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Messages - chuckaileron

Pages: [1]
If you're having trouble submitting a new entry, try re-sizing your images. The problem is that they're too large. There isn't any real reason why a submitted image should be much larger than 500KB and 1000x1000 as images immediately get reduced in file size and by dimensions when going through our system.

As far as users being able to self-follow, it is a recent temporary fix that jason published which allows users to see their own activity.

The three empty entries you created have been removed.

Thanks! I'll resize the images for now on  ;D

Hi! I'm having problems when I try to submit a new game, it just create a blank game. I try three times to submit the item, so that's why my name appears three times in a row, I apologies.

Another issue is when I log in, my profile shows the "Follow" button. It's pretty weird, it's like my profile is not recognized in the system, but I also have permissions to interact. I've never had these issues before.


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