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Messages - oblo

Pages: [1]
It's Reanbell (Leanne) from Resonance of Fate, it's been my avatar on Neogaf ever since I was playing that game (when everyone else was playing FFXIII and complaining about it, it was the month I got Yakuza 3 & Resonance, one of my best months in gaming ever) so I just adapted it for this site. I actually took a photograph of my TV screen back then to get her with my own in-game customization, loved how she was part of the cast of Projext X Zone... Would love a sequel to Resonance even more.

Also, hello! Kinda new to this site, first post on the forums. Had to add & edit a lot of titles to get my physical collection (not sure if I'll ever start on the digital part of it) on here, but I do like the result quite a bit.

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