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Messages - topspot123

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Site Feedback / Re: Advanced Search - only my collection
« on: November 27, 2024, 12:27:34 pm »
I asked for a collection search function years ago. Bump

The third generation of Hasbro's VideoNow platform was named the VideoNow XP and could play a few "Interactive Adventure" PVD Game discs. I believe there are only three games for the platform, but I have two of them. I wish to add them to the database but I can't without assigning them to an existing console.

As far as I understand, once a game has been removed from the store, it can't be redownloaded if it's then deleted off of your phone, but they should still be tied to your account I think (can someone confirm this please?).

My experience is strictly with Android and the Play Store. Some games are delisted from selling, but can still be found in your app library if you previously downloaded them. But on a rare occasion, a game is entirely delisted and can't be found there anymore either. This is an extra step that the publisher/developer can take, but most do not and simply delist or abandon them.

General / Re: Buying games for a system you don't own
« on: February 07, 2023, 05:06:40 pm »
Yep, I've done this many times. Always in anticipation of getting the system soon or eventually. I'm pretty sure I got Guitar Hero 2 and the first Rock Band kit before I'd gotten the Xbox 360 to play them on.

Come to think of it, I have a few games for a few systems I've never gotten (yet). Atari 5200, 7800, Intellivision, Philips CDi, and like one 3DO game, I think. Just a few games, nothing massive.

Off Topic / Re: Any Boad/Tabletop Game Players Out There?
« on: May 06, 2021, 07:54:46 pm »
I own a few board games:

Me too! I have around 400, but I haven't documented them well. I love the wire cubes like you have in the second pic. Those are what hold my entire collection, about 15-20 feet across and about 8 feet high in my garage.

I don't have that many modern games though. My collection is a mix from across the decades. I love my collection, but I don't have many "serious" games from the last couple of decades.  I also have bunches of CCG products, a lot of discontinued games. But my biggest problem is that I have no local friends anymore to play any of these with.

Here's my BGG profile, but it hasn't been updated in a bit

As far as Magic the Gathering, I'd like to get a little more into it as well. I play a little bit on Arena and I would gladly recommend getting the Magic: The Gathering Magic Game Night 2019 box. Five full decks, a reasonable value. It's a nice way to break in.

General / Re: How Many Collectors Only Collect What They Enjoy?
« on: March 01, 2021, 03:39:14 pm »
I do collect only what I enjoy having, I am probably one of the only few people that for one, does not have a display setup. and sorts all my games based on type or genre instead of A-Z  so I can find all games easier and play exactly what I'm in the mood for at that time. I don't know why so many collectors don't shelf their games by console than by what kind of game it is.

I don't like to have games as shelf fillers, I think it's a waste of money, if I want to display something then I would rather buy a video game statue of some kind instead of a game I don't want

I'm with you. I don't pick up games that I haven't researched to try to determine if I'll like them and I don't buy any games I haven't heard of, with one exception.  I never mind picking up any pre-NES games if I find them pretty cheap. Like Atari 2600 or Intellivision or the like. But other than that, I keep my collection very curated to things that I like. The only real problem is that there's a lot of stuff I like!

I already posted about one missed opportunity in this thread, but of course I have many more and no doubt others do too. Let's hear about them.

I guess I lucked out by getting a single copy for myself at all, but I'm still haunted by the memory of the giant bin of pristine, shrink-wrapped copies of Drill Dozer for the GBA going for FIVE (5) dollars each at a Target in 2007 or 2008. Indeed I grabbed one for myself, fun game, good game, but I should have bought EVERY SINGLE ONE in there, there were at least a dozen copies arghhhhhhsjkngksldfnglkf.

I too shared a couple of my regrets in the previous thread, but luckily I've picked up most of the games I've wanted shortly after they've come out.  And since I've been collecting steadily since the '80s, I don't deal with trying to track down a rarity very often. It happens, of course, but not very often overall since I've usually bought what I've wanted when it was readily available. Plus I buy to play, not for collectibility or future value so I'm frequently surprised by some of the current collector prices of games in my collection.  Once I own it, I don't follow prices much, you know? I had no idea Drill Dozer was going for that much!

But another regret I have isn't actually my own regret, technically. You've heard of the US video game crash? As a youngster during the time I had no concept of a crash. I still played our ColecoVision all the time and constantly wished we had new games to play.  One day my parents come home from a shopping trip with a brand new one. It was a Cabbage Patch Kid cartridge for the Colecovision and was meant mostly for my little sister.  Ok, that's fine. She deserves games just for her too. But they described how they got it from the mall.  "They had a big bin filled with brand new games for only a dollar each!" they exclaimed. 

"And this was the only one you bought?!" I cried back! Moments like buying brand new video games for $1 are nearly once in a lifetime, and they didn't think to get as many as they could!

Even if the other titles were lackluster, and who knows what other games they had, I really regret that they didn't buy more of them.

Guitar Hero Live when everyone had it for $20.

Or less...

General / Re: What is the most regretful thing in your collection?
« on: February 11, 2021, 04:04:19 pm »
My regrets are mostly about money spent, especially from buying games at full price or first markdown but still never playing them by the time they are $5-$20. I don't regret the purchase, just the circumstances.

I've told the story before, but the game I'm most regretful for overpaying for is Yoshi's Cookie on the SNES. I still can't believe I blew $60 on such a simple game, especially since I already had the Game Boy version.

But the bigger regret than all of these is the games I didn't buy when I had the chance. NES Bonk's Adventure for $40, Saturn House of the Dead for $50, TurboGrafix Magical Chase for $39.99! Too bad I didn't know then what I know now.

Classic Video Games / Re: Boxes for loose games/replacement boxes/cases
« on: December 17, 2020, 05:01:15 pm »
I have a YouTube series where I try to help collectors with problems like this and I made a small series about Game Boy cartridges.  While I prefer to have the original boxes, I know this isn't always possible. And in my case, I like to have my portable games very accessible, so I developed other plans that work well for me. I hope this info helps anyone looking for alternative solutions.

If any video helps you, please share it with others who'd like to see it.  Thank you.

Click any picture to see the video, thanks!

Solving Nintendo Game Boy cartridge storage / display (+ many others) (17:15)

More Box Making Tips (11:46)

Three New, Easier Game Boy Game Display Solutions (13:09)

Just in case you want to see more, here is my whole Game Room Ideas playlist.  Thanks.

I get nearly every Nintendo system at or near launch (within 6 months) since SNES. Otherwise, I waited in line for PS2 launch, got PSP and Vita very early (within months), and that's about it.

Most others I've waited for some kind of price drop or well-priced bundle.  Having purchased systems both at launch and waiting, I have every intention of waiting for a while before getting next-gen.  Not only might I save on hardware costs, but there'll be a greater library of games to peruse.

Site Feedback / Re: Logged in on the forum but not the site!
« on: September 05, 2020, 04:00:47 pm »

Video Showcase / Re: Take your pick
« on: March 30, 2020, 12:05:42 pm »
Posts in this thread receive thousands of views, but almost no replies

I told you so.

General / Re: Does a Game and Box Have to Match Exactly?
« on: March 13, 2020, 07:39:58 pm »
For me, it's a matter of degrees of improvement.

Game without box < Game with wrong box < Game with right box.

I only have a few instances of this in my collection.  It doesn't 'bother' me, but I am aware of my collection's discrepancies, and I always have the opportunity to track down the right items in the future.  That just isn't my collecting priority. 

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