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Messages - mightymeowmixcat

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Intro thread
« on: August 25, 2014, 09:14:46 pm »
Thank you for these tips!

My uncle recently gave me a NES Action Pack (without the box) with games like SMB / Duck Hunt and RBI Baseball 2 (the cartridge barely works) plus a SNES (I already own that) which had a copy of SMW and a turbo controller.
About thrift shops, some people were selling some overpriced stuff and even counterfeit cartridges (Kirby : Red Diamond). At least I could find some good deal (three games for 20$, seems like a good price).
And for online purchases, I don't do that. If I stand correct, eBay is a good place to start but my parents don't trust that website in particular (they are a bit paranoiak about online stores).

General / My Gaming Origins
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:39:08 pm »
-How old were you when you started gaming?

I think I was 3 or 4 years old when I first "played" the SNES.

-What did you start on? On a console? In the arcade? On a handheld? Or on a PC?

The Super Nintendo, of course!

-What was the first console/PC/handheld you owned?

The first console I owned was the black GameCube.

-What was the game that initially drew you in?

The game was A Link To The Past. Fun fact : When I said "played" the game, I meant to constantly go and quit a big fairy's cavern in the dark world and saying like a baby "Yéé j'ai gagné" (If you don't speak french, the translation is "Yay I won").

-What was your first favorite game?

A Link To The Past, it's also still my favorite game to this day.

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:19:51 pm »
I'm just a 14 years old autistic kid from Québec who really enjoy Nintendo stuff. Since I am too young, I can't have a job and get some beautiful plastic bills to buy some cartridges (I must be 16 to do that).
Just to know, what are the best ways for starting a little collection of retro games? I would really like to know.

So I think this is all I have to say.

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