovative games out today IMO.

I love a lot of the indies. They are inexpensive and full of classic gameplay goodness. Unfortunately, I despise paying for digital-only games. I know that for 90% of the indies, a physical release is impractical or even impossible given they are made by small teams with shoestring budgets. But I still dont like having nothing to show for my money.

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