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Messages - zing

Pages: [1] 2
Classic Video Games / Re: Montezuma's Revenge
« on: November 01, 2012, 12:30:04 pm »
I played Montezuma's Revenge quite a bit on my Apple IIc. I recall believing I almost beat the game, although I am not sure if there is even an ending.

Pocky & Rocky

Came with a nifty hard case. The cover is actually the original box, cut to size. I like the idea. I've tried to find more black cases such as this, but it seems they are only currently available in clear.

General / Re: VGCollector Account Help
« on: October 16, 2012, 06:37:22 pm »
Since you had only this single post, and you haven't spent much time on your collection, you could have just re-registered with the correct name.

Modern Video Games / Re: Wii U, who's getting it?
« on: October 16, 2012, 06:33:03 pm »
Even if you don't get the "deluxe" version, that is still $400 after tax just to play a single game.

I enjoy my Wii. I bought it two years after release thanks to Super Mario Galaxy. Looking over my collection, I see seven games I would buy again if I had to. That's approximately one game per year. I have no interest in modern games, but Nintendo's first/second-party games are still enjoyable. Maybe by this time next year, they will have their second game ready for release.

I wouldn't count any free game. If anyone can own it, then why bother? I wouldn't even count online-only games that I did purchase at retail.

Modern Video Games / Re: Wii U, who's getting it?
« on: October 16, 2012, 12:51:05 pm »
I can't bring myself to pay $465 (after tax) for the system plus the only game that interests me (NSMB).

I'm going to wait until there is at least two games I want. :D Plus, I want the system in white without being ripped off.

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: October 16, 2012, 12:32:41 pm »

I see we have the same model TV, although yours appears to be 36"! I actually had a 32", but when I replaced it, I went with the 27" so I could actually carry it up the stairs and move it around: 110lbs compared to 180lbs. The 36" weighs 225lbs if I recall correctly.

Here's an update of mine:

I guess I am not the only one with a TV wearing the Mario hat. Anyone else do this with their hat?

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: October 16, 2012, 12:24:53 pm »

This is pretty tame, mainly because all my games are on shelves in my walk-in closet. This is my Sony 27" CRT, with NES, Super NES, and PSone all connected. I sit on a Sumo Gamer bean bag while playing.

General / Re: RPG vs JRPG
« on: October 16, 2012, 12:23:50 pm »
Been waiting for this one:

Quote from: Sony

General / Re: VGA - Video-game grading.
« on: October 16, 2012, 12:12:38 pm »
It looks like some people are confused about how the market works. Sellers can't just "charge 100 times the value" of a game. They can ask for that much, but it takes two people for a transaction to complete. If someone lists a game for sale at $25,000 and then someone else comes along and buys it at that price, you cannot argue that it was not worth that price for the two people involved.

If multiple sellers are listing, and selling, a particular game at a particular price, then the game is worth that price to those people, period. Just because you may not feel that game sealed in an acrylic case, verified to be a legit factory seal to the best knowledge of people familiar with such things, is worth a premium, there are many people who do.

The true issue with VGA, and grading in general, is that you place the value of your graded item literally in control of the people doing the grading. It is entirely possible that two games in identical condition may receive different grades. VGA in particular has the silver/gold distinction. A grade of 85+ earns a "gold", which commands a significant premium over a game that is "silver". A game right on the border of gold/silver could lose $1000 in value if the reviewer "feels" it is not gold.

Which brings us to...who the fuck are these people *paying* these grossly inflated "graded" prices?!

The same can be said for every level of collecting.

People who collect sealed, but not VGA: "who are these people paying inflated prices for VGA?"
People who collect CIB, but not sealed: "why pay so much for shrink wrap?"
People who collect cart with instructions: "who the hell pays for cardboard?"
People who collect cart-only: "Why pay extra for the manual?"

…and so on.

I'm looking for Goof Troop to play with my daughter. I prefer to have the manual, so even if its CIB, that's fine.

Some other Super NES games I seek:

Contra III: The Alien Wars
E.V.O.: Search for Eden
Harvest Moon
Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinstrals
On The Ball
Spanky’s Quest
The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey and Minnie
Wild Guns

General / Re: What is your worst pickup?
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:54:24 am »
My worst pickup in recent memory would have to be StarCraft II on release day. I played it for about a week. The campaign is boring. Multiplayer is boring. The game is far more enjoyable to spectate than to actually play.

General / Re: The "When SIZE Matters, but, BIGGER doesn't = Better" Topic
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:51:29 am »
My collection is currently comprised of only NES, Super NES, and PlayStation games. At one point, it also included GameCube, GBA, and DS games. After playing a few of the better games on each of those systems, I decided my gaming time would be better spent focusing on the few platforms I played in my youth. I sold off the three latter collections.

I think I am better for it. There is something overwhelming about having too many games to play. It introduces a paralysis that usually leads to sitting around reading about, or posting on forums about, games, instead of actually playing them. I do still have what I could consider a serious amount of gaming in my collection, but the number of games I own is staying relatively static.

I only buy what I play, and I play what I buy. If I am not going to play it, I sell it. My backloggery is in my signature.

Classic Video Games / Re: well this is pointless
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:44:57 am »
Wow...200 bucks + 100 for shipping?

That's all he was asking at the time? He still has three of these lots listed for sale, but he has raised the price! He is now asking $800!

Classic Video Games / Re: Favorite Retro Console
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:39:46 am »
Mine has changed over the past few years. If you had asked me early last year, I would have said the NES. Early this year, and I would say Super NES. Currently, it is the PlayStation. This is rather odd, since earlier this year, I seriously considered selling my entire PlayStation collection.

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