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Messages - saviourgundam

Pages: [1]
Marketplace / Re: Amiibo Wanted/Trade Thread
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:23:38 am »
I'm just throwing it out there, not trying to be a scalper or puff my chest, it's just my raging inner collector.

But I have locked down (by that I mean I've paid them all off) Preorders for:

Bowser x2
Toon Link x2
King Dedede x2
Ike x3
Mega Man x3
Sheik x3
Sonic x3
Shulk x3
Meta Knight x3
Lucario x1
Lucario x1 (Japanese import)
Rosalina x1 (Japanese import)

I'm strongly willing to trade any in the future if anyone can help me out in getting a Villager (as he's the only one I'm missing)

I ordered mine from germany. They still had it in stock.

I wouldn't know where to order one for regular price that would also ship it to the US, 29,95 Euros is a bit more than I care to pay for a single amiibo.

Marketplace / Re: Amiibo Wanted/Trade Thread
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:41:30 pm »
I'm just throwing it out there, not trying to be a scalper or puff my chest, it's just my raging inner collector.

But I have locked down (by that I mean I've paid them all off) Preorders for:

Bowser x2
Toon Link x2
King Dedede x2
Ike x3
Mega Man x3
Sheik x3
Sonic x3
Shulk x3
Meta Knight x3
Lucario x1
Lucario x1 (Japanese import)
Rosalina x1 (Japanese import)

I'm strongly willing to trade any in the future if anyone can help me out in getting a Villager (as he's the only one I'm missing)

Marketplace / Re: Amiibo Wanted/Trade Thread
« on: December 23, 2014, 12:11:57 am »
Captain Falcon is back in stock on Gamestop if people still need one, Shulk is no longer available for preorder

Marketplace / Re: Amiibo Wanted/Trade Thread
« on: December 22, 2014, 02:25:55 pm »
yeah, I just refreshed it and it's already out of stock again

Marketplace / Re: Amiibo Wanted/Trade Thread
« on: December 22, 2014, 02:20:25 pm »
Gamestop's website has Diddy Kong and Captain Falcon available for buy

EDIT: It will not let me add Captain Falcon to my cart, I made it as far as checkout and removed itself

Marketplace / Re: Amiibo Wanted/Trade Thread
« on: December 20, 2014, 10:44:58 pm »
Has anyone spotted Pit yet in a store? There are a few on Ebay, but not enough to suggest they're out there all over the place yet.

From what I understand, Pit, Capt. Falcon and Luigi got really late shipping, supposedly they'll be available around Dec 30th

Marketplace / Re: Amiibo Wanted/Trade Thread
« on: December 20, 2014, 03:19:17 am »
So are they saying that I pretty much need to take my chances on Feb 1st and hope the store has some in stock?

There's a new official statement from Toys R Us, but so far the situation's still shrouded in some mystery.

"We apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused pertaining to customers’ amiibo pre-orders. Please know that we are working on an email communication to all customers effected, which will provide instructions on how we plan to fulfill their order. We thank you for your patience as we work to remedy this situation and ensure our customers receive the products ordered."

Oh no, not TRU, to hell with TRU, they've caused me nothing but grief in the past. If the cancel this pre-order on me they can forget any future business. I was referring to Rosalina.

While I'm at it, does anyone know where i can preorder the japanese Rosalina?

Also, when i'm out shopping Tuesday, I'll look for spare Diddy Kongs, unless you want a Diddy Kong from the french site.

Marketplace / Re: Amiibo Wanted/Trade Thread
« on: December 20, 2014, 01:10:50 am »
So are they saying that I pretty much need to take my chances on Feb 1st and hope the store has some in stock?

Marketplace / Re: Amiibo Wanted/Trade Thread
« on: December 19, 2014, 07:43:49 am »
Lucario is up for preorder as of 7:43am Eastern time

On the topic of pre-orders, I strongly recommend Gamestop's online preordering.
You can pre-order online without having to make a deposit, AND you can pay it off in the store like normal, so you're not throwing $100+ in one sitting.

I currently have on pre-order:
3x Shulk
3x Sonic
2x Mega Man
2x Ike
1x Bowser
1x Shiek
2x Toon Link
1x King Dedede

I also have preorder for Meta Knight at best buy, but I don't reccomend you pre-order online as you'll have a hold charge on your account until it releases. I had to put $5 down on a Meta Knight (which I pre-ordered 3)

After the crap I went through at my local Toys R Us (from not knowing anything about their own product to not honoring a discount), I would never recommend pre-ordering from Toys R Us. Nothing but bad experience from my Legacy Megazord, to my Legacy Titanus, and at least 2 games. Not to mention they charge $1 more than everyone else.

Lucario is the exception

Marketplace / Re: Amiibo Wanted/Trade Thread
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:36:28 am »
I hope Rosalina becomes available for pre-order soon. I have 2 of each Amiibo in the third wave one pre-order (Except for Meta Knight and Shulk, with whom I have 3 of each). I missed Lucario.

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