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Messages - grahf16

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I 100% think gamers are overly entitled.  Other than sports culture (mainly NFL), the gaming fanatics are the worst, since they constantly cry about literally everything.  The Diablo news, PSOne Classic games list, loot crates, day 1 DLC, the XBox One launch, literally any kind of bombshell gets blown way out of proportion, and then gamers feel like they are owed something as if they have common stock with that particular video game company.  Think of literally any other hobby that you are into, now imagine :insert lead company: dropping a dud, can you imagine its fans reacting anywhere near as bad as gamers?

I have been playing games since the NES era, and have collected everything from NES all the way up to the current generation, and it is very embarrassing hearing grown adults reacting over something so insignificant in the grand scheme of their lives.

Just my .02

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: August 04, 2013, 01:31:14 pm »
A lot of nice setups here. Been working on getting my collection into the site here the past couple days which is taking forever but almost done. Mine isn't so much a game room as it's my bedroom  :P. I don't have much of the older games as this is just stuff I've amassed while growing up over the past 20 or so years while playing games. My original SNES and Rock 'N' Roll Racing was stolen when I was like 6  :'(

The desk is kind of my own Frankenstein creation reusing the metal legs from the old one and have been welded/moved and an actual wood (not cardboad) top that I drew up, cut, stained and put it all together. I'm pleased with how it turned out.

I see a Bride seat, a snail, and some car posters.  What kind of car do you drive?

General / Re: What Are Your Favorite Game Genres?
« on: July 18, 2013, 10:18:20 pm »
I guess I'm the lone ranger when I say rhythm games (Rock Band, DDR, Bust a Groove, Rhythm Heaven Fever), but I find them so fascinating.


Shoot em up
Beat em up
Fighting Games

General / Re: Game X Change
« on: July 18, 2013, 10:12:24 pm »
I bought the following games at Game XChange:

Secret Of Mana (Cart) - $20
Breath of Fire (Cart) - $20
Final Fantasy II (Complete) - $35
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (Dreamcast) - $15
Powerstone 2 - $10
Shen Mue - $8
Metroid Prime Trilogy - $50
Tales of Symponia (Gamecube) - $30
.hack Quarantine - $33
Breath of Fire IV - $20

I have bought plenty of games there, sure I wouldn't find the ultra rare games, but there prices are a HELL of a lot better than the rest of the retro game stores.

Off Topic / Re: Coolest/Toughest Hero To You
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:31:23 pm »
Villains is an interesting add. Here are mine

Video game : White witch (Ni no Kuni) She is actually a likable character in the end!

Movie : Joker (Dark knight) While being super evil, he is still hilarious.

Real life : Vlad the impaler. This guy was such a badass that he was what the Dracula legend spawned from.

Super villain : Doctor doom. Single handedly kicked the ass of all the fantasic 4 many times.

I don't know of the White Witch, but I like the rest of your answers. Especially Dr. Doom, such as bad ass. 8)

Did you know that a big influence for George Lucas' inspiration for Darth Vader was Dr. Doom?

I thought it was Samurai

Off Topic / Re: Coolest/Toughest Hero To You
« on: July 16, 2013, 03:37:08 pm »

Movie/TV Character: John Rambo, From First Blood (Not counting ridiculous "Taking out helicoptors with a Bow and Arrow" Rambo
Videogame Character:  Sabin Figaro, From Final Fantasy VI
Real Life:  Major Brian Chontosh USMC


Movie/TV Charactor: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray, From Heroes (Season 1 Only)
Videogame Character: Luca Blight, From Suikoden II
Real Life: Can't really think of anybody to put on here since most real life villians are cowards.  Maybe Genghis Khan?

Yeah, I won't be getting around to playing the game for awhile...

I agree 100% about being happy with the quality (and quantity) of that book :)

*HOWEVER*, (and this may very well just be me and/or one of my own pet-peeves/'rant'-subjects), but...

...W.T.F. is up w/ these "CD-Samplers" aka "OST-Lites"?!

I mean, the cd that came w/ this game, for example = A TOTAL of 8 tracks.

Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 add up to a total of about 10 minutes -and- the 8th track is ~9.5 minutes  :o

Is it just me, or does anyone else hate this trend - this new 'definition' of what an "OST"/"Soundtrack" should be...and long for the days when an OST was OST?


Killer Cuts > *

Modern Video Games / Re: Disney is getting serious about games...
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:52:31 am »
They need to remake Quackshot.

I welcome the return of Disney.  They made some truly awesome games back in the day (Chip and Dale, Ducktales, Castle of Illusion, World of Illusion, Quackshot, and Aladdin just to name a few).

Off Topic / Re: Refuse to Watch
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:12:16 am »
I refuse to watch anything Adam Sandler.  I used to like him all the way up to Waterboy (and even then that movie was stupid as hell), but now, he is ridiculously annoying.  I caught bits and pieces of Funny People, and I hated it.

Off Topic / Re: Refuse to Watch
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:09:59 am »
I refuse to watch the new Karate Kid. Jackie Chan is awesome, and I have no problem with Wil Smith's boy; bit they trampled on sacred ground. The Karate Kid is Ralph Machio and Mr. Miyagi is Pat Morita. They can make similar movie, or even a down right rip off; but stay off of my childhood.

Karate Kid was a stupid cheesy movie to begin with, I wouldn't really call it "sacred ground."  They got a 23 year old guy to play a kid, and Arnold from Happy Days to play a Karate master.  With all that said, I loved the movie still to this day for what it truly was, an underdog movie.

I went to the movies to watch the remake with the same attitude you had (My ex-wife forced me to watch it), and to much my surprise, I really liked the movie.  I totally agree with everybody else's replies with movies/actors they refuse to watch, but I PROMISE you if you watch the remake, you will not be disappointed.  I would even go as far as to say that the remake is better than the original (Something I usually NEVER say about any movie).

Classic Video Games / Re: Easiest 16 bit games.
« on: July 15, 2013, 11:11:57 pm »
Altered Beast is a ridiculously easy game if you are playing the game with 2 players.  Otherwise, the game is super hard (I can't get past the 3rd level solo to save my life).

Classic Video Games / Re: MOST EXPENSIVE GAME!
« on: July 15, 2013, 03:15:14 pm »
My childhood friend gave me his copy of Suikoden II along with the strategy guide for free.
My next door neighbor gave me his copy of Suikoden V along with the strategy guide for free.
Another childhood friend gave me a copy of EVO: The Search For Eden for free, because he had an extra copy.

Another friend sold me Chrono Trigger complete on the SNES for $30

I paid $200 for Tekken 5 Collector's Edition when it came out

I paid around $80-$90 each for a sealed copy of Growlanser Generations Deluxe Edition, and Popful Mail

Classic Video Games / Re: DuckTales Full HD Remake Coming!!!
« on: July 15, 2013, 02:01:41 pm »
Hah, I actually listened to that right after I made that post.  The dude has skills.  His Rainbow Road rendition is my favorite.

13 July 2013

Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly Director's Cut for Xbox ($8)

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: July 15, 2013, 01:55:49 am »
You have some pieces that a lot of bigger collections dont have (mine included). Vay and Rayearth have been missing from my collection for years. :(

I actually got both under pretty cool circumstances.

I bought Magic Knight Rayearth in an ebay auction for pretty cheap.  The seller listed MKR along with Shining Force III and had the auction end at like 3:00 AM on a Tuesday or something, so I managed to snag both for $102 shipped.

I got Vay from a childhood friend who is also a game collector for $30 because I went on a crazy mission to collect all of the Working Designs Game library.  He sold me Vay for $30, Albert Odyssey for $40, and gave me a loose Lunar SSSC for free.  I haven't really been making any progress with the WD games mainly because the remaining games are more than I'd like to pay (Why the hell is Sega Ages over $50?).

Hopefully I can make some friends on the forums and help somebody out while also getting some help.

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