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Messages - johnnyg5646

Pages: [1]
Classic Video Games / Re: Super Gameboy - Early 90's
« on: May 05, 2014, 09:28:30 pm »
No it wasn't an add-on, it was a portable console. I wish I could find the episode somewhere. It was probably an unreleased Gameboy. I remember being very excited about it but it never came. I had a similar feeling about super Nintendo CD.

Classic Video Games / Super Gameboy - Early 90's
« on: May 05, 2014, 01:05:51 pm »
I remember watching the first seasons of Video Power when I was very young. The host mentioend a "super gameboy" which was supposed to be a sequel to the original gameboy. It was color and had other features. This was from the season of Video Power that had the cartoon in it. Does anyone remember this?

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