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Messages - azure

Pages: 1 ... 63 64 [65] 66 67 ... 75
General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: July 06, 2016, 04:09:37 pm »
I started playing Demon's Souls over the weekend on my super slim ps3, but now that my BC PS3 is repaired, I want to play it on my BC PS3, but I have to wait 24 hours after uploading my save data to be able to play the game.  This is so weak.

Hopefully tonight at 7:02pm I will be able to play Demon's Souls again.
Demon's Souls is a great game, hope you enjoy it. Can't tell you how many Guts runs I've done.
I was planning on strictly playing this game with my wife's cousin, but I'm liking the game so much that I want to start playing it by myself.  I think we beat the first 2 bosses, made it to the 1-2 boss, and the 3-1 boss.

I'm really feeling it.
It's the unpopular opinion, but I like the hub world it has. Don't get me wrong I love the seamless connected world of the other Souls games, but the hub world just sits with me well for some reason.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: July 06, 2016, 03:28:14 pm »
I started playing Demon's Souls over the weekend on my super slim ps3, but now that my BC PS3 is repaired, I want to play it on my BC PS3, but I have to wait 24 hours after uploading my save data to be able to play the game.  This is so weak.

Hopefully tonight at 7:02pm I will be able to play Demon's Souls again.
Demon's Souls is a great game, hope you enjoy it. Can't tell you how many Guts runs I've done.

Modern Video Games / Re: wii u game prices
« on: July 06, 2016, 11:32:26 am »
super mario 3d world came out years ago, and is still sitting at $60, and i doubt it's still flying off the shelves at anything but a snail's crawl at this point.
you will always have late entries to a console, but holding the value of a game at $60 for its entire life for those stragglers is kinda ridic to me.

Super Mario 3D World has been at 20 bucks for a few months now because it's a Nintendo Select.  I just sold if for 10 bucks in the marketplace lol

my local walmart lied to me then ~.~

still, it's about time.
(and still way overdue)

At least from my experience walmart always holds onto pricing for electronics. hell my local one still has sealed ps2 games for $30 that will NEVER get sold (sports/racing games and 2 gta games)

This is true, mine stills has some OG Xbox sports titles.

hyperdimension neptunia anyone?
iffy seems to love pumping neptunia side-games out like candy, i could totally see it happening if they were approached.

Wasn't Neptunia Action Unleashed a musou style game?

I need to participate in these threads.

This came in the mail today, always nice to find a cheap Dreamcast title I actually really want.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: July 05, 2016, 10:39:06 am »
I really need to buy an old game.  I'm starting to get that itch.   :o
Ahh the retro itch. We all get it every now and then, some more than others.

Classic Video Games / Re: What are the best offline co-op games?
« on: July 04, 2016, 07:13:13 pm »
If you like Musou style games, those are a blast with local co-op.

Definitely be picking this one up.

Modern Video Games / Re: Bioshock Collection!!! Yay :)
« on: July 02, 2016, 06:17:55 pm »
Will probably get this at some point, really enjoyed the Bioshock games. Aside from Infinite anyway.

Off Topic / Re: Zombies or Wizards?
« on: July 02, 2016, 01:15:54 pm »
As over done as it is nowadays, I guess I prefer the whole "Zombie" thing.

So this is everything I got in June! Not much but something  ;D.

Also got Majin & the Forsaken Kingdom from the same site. Also one I hardly see much and one I've wanted to play since the demo.

Majin is a great game, you're in for a good time.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: July 01, 2016, 09:56:42 am »
There's a huge delay with the physical edition that came with a watch bonus, but Amazon is giving me $10 back, so I'm not too concerned. I also heard that the Vita version is unable to be played on PSTV and needs to be patched. Poor Aksys - not the best launch for them.

 I feel the same, a lot of individuals won't look into the issues further and just bash Aksys. I'm fine with the 10$ credit for the wait, no big deal, not like I don't have anything else to play.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: July 01, 2016, 09:52:00 am »
3 day weekend on the horizon, time to play some games. Hope all you other US residents enjoy your holiday as well.

Off Topic / Re: Favorite Spongebob Character?
« on: June 30, 2016, 05:46:27 pm »
Flying Dutchman, always liked him as a kid.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 29, 2016, 01:14:10 pm »
Stupid eBay!

I bought some shoes off of eBay. I got a notice today saying I have to pay the post office $9.31 in postage.

So I sent a photo of it to the seller, and requested a $9.31 refund to cover it.

First, the seller tells me that I need to argue with the post office about it because he knows he calculated it right. I send a response, with the pic again, stating that the notice clearly says $9.31, and that I already paid him a postage fee when I paid for the item. He says he'll split the difference and give me $4 and some change, because he doesn't want to give me the shoes for $10. Of course, I'm not okay with that. Then he suggests to send the shoes back to him and he'll give me a refund once he gets them. Again, not okay with that. Why should I pay the shipping cost to get him back the shoes, and I damn sure don't trust him at this point, so who's to say I'll get the refund once he has them?

So I call eBay support. I tell them everything. They tell me to message him one more time, asking for the partial refund again and telling him that I contacted them. The reply I get from the seller is, "I'll wait for eBay to message me."

As if that wasn't frustrating enough, when I call back eBay to tell them how it went, the first guy never put ANYTHING on my account that I ever called! So now I'm looking like I was full of shit.  >:(

OMG, I just lost the case. He gets his shoes back, because I already refused to pay the extra $10 in shipping charges to the post office, and I don't get a refund for the shoes either.

Well that is some Class A BS. Sorry to hear that dood, usually Ebay favors the buyer.

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