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Messages - lacastella

Pages: [1]
Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Feature Requests
« on: May 12, 2014, 01:09:42 am »
Thanks for that reply :)

And to the N64 Game Sample: Yes I know that I could do it that way. I was still requesting a maybe, uhm, less database blowing way.
Of course this dont meant, that the request have to be taken serious or as applicateable to the page structure :)

A little off-topic but I still hope you can help me there:
I was adding several Item-Numbers on Gameboy / SNES Games. They were all taken from the original cards on my desk. Some where aprooved and some not. Im just talking about games that only contained a blank field before. Im Not sure why some had been rejected and some not. They are all correct and. well. yeah. I dont see the difference. -> I cant avoid my mistake in the future.

Video Game Database Discussion / Feature Requests
« on: May 11, 2014, 02:34:10 pm »
First of all: yay. After trying so many different collection pages I finally feel home. This, is what I wanted. Thanks.

But still there 2 requests that id like to take

1. I would like that the search is not only limited to the game name, but also includes ISBN/Barcode and Item-Number fields. Why? Well. Simply because many times I have several different items of one unit ... + i could use a barcode scanner.

2. I would like to have many Item-Number fields for each game and the posibility to select one of them to be in my collection. For example I own several Mario64 games and id like to be able to list them without the need to overblow the database with almost unique entrys.

- castella

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