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Messages - jonathlela

Pages: [1]
is there any update on this matter ?

Is there any progress concerning this matter ?

Sure, I'll wait for the upcoming decisions :).

For the time being, I will adopt these guidelines :

- In the item number field, put the packaging item number.
- In the description field, specify the packaging language(s) and the cartridge item number.
- In the title, add the language code as found on the packaging item number between parenthesis (as the style guide recommends).
- In the alternative title field, put the game title without language code.

Miles Edgeworth should looks like :

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (EUU)
Alt-Name: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Item Number: NTR-C32P-EUU
Description: English/French/German Packaging. Cartrigde is NTR-C32P-UKV.

Advance Wars: Dual Strike :

Advance Wars: Dark Conflict (FRA)
Alt-Name: Advance Wars: Dark Conflict
Item Number: NTR-YW2P-FRA
Description: French Packaging. Cartrigde is NTR-YW2P-EUR.

I think it's the most consistent.

When I began to add and edit my Nintendo DS games on vgcollect, I found out that that the item number from the cartridge often differs from the item number from the packaging.

For example:

- Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, I have NTR-C32P-EUU on the packaging and NTR-C32P-UKV on the cartridge.
- Advance Wars: Dark Conflict, I have NTR-YW2P-FRA on the packaging and NTR-YW2P-EUR on the cartridge.

My guess is that different packagings can hold the same cartridge: Packagings are more region specifics.

For Advance Wars, my packaging (as the manual) is in french (hence the -FRA), but the cartridge is multi-languages and I think it's the same cartridge in the others european packagings (hence the -EUR).

So I'm asking which item number should be in the vgcollect database (for me, it should be the packaging item number).

I think my questioning should apply to others games/packagings, so it may be an already solved issue, but I didn't find an answer in the style guide or in the forum, maybe it should be included in the style guide ?

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